Friday, November 29, 2019
The class struggle in the second half of October
Strike in the Yaroslavl region
October 27, 2019 buses did not go on routes. The fact is that drivers from the small city of Rostov organized a strike. The strikers protested against the decisions of a transport company from the Moscow region, as a result of which they may lose their jobs.
The Lyubertsy company, where drivers from Rostov worked on a subcontract, terminated the contract and attracted people from the neighboring region to cooperate. The Yaroslavl authorities invited Rostov drivers to switch to other routes while maintaining the same salary and social guarantees. But this proposal did not suit everyone.
Strong protest in Dagestan
On October 19, indignant residents blocked the passage along one of the Khasavyurt avenues. The reason for the protest is the systematic shutdown of gas. In some areas, it has not been around for several weeks.
“Why didn’t you inform the people that you had such a problem?” We would buy firewood, would heat the stoves! said one of the protesters to authorities. The people who gathered right there supported her: "There was no light at night either! Mock people!"
In Perm, a rally was held against increasing prices for public transport
On October 19, workers, students, retirees, and unemployed gathered for a protest rally. People at the rally opposed the reform of the transport system and the unjustified increase in the cost of travel in public transport.
Concerned Permians gathered to demonstrate their disagreement with the policies of the city administration, which is systematically destroying the transport system. Familiar, convenient routes are changing, the number of buses is decreasing. In the millionth city, the trolleybus service has been destroyed.
During the rally, signatures were collected against increasing public transport fares to 26 rubles. In addition, the protesters demanded that the regional authorities stop the destruction and closure of the central section of the Gornozavodskaya railway. They recognized the need to provide for the subsidization of passenger transportation in the Perm budget, leave the fare for citizens at the rate of 20 rubles, and also keep the city’s transport network unchanged and split the routes.
In the Rostov region held another picket of miners
On October 26, the miners organized a new protest rally in Gukovo. During the picket, they wrote an appeal addressed to the prosecutor, in which they demanded that the bankruptcy commissioner report on the progress of the underground workings weekly.
With the onset of autumn, the main problem of the miners protesting in Gukovo was the lack of money for heating. At a picket on October 20, miners talked about how they collect firewood to heat their homes due to the lack of coal.
Miners regularly carry out such actions, demanding payment of arrears of wages and rations of coal. The amount of debt to the miners amounted to 102 million rubles.
American workers with the help of the mass strike have achieved some improvement in their material situation
On October 26, 2019, the largest strike of employees of one of the well-known automobile concerns was completed in the United States. The number of its participants exceeded the figure of 50 thousand people. The united union approved a new collective labor agreement.
With the help of the strike, workers achieved lump-sum payments, an increase in wage increases, which should also increase.
Millionth protest in Chile
On October 26, masses of workers, peasants, and representatives of other sectors of society came out to protest.
An anti-government rally in the capital of Santiago brought together more than a million people. Barricades arose, the police used water cannons and tear gas charges.
Workers protested inequality in the country and advocated for changes in social and economic policies. In addition, the audience demanded to end the state of emergency and to withdraw the military.
The fact is that on October 6 in Chile, metro prices rose by 30 pesos. This led to protests. At first, peaceful actions by October 18 grew into clashes with the police. People erected barricades, knocked on pots as a sign of disagreement with the increase in prices. Military and armored vehicles were pulled into large cities. The authorities of Chile amid mass unrest introduced a state of emergency not only in the capital, but also in several other cities. For three nights in a row, curfew was imposed.
Lebanon general strike
On October 21, a mass strike began in the country. Demonstrators blocked the main highway leading to Beirut from the north of the country. Tires and garbage cans barricaded major roads in the capital. On the streets sounded slogans calling for a change in existing power. Police dispersed the demonstrators using tear gas and water cannons. Additional army forces were introduced into the capital.
One of the reasons for the massive discontent was an increase in fuel taxes, communication services, as well as an increase in value added taxup to 15 percent by 2022. Citizens accused the government of corruption and money laundering at the expense of the population. The demonstrators demanded the resignation of all officials and a fair trial.
Mass strike in Italy
On October 25, a general strike began in the country. The main requirements of strikers: an increase in salaries, pensions, as well as the abolition of the increase in the retirement age, which took place as a result of the adoption of the relevant law in 2012.
The action was attended by workers and other employees of both state and private enterprises.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Appeal of the Council of the public organization “Labor Kharkov Region” to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine D. Razumkov
Dear Dmitry Alexandrovich!
We, the members of the Council of the Kharkov public organization “Labor Kharkov Region”, workers of enterprises still not destroyed and retired veterans decided to turn to you, to your mind, which is undoubtedly present, not to commit another crime, which will be fraught with monstrous consequences for the living and subsequent generations of Ukrainians. It's about the intention to sell our land, our homeland.
This crime accepts signs of legalized robbery. We have been through this more than once. Remember the famous dictum of the first president of the traitor of everything and everything - "Do not be penniless at the little box, but not at all for the book"? Well, where is the money? 132 billion Soviet rubles, honestly earned folk money turned into dust. For a decade now, no one recalls these state debts to the people. We understand that in the budget for 2020 there is no mention of this debt?
Do you remember voucher privatization? Each was issued a certificate with seven degrees of protection, people were called on to “become a hairline!”, And as a result, few became the hairworms (in Russian, the owner), and the rest were poor. The tremendous wealth created by generations of Soviet people was not just appropriated, but for the most part destroyed. Tens of thousands of enterprises went bankrupt and turned into a wasteland, like the Hammer and Sickle factory in Kharkov, which produced engines for agricultural machinery. And those that remained, KhTZ, for example, turned into seedy workshops for the production of single products - in 1985 the plant produced 56 thousand tractors, and in this 2019th it was at least 250 to get out of steam.
These are the merits of all previous governments. Do not get in their ranks.
And then, as we are told, the most successful president L. Kuchma destroyed effective collective farms, distributing the land to “private” (ie, owners, private owners), “forgetting”, it is true that the poor villagers do not have the means and equipment to conduct household. And the villagers leased their shares. They were forced. And now, it looks like your team decided to force them to sell their land.
You did not notice that any undertaking of the Ukrainian authorities in the past led to sad, if not harmful consequences.
We are people with vast life experience, we would like to remind you and your colleagues that the land under the Constitution of Ukraine Art. 13, belongs to the people and is located “pid overflowing with protection” - Art. 14 of the Constitution. That is not for you and your team, and not for the president. Do you know how much blood has been shed and human lives laid for all the years and especially during the years of World War II for this land? Surely you know. You are an educated and erudite person. In the same way, you know how much labor has been invested by our fathers, grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers in order to raise Ukraine out of ruin. They worked and said: "It may be difficult for us, but it may be easier for our children." They cared about future generations, but did not know that their children would suddenly decide that they are the last on Ukrainian soil, and those who come after do not deserve to live on their own land, and on the lands of Polish, German, American, Arab, Jewish, Russian, French host. How do you like this prospect?
Or do you hope, just like your “comrades-in-arms”, to buy your compatriots, but will the redneck cost?
We agree that the current owners are powerless, and those who rented units are barbarians and predators overwhelmingly.
Soviet scientists, caring for the future of the country and people, developed scientific standards for managing the land and introduced the concept of crop rotation - a seven-field and nine-field system. This is when one and the same type of crop can get on the same field in seven or nine years. PRESERVED SOIL FERTILITY FOR US, future generations !!
What about today? Corn after sunflower and vice versa. Almost throughout Ukraine, the dominance of three crops - sunflower, corn, wheat. Growing the rest is not profitable. Rod chemical fertilizers into the soil without measure, and then we wonder why sick children are born. It is understandable, then we had 24 million cows, but now we don’t get four. Reformed!
And as a result - rural unemployment !! For the remaining crops, hands are not needed.
When we listen to the apologists of the land market, it seems that they are sick people.
For example - "let the old people sell their shares and live at least for old age." Well, after them, no one has the right to live? Yes, and at the price that is called - 300-700 dollars per hectare slightly "live". And there is an expression even more idiotic - "but they are buying up land, and so this process must be settled." According to this logic, “this is how they play cards for money - let's allow and we will receive income; and we have prostitution, including children’s - let's allow and we will have a profit; and they steal from us - let's settle this process too; and they’re shooting at us, so let’s in some casesIssue licenses if there are “legal” reasons, and we’ll come up with laws .... ”And the criminal situation will immediately change. You look - neither the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor SAP, nor NABU will be needed. Absurdity, you say? - Agree. But this is the logic of individual "people's" deputies. We only clarified their "conclusions." And now let's think about what can happen if you suddenly (we mean the ZE team) realize your sinister plans: you are an educated person and you probably know a popular saying that will be appropriate in this situation - “Everything was fine on paper, but forgot about the ravines! "
There are agreements between unit owners and tenants for, for example, ten years. One (tenant) wants to buy, but the owner does not want to sell. What to do with the contract? It must be dissolved. On what grounds ?? An example of the second. One owner sold the share to the tenant, the second to a third party (he gave more), the third to someone else. Three owners of the antagonist appeared on a single field, which the tenant worked on, and those who did not want to sell appeared. As a result - division, boundaries, litigation, enmity, threats, violence, intimidation, raider seizures, “aunts”, beatings, possibly murders.
Is there a harvest before growing here ?! This is not fiction, it is from the experience of other countries. But if you think about it, then buying their units from the owners is not necessary. Let's imagine that a tenant convinces lessors to take a bank loan secured by land. Moreover, his goal is not to give back the loan (as agreed with the bank). The company did not repay the loan, the bank took the land, and the banker and the former tenant divided the land among themselves for the best price. Well, and what is not an option in our corrupt, devoid of moral principles country?
Well, now to the question that even apologists for the sale of land most concern is the sale to foreigners. You say that it is possible to establish restrictions in the law? Yes, stop joking! There vouchers, too, could not be sold, but as they sold, for a bottle of vodka. Yes, and the revolution is not provided for in our Constitution, and they, according to some, have already taken place more than once.
We live in a country of “unlimited, even by law, opportunities.” If someone influential needs this, especially outside our country ... And for an example, what would prevent a foreigner from finding a distant relative in Ukraine or simply selling his subject for money and mother’s mother, for agreed dividends, would agree to register a hectare of land for him for ten thousand, or how much the law will allow there.
And what will prevent, for example, an Arab from marrying a Ukrainian woman and registering the land of an entire region with her. Arab is an example. It can do that, anyone. Maybe a foreigner can choose a Ukrainian - a lover of a sweet life, or even a “bitter” one.
According to some analysts, millions of hectares of our land are already leased by foreign holdings. So after all, they will be the first in line for the purchase.
Suppose, even if you manage to somehow regulate the procedure for selling land in the primary market, then what about next? Should land be owned by a bank with foreign capital? How can it be limited, especially considering that our country is so "independent" (here in quotation marks) from foreign influence - the State Departments, the IMF and other Evrop ??! Or maybe you are acting in the interests of the American campaign of the Monsanto Company, which has allegedly already built a plant in the Zhytomyr region for the production of GMO seeds of corn and other crops, and sold it to the Bayer campaign?
Is Ukraine a testing ground for the impact of GMO products on the human body of future generations of Ukrainians?
It’s hard for us to accept this, because you can’t help but understand the real consequences of your steps?
Or maybe the essence is different and the program is being implemented, which without fear was voiced in our media and on the Internet, in particular, by someone Igor Berkut, or, in the Jewish manner, Ber Kut? So he said that a “New Heavenly Jerusalem” would be built on the territory of 5 southern regions of Ukraine, where 6 million Jews from Israel and another 12 million from Russia and other CIS countries would be relocated? Jewish banking houses will allocate billions of dollars to IT. The fact that this is open separatism does not raise doubts, but under the previous government they did not dare to touch it, does it mean a real plan? I would like to hear from you, Dmitry Alexandrovich, a refutation or confirmation of such a version of the development of events with the sale of land. Ber Kut said that this is already agreed with everyone, even with Trump and China. In his words, "Ukraine is our cow, and we milk it."
Therefore, our request - do not commit acts for which YOU and your team will curse all future decades!
Dmitry Alexandrovich, not being sure that the clerks surrounding you will give this appeal to you, we will forward it to other deputies for transmission to the media as well.
Adopted unanimously at the meeting
Council of KhOO "Labor Kharkov"
This holiday remained in Soviet times
In autumn, Russia celebrates "Day of Agricultural Workers." The professional holiday is dedicated to the end of the main agricultural work, to the completion of the harvest. In Soviet times, the day of the agricultural worker was celebrated first on the second Sunday of October, then, since 1986, on the third Sunday of November. In 1999, Russian President Yeltsin, by his decree, again defined the second Sunday of October as the day of celebrations. But this decree already looked like a mockery of the villagers: there was nothing to celebrate. Agriculture was destroyed and continued to be systematically destroyed.
How does the village live today? It is clear that in the village there was a class division: the former collective farmers and state farm workers turned into wage agricultural workers, and they are exploited by the “new kulaks” and the latifundists - owners of argos enterprises. But in the case of the Russian village, it is not just about the restoration of capitalism, but about the destruction of the village - with the real extinction of people. The Russian village, under false stories about "import substitution," continues to be destroyed in the interests of international capital.
The rural population in Russia today is 25% of the total population of the country. That is, one in four Russians lives “in the countryside”. The share of peasants in the population of Russia is steadily decreasing: for example, back in 2001 the percentage of rural residents was 27%.
In absolute terms, according to Rosstat, there was also a decrease from 39.2 million people up to 37.3 million people That is, the Russian village is not developing, but is slowly dying out.
It is worth noting that the number of villagers would be even smaller if not for the joining of Crimea. So, in 2014, the number of villagers has already dropped to 37.1 million people, but thanks to the infusion of new citizens into the Russian population, in 2015 it “jumped” to 38 million people. And then it continued to decline - to the current 37.3 million.
In 2018, the natural decline in the rural population was 2.9%. This, of course, is not the situation in 2001, when this figure reached 7.3%, but the trends are the same. Since 2001, there has not been a single year in a Russian village that would demonstrate population growth. Only 2013 gave, there was little hope for a rectification of the situation: this year the growth became zero. But the next year, 2014, returned to negative values.
For comparison, we can say that things were better in the city: there was a small natural population growth in 2013-2016. (However, many experts are sure that the "gain" appeared as a result of fraud by Rosstat with numbers.)
Moreover, the total fertility rate in rural areas is even higher than in the city. So, per woman in the village there are 1.87 children, while in the city this figure is 1.48.
Life expectancy in the countryside is less than in the city. According to official data for 2018, the villager lived on average 76 years, while the townswoman lived 78 years. For men, the picture is similar: 66 years live in the village, while in the city - 68 years. It turns out that village men die almost when they reach retirement age. However, many people consider the statistics to be false, but in reality the villagers live even less.
The atmosphere of life in the village is complemented by another terrible figure - the number of suicides. In total, in 2018, 18 thousand 206 people settled accounts in Russia. As we remember, every fourth Russian is a resident of the village, but among the suicides of the villagers in percentage terms - more. 10 thousand 806 suicidal citizens had 7 thousand 400 villagers who resorted to suicide. That is, more than a third of suicides are residents of the countryside.
90 years ago, the Soviet village was rapidly transforming: a new, collective farm life was replacing the patriarchal way of life, the dominance of the rich, hard work. Tractors and combines came to the fields, schools, hospitals, and cultural centers were built in rural areas. The educational and cultural level of the villagers increased. The Communist Party of the Bolsheviks proclaimed a course to overcome the differences between town and country, which meant a further rise in the standard of living in the village, providing the villagers with all the benefits that the townspeople have.
Today, the rich again reign, and the working people are hunchbacked for a penny. The villages are empty, schools, hospitals and FAPs are closing, and cultural houses in many towns already gaping empty sockets, turning into "abandoned houses." Alcoholization of the population has become catastrophic.
Only a new socialist revolution can stop the process of reaction and degradation. Only the union of rural workers with the urban proletariat for the sake of victory in the class struggle against the capitalists will return to the people of labor the prospect of a happy life.
Until then, the Russian peasant has nothing to celebrate ...
Dar Vetrov
Friday, November 15, 2019
The class struggle in the first half of November
Miners' strike in the Kemerovo region
On November 11, 2019, over 50 workers at the Oktyabrsky mine site, located in the Polysaevo area, began a strike. They said they would not go to work until they were paid off wage arrears.
In September, 13.767 million rubles were not paid to Oktyabrsky employees.
The site is part of the Zarechnaya mine.
Strike in Tyumen
On November 11, local taxi drivers went on strike. The dissatisfaction of drivers was caused by a decrease in their earnings.
Taxi drivers first announced a 2-hour strike, and then announced the resumption of the action at rush hour: from 17:30 to 20:00. The protest was expressed in the fact that drivers simply did not take orders.
- We generally stopped making money. We decided to go on strike ... On Sunday we met with the guys and agreed on everything. On Monday morning, from seven to nine in the morning they didn’t take applications ... About 300 of us were, said one of the strikers.
Workers rally in North Ossetia
In Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz) on November 9, a rally of employees of the Electrozinc enterprise was held, which was closed this year. The fact is that the authorities did not fulfill the promise to employ factory workers, and as a result entire families were left without a livelihood. The protesters demanded the resumption of the enterprise.
The owners of "Electrozinc" in April decided to stop the last two workshops and start activities to preserve the plant. As a result, more than 1.1 thousand workers and other employees of the enterprise fell under the reduction.
Mass protest in Syktyvkar
On November 9, a rally was held in the capital of the Komi Republic against the construction of a landfill at the Shies station. Despite the cold, about five thousand people came to the event.
Syktyvkar activists, as well as opponents of the construction site from the Arkhangelsk region, spoke at the rally. The Syktyvkarians went to the rally with banners, where it was written: “Defend the Shies”, “The North is not a garbage dump”.
At the end of the rally, activists read out a resolution where they demanded to cancel the construction of the landfill. Recall that at the end of July 2018, trees were cut down at the Shies station in Urdom of the Arkhangelsk region, and later they began to import special equipment and building materials. Officially, they say that an ecotechnopark for waste processing will be built on the site of the railway station, but the residents of the village are confident that a giant landfill will appear next to them for landfill from other regions of the country.
The working people of Ukraine strongly opposed the sale of land
On Monday, November 11, protests took place in many regions of the republic. They were united by the slogan against the sale of land.
Protests took place in 13 regions - Vinnitsa, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Ternopol, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyr, Odessa, Poltava, Volyn, Rivne and Lviv.
Protesters called for the recall of bills on the land market. At the same time, in some regions, protesters blocked roads. Draft law No. 2178-10 "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Turnover of Agricultural Land" is included in the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada.
"Yellow vests" in France came out under anti-capitalist slogans
On the next Saturday, November 9, 2019, mass rallies and demonstrations were again held in many cities of the country.
In Montpellier, a large demonstration deviated from the indicated route, and people tried to break through the police fence to the train station. Police officers used tear gas and batons against the demonstrators. The demonstrators were holding banners with the slogans "Capitalism is preventing us from living," "The poor are hiding in hell, the rich live in paradise."
The protest rally also took place in Toulouse, where it was calmer, but in the end the police still dispersed the protesters with tear gas. In Strasbourg, three demonstrators were injured. The demonstrators chanted slogans against President Macron, openly called for rebellion and revolution. November 17, 2019 marks one year since the start of the Yellow Vests protests.
Catalan workers struggle for independence
On November 9, supporters of the country's separation from Spain held demonstrations and rallies in Barcelona and other cities. They not only once again argued for the independence of Catalonia, but also demanded the annulment of the Supreme Court’s verdict against activists involved in organizing the independence referendum on October 1, 2017.
Many of the demonstrators said they were going to protest until the main goal - the Catalan Republic - was achieved.
Strike in Germany
On November 7, flight attendants and pilots of the country's largest airline launched a protest.
As a result, 700 flights were canceled at many airports in Germany, including the air harbors of Munich and Frankfurt. The strike took place after it became known about the failure of negotiations with the authorities on improving working conditions and raising salaries.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Our dear comrades in the common struggle for socialism!
Our like-minded friends in Russia and abroad!
The Central Committee of the AUCPB congratulates all of you on a great holiday -
The 102nd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which heralded the whole world about the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind - the transition from criminal animal capitalism (imperialism) to communism, to a society functioning in the interests of the working man, in the interests of those who create all the wealth on planet earth!
70 years of activity of the Soviet Union - a state of equal peoples, nations and nationalities - has shown that socialism is capable of freeing a person from capitalist and feudal slavery, is capable of surprisingly efficiently and quickly developing the productive forces of society, and thereby providing a person with unprecedented opportunities for the comprehensive development of personality.
The toughening of the most acute class struggle between the two antagonistic formations - capitalism and socialism, which won in World War II - due to the inability of the higher party nomenclature of the CPSU and its ideological structures to scientifically develop the theory of Marxism-Leninism in the new historical conditions of the second half of the twentieth century and, as a result, the frenzied anti-Stalinist propaganda, starting with the CPSU Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev - led with the direct support of the United States and its satellites to weaken Socialism and the destruction of the USSR.
The counter-revolution in the USSR of the 90s temporarily triumphed, causing a powerful blow to the international communist and labor movement. But this is only a temporary departure from the movement of civilization to a new, socialist formation on the planet.
The advance of mankind historically has almost always been accompanied by temporary retreats. And now we are witnessing a natural growth of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist movement throughout the world. The future of mankind lies with Socialism.
The heroic 70 years (and especially the period 1917-1953) of the victorious construction of socialism in the USSR are a unique historical experience in the development of the productive forces of society that ensured the victory of Socialism over the fascist obscurantism of the imperialist stage of capitalism. This experience will no doubt be in demand in the future.
Congratulating our like-minded people on the 102nd anniversary of the Great October Revolution, we wish you all good health and good luck in our common struggle for Socialism against imperialism and fascism, which raised its head 75 years after its defeat in World War II.
I would like to end our congratulations to like-minded people with the words from the song
(A. Pakhmutova, words by N. Dobronravov)
And the battle continues again. And the heart is anxious in the chest.
And Lenin is so young. And young October is ahead!
Overview of the labor movement in the second half of October 2019
strike in the Yaroslavl region
October 27, 2019 buses did not go on routes. The fact is that drivers from the small city of Rostov organized a strike. The strikers protested against the decisions of a transport company from the Moscow region, as a result of which they may lose their jobs.
The Lyubertsy company, where drivers from Rostov worked on a subcontract, terminated the contract and attracted people from the neighboring region to cooperate. The Yaroslavl authorities invited Rostov drivers to switch to other routes while maintaining the same salary and social guarantees. But this proposal did not suit everyone.
Strong protest in Dagestan
On October 19, indignant residents blocked the passage along one of the Khasavyurt avenues. The reason for the protest is the systematic shutdown of gas. In some areas, it has not been around for several weeks.
“Why didn’t you inform the people that you had such a problem?” We would buy firewood, would heat the stoves! said one of the protesters to authorities. The people who gathered right there supported her: "There was no light at night either! Mock people!"
In Perm, a rally was held against increasing prices for public transport
On October 19, workers, students, retirees, and unemployed gathered for a protest rally. People at the rally opposed the reform of the transport system and the unjustified increase in the cost of travel in public transport. Concerned Permians gathered to demonstrate their disagreement with the policies of the city administration, which is systematically destroying the transport system. Familiar, convenient routes are changing, the number of buses is decreasing. In the millionth city, the trolleybus service has been destroyed.
During the rally, signatures were collected against increasing public transport fares to 26 rubles. In addition, the protesters demanded that the regional authorities stop the destruction and closure of the central section of the Gornozavodskaya railway. They recognized the need to provide for the subsidization of passenger transportation in the Perm budget, leave the fare for citizens at the rate of 20 rubles, and also keep the city’s transport network unchanged and split the routes.
In the Rostov region held another picket of miners
On October 26, in the city of Gukovo, the miners organized a new protest rally. During the picket, they wrote an appeal addressed to the prosecutor, in which they demanded that the bankruptcy commissioner report on the progress of the underground workings weekly.
With the onset of autumn, the main problem of the miners protesting in Gukovo was the lack of money for heating. At a picket on October 20, miners talked about how they collect firewood to heat their homes due to the lack of coal.
Miners regularly carry out such actions, demanding payment of arrears of wages and rations of coal. The amount of debt to the miners amounted to 102 million rubles.
American workers with the help of the mass strike have achieved some improvement in their material situation
On October 26, 2019, the largest strike of employees of one of the well-known automobile concerns was completed in the United States. The number of its participants exceeded the figure of 50 thousand people. The united union approved a new collective labor agreement.
With the help of the strike, workers achieved lump-sum payments, an increase in wage increases, which should also increase.
Milliont strong protest in Chile
On October 26, masses of workers, peasants, and representatives of other sectors of society came out to protest. An anti-government rally in the capital of Santiago brought together more than a million people. Barricades arose, the police used water cannons and tear gas charges.
Workers protested inequality in the country and advocated for changes in social and economic policies. In addition, the audience demanded to end the state of emergency and to withdraw the military.
The fact is that on October 6 in Chile, metro prices rose by 30 pesos. This led to protests. At first, peaceful actions by October 18 grew into clashes with the police. People erected barricades, knocked on pots as a sign of disagreement with the increase in prices. Military and armored vehicles were pulled into large cities. The authorities of Chile amid mass unrest introduced a state of emergency not only in the capital, but also in several other cities. For three nights in a row, curfew was imposed.
Lebanon general strike
On October 21, a mass strike began in the country. Demonstrators blocked the main highway leading to Beirut from the north of the country. Tires and garbage cans barricaded major roads in the capital. On the streets sounded slogans calling for a change in existing power. Police dispersed the demonstrators using tear gas and water cannons. Additional army forces were introduced into the capital.
One of the reasons for the mass discontent was the increase in fuel taxes, communicationservants, as well as raising the value added tax to 15 percent by 2022. Citizens accused the government of corruption and money laundering at the expense of the population. The demonstrators demanded the resignation of all officials and a fair trial.
Mass strike in Italy
On October 25, a general strike began in the country. The main requirements of strikers: an increase in salaries, pensions, as well as the abolition of the increase in the retirement age, which took place as a result of the adoption of the relevant law in 2012.
The action was attended by workers and other employees of both state and private enterprises.
Information of the Central Committee of the AUCPB
On November 2, 2019 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in Petrodvorets, the reception of German comrades from the leadership of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) took place. During a long conversation, topical issues of international politics, the state of the workers' and communist movements, and also the features of work among modern youth were discussed. The issue of expanding the sphere of interaction in Europe along the lines of the Unified Anti-Imperialist Anti-Fascist Front was also discussed. The German comrades handed N.A. Andreeva with a donation of the author's inscription book by Egon Krenz "We and the Russians."
Egon Krenz - a great friend of the Soviet Union, still remains faithful to communist convictions, the last Secretary General of the SED Central Committee (Socialist Unified Party of Germany and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR from October 18 to December 1989); replaced Erich Honecker at these top posts; witness of the fall of the Berlin Wall - November 9, 1989 (until that moment, the Berlin Wall without the knowledge of Egon Krenz was open for easy access - on the morning of November 9, 1989); witness to the surrender of the GDR to the West by the GDR and the bloc of Warsaw Treaty countries ("Gorbachev betrayed us"); He is an ardent accuser of the criminal activity of Gorbachev at the international level.
We recommend reading the article by E. Krenz in “Owls. Of Russia ”:
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