Monday, May 7, 2018

AUCPB and international May Day events report (cont'd)



Primorye Territorial Organization of the AUCPB at the May Day demonstration

The May Day demonstration of Communists in Vladivostok took place despite the rain. AUCPB members  together with activists of other leftist organizations of the Primorsky Territory marched along Svetlanskaya Street to the monument of V.I. Lenin the Privokzalnaya Square, where the meeting took place.

During the event, the latest available copies of the newspaper Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer were distributed.


Izhevsk Bolsheviks mark Mayday


Mayday 2018 march in Havana, Cuba


On May 1 2018 in Caracas. a memorial to Karl Marx is unveiled


Novosibirsk: A true May Day rally

 On the Day of International Workers' Solidarity on May 1 in Novosibirsk, communists from the AUCPB and the Russian Communist Workers Party organized a real May Day rally at the Globus Theater. At the rally, we unfurled banners with May Day slogans, red flags and portraits of our leaders, Lenin and Stalin.

The current bourgeois power distorts the true content of the Mayday. In Novosibirsk on Lenin Square in the spirit of "class collaboration", there was a joint meeting, "holiday" by "EdRo" and the Social Democratized Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) . This clearly shows that the KPRF, which came to power, pursues a policy of consensus with the bourgeoisie. It is no coincidence that the Novosibirsk people, deceived interest-holders took part in our, May Day rally. And what should they celebrate with the ruling power? .. "A father died in battle with the fascists for his country, for his people, but his daughter  has been  fighting the war against the capitalist for 10 years . "Thank you" for the long-term construction of the children of war, the NSO is an area of ​​lawlessness"- such were  the posters came out from the shareholders.

We, the Communists, have held our own, real May Day! And no matter how hard it is for us today to work, we will not falter in the chosen path, and we will win, because we have the truth of history behind us.

The first of May is the struggle of the working people for their rights to a normal human life, for peaceful labor, for freedom and equality!

The first of May is a struggle for the restoration of socialism and our homeland-the USSR!

The first of May is the Day of Workers' Struggle Against Imperialism, against Wars, for Peace in the World!

The first of May is the Day of struggle against the criminal anti-human capitalist system, for the victory and establishment of communism in the whole world!

Long live Day of the First of May!

Long live the Day of International Workers' Solidarity!

The proletarians of all countries and the oppressed peoples of the world, unite!

 A.V. Denisyuk

AUCPB, Novosibirsk