Saturday, May 25, 2019
Almost four months have passed since the start of the coup d'état in Venezuela inspired by the United States. Washington failed to overthrow Maduro, despite the fact that initially American propaganda claimed that the coup was a matter of days, at least weeks. In the logic of the hawks that control the Trump administration policy, this action was seen as the ultimate onslaught against left and progressive forces around the world. Today is Venezuela, tomorrow there will be Nicaragua, Bolivia or Cuba. It was an attempt to implement Trump's main election slogan: “Let's make America great again”! In a simple way: we will maintain the status of the United States as the undisputed world imperialist master.
But something went wrong. A direct attack in the UN Security Council failed - the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China vetoed the anti-Venezuelan resolutions proposed by the United States. Rome does not recognize oppositionist Juan Guaiido as interim president of Venezuela. Full support for Maduro was expressed by a number of countries: Iran, Syria, Egypt, the DPRK, Turkey, of course Cuba, Bolivia and others.
Maduro was strongly supported by the People’s Republic of China. Essentially necessary medicines are coming from China to Venezuela, we are talking about two million units, the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment reported. So it turns out that Venezuela in 2019 for the United States is not at all the same as the "banana republic" of Guatemala in 1954.
The army is still loyal to the legally elected president Maduro. In many enterprises, distribution of food packages is organized. As the Deputy Chairman of the Venezuelan Unified Socialist Party, created by Hugo Chávez, said in an interview with TASS, the country's government sends about $ 120 million to social assistance every month. The ordinary people of Venezuela remember well all the good things that they received during the presidency of Chavez and Maduro, all that they had learned from friendly Cuba. Therefore, supporters of President Maduro dance from the heart in the streets of Caracas to the songs with the words Yankee go home. Caracas is collecting signatures against US interference in Venezuela’s affairs. The collection of signatures will be held "on every square, in every barracks, in every school and in every factory."
Former leader of the rock band Pink Floyd Roger Waters spoke about the political situation in Venezuela: “Stop this American madness, leave the Venezuelans alone. They have real democracy, stop destroying it so that one percent of the population can appropriate all the oil reserves. ”
Turning to the Americans, Maduro said: “We live in historical times. These are the days that will determine the future of our countries between war and peace. Those who represent you in Washington want to bring to our borders the same hatred that they have sown in Vietnam. They want to invade and intervene in the affairs of Venezuela - as they said then and say now - on behalf of democracy and freedom. The story of the alleged usurpation of power in Venezuela is as false as the story of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. ”
S.V. Khristenko
The blockade of Venezuela - a crime against humanity
One of the favorite themes of reactionary “liberal” media in recent years has been the economic difficulties of Venezuela. A country that has proclaimed a policy of building socialism is being severely attacked by the United States and its lackeys, suffering from an economic blockade imposed by the imperialists. But the bourgeois media of Venezuela’s economic difficulties caused by the blockade are trying to pass off as “the consequences of the transition to socialism”.
Here it is time to recall the famous saying of V.I. Lenin about the reactionary media: “One method of the bourgeois press always and in all countries turns out to be the most current and“ unmistakably ”valid. Lie, make a noise, scream, repeat a lie - “something will remain”. ” More than a hundred years have passed since Ilyich noticed this peculiarity of bourgeois journalism, but ... Nothing in this regard has changed since that time.
What are the real consequences of US economic sanctions for their satellites against Venezuela?
A few years ago, the national economy was going uphill, poverty was declining in the country, millions of people were gaining access to health care and education, and their material well-being was improving. In recent years, the situation has begun to change for the worse.
The US goal is to create a “humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela, to cause appearances of disgruntled people against the power of the socialist party, and if this is not enough, intervene with the help of military force. “The pressure campaign on Venezuela is working. The financial sanctions we imposed ... forced the government to begin defaulting on both the sovereign debt and the debt of the oil company PDVSA. And we see ... a complete economic collapse in Venezuela. So our policy is working, our strategy is working, and we will stick to it, ”said the cynical statement of the US Department of State on January 9, 2018.
“We have to do this, knowing that it will affect millions of people who already have difficulties with food and medicine,” said William Brownfield, a former US ambassador to Venezuela, with frankness to the cannibal.
“Sanctions” in practice constitute a blockade of the economy, finance and international trade of Venezuela. The economic and financial blockade has impeded Venezuelans' access to food, medicine, basic goods and international financing, which has affected Venezuela’s economic performance since 2015. Due to the terrible consequences for the population and the impact on the life and health of the Venezuelan people, the economic and financial blockade is a deliberate act of mass violation of the human rights of the Venezuelan people, which should be considered a crime against humanity, said UN Special Rapporteur on promoting sustainable democratic order Alfred de Zayas.
A ban on operations with debt instruments of the oil company PDVSA has been announced. There was a "freezing" of assets of CITGO in the United States, which are the property of the Venezuelan state. Produced closure of foreign accounts belonging to Venezuelan institutions and enterprises. The transnational financial system fails to process financial transactions to or from Venezuela and delays in processing them. There was a freezing and withholding of funds from Venezuela, gold and other assets. Transnational pharmaceutical companies refused to supply drugs purchased by Venezuela. There has been a blockage of sending and confiscating food consignments by governments hostile to Venezuela.
The pursuit of PDVSA activities led to the loss of jobs in the national oil industry and had a negative impact on the industry. The blockade caused a fall in domestic economic activity in Venezuela and international trade. There was a rise in prices for foreign currency, triggering speculative attacks on the national currency. The blockade led to shortages and shortages of food, medicine and basic industrial goods. The outflow of capital, denials of credit, the increase in the cost of international credit for Venezuela caused huge financial losses to the republic.
The value of PDVSA assets under US jurisdiction and frozen in the United States was $ 30 billion. The Bank of England refused to Venezuela to return more than $ 1.2 billion in gold bars. Approximately the same amount keeps the financial company Euroclear.
The consequences of the blockade led to the fact that in the oil sector of Venezuela - the country's most important industry - from August 2017 to October 2018 there was a decrease in production by 500 thousand barrels per day. The decline in national income was 17 billion dollars. The investment in the Orinoco oil belt has slowed dramatically.
The economic blockade has seriously affected the availability of food. The number of available kilocalories for Venezuelans has decreased by 39% over the past four years, and the availability of proteins has decreased by almost half in the same period.
If in 2005 - 2015 Venezuela showed achievements in reducing hunger
and the UN Food Organization declared the country free of hunger, then in 2017 the prevalence of malnutrition among children exceeded 5% of the child population. The number of children suffering from acute malnutrition exceeded 145 thousand people, and the number of children suffering from chronic malnutrition reached 381 thousand people.
The consequences of the blockade in the field of health are terrible. The imperialists want to prevent Venezuela from having access to raw materials, medicines and medical equipment in order to provoke a health crisis. The American bank Citibank is blocking funds intended for the importation of 300 thousand doses of insulin, as a result of which more than 450 thousand people with diabetes have suffered. The purchase of 2 million units of the antimalarial drug has been blocked. The BSN medical laboratory in Colombia refused to release the medicine after payment was received, and the company that made the transaction was subject to US sanctions.
The Swiss bank UBS blocked Venezuela’s vaccine procurement program for the 2017 vaccination program. This case forced Venezuela to look for alternatives in banks in other countries, which led to a four-month delay in the implementation of the vaccination program.
There was a refusal by pharmaceutical multinational companies Pfizer and Novartis to sell medicines, reagents and consumables for the treatment of chronic diseases. Among the drugs that Venezuela could not buy were medicines for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, immunosuppressants, reagents and materials for laboratories.
The retention of Venezuelan funds by Euroclear has also damaged the procurement of medicines and equipment. There has been a blocking of financial transactions for the purchase of immunoderivatives, in particular immunoglobulin.
Spanish bank Santander has blocked financial transactions for the purchase of spare parts for cardiovascular surgery equipment for children. More than 800 programs in the Pediatric Heart Hospital of Venezuela could not be implemented due to the inability to purchase these spare parts.
60 years ago, similar events unfolded around revolutionary Cuba. The US capitalists, dissatisfied with the victory of the revolution on the island, imposed an economic blockade of the republic. But the Cuban revolutionaries headed by F. Castro did not fear the difficulties, accelerated the socialist transformations and found new friends in the person of the USSR and China, developing economic relations with them.
The government of S. Allende in Chile tried to go a different way about half a century ago. The Chilean socialists did not dare to make radical changes in the country, and soon, during the economic blockade and the difficulties caused by it, they lost power.
Which way will Venezuela go? South American Republic today is more difficult than Cuba. A reliable friend of Venezuela is only Cuba, which has retained its freedom. But, although “new capitalists” are now in power in Russia and China, it is possible to use their “inter-imperialist contradictions” with the USA and develop economic relations with these countries.
But the main thing: the future of Venezuela depends on how the popular character of the ruling United Socialist Party will be preserved. If Venezuelan socialists show determination in the matter of expropriating the local oligarchy and transferring the country's wealth to the people, then ordinary people will not be afraid of the blockade and foreign threats. Then Venezuela will emerge victorious in the unfolding struggle for its future. If the Venezuelan socialists retreat, surrender, then the future of the country will be even darker.
Do not give up, Venezuelan comrades, and you will win!
Dar Vetrov
Propaganda and agitation among the masses of the working class was and remains the most important direction of the political activity of the Communists. Not detachment from the masses, but the closest connection with them, not to put oneself above the masses, but to go ahead of the masses, leading them behind them, not alienate themselves from the masses, but merge with them and gain the trust and support of the masses - this is the basic principle of the communist party relationship and working class.
Already in the first policy document of Marxism, The Communist Party Manifesto contains important provisions on the methodology of communist propaganda. The great teachers of the working class attached primary importance to the class education of the proletariat. They wrote that for a minute it was impossible to stop working out among the workers the clearer possible consciousness of the hostile opposition between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. An important quality of the revolutionary propagandist K. Marx and F. Engels considered the ability to write and speak for the masses vividly, figuratively, easily. “In order to act with any chances of success, you need to know the material you are going to influence,” wrote Marx.
For the first time in Russia, under the leadership of Lenin, the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class began to unite socialism with the workers' movement. When a strike occurred in a factory, the Union of Struggle immediately responded by issuing leaflets, issuing socialist proclamations. These leaflets denounced the harassment of workers as factory owners, explaining how the workers should fight for their interests. The prominent role of the book “What is to be done?” by V. I. Lenin is well known, in which he, developing the ideas of Marx and Engels about the proletarian organization, developed the fundamentals of the theory of the revolutionary Marxist party. In this work, the scientific foundations of party propaganda are laid out in a concentrated form, the principles of explanatory work, and the need to take social psychology into account in the political education of the masses are justified.
In the first place in the revolutionary agitation of the Communists is the proletarian masses, the working class — the ideal audience for political work, since the working class is more than anyone capable of assimilating political knowledge and translating this knowledge into active struggle. The work of the Communists and in the reactionary trade unions is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes it is directly obligatory, because reactionary trade unions have millions of workers, and the Communists do not have the right to refuse to join these trade unions, find a way to the masses and win them over to the side of communism. But representatives of the liberal ideology, in whatever clothes they don’t wear (like the Yabloko), are the sworn enemies of the proletarian revolution and socialism. They need to lead a stubborn, uncompromising struggle.
Agitation among the politically undeveloped masses must initially capture the masses with a concrete picture of one or another revolutionary action, and then go one step higher - the whole Marxist world view as a whole. The introduction of consciousness into the labor movement should be based on such elements of social psychology as discontent, indignation, resentment, indignation, protest, and the like. An integral feature of revolutionary propaganda and agitation is the principle, rationale and consistency in exposing opportunism, the enemies of the working class, their fake programs, social demagogy and lies.
Partyism is the highest principle of communist propaganda, which predetermines the possibility of the realization of other fundamental requirements - science, truthfulness, connection with life. The communists not only do not hide, but also emphasize the partisanship, the classiness of propaganda, while the imperialist ideologists are trying in every way to disguise the class essence of their ideological activity, trying to present it as non-partisan, supraclass, reflecting supposedly nationwide, national interests.
Teaching people to think independently, act and conquer is the main goal of party propaganda, the main purpose of the political education of the masses. The most important task of the party is the education of combat propagandists, agitators, organizers of the masses, thinking, creative revolutionaries, every performance of which, every leaflet, should be a call to action, to fight. In the book “What to do?” V. I. Lenin gave a classical justification and comprehensively revealed the dialectics of introducing socialist consciousness into the spontaneous working-class movement. "The political education of the people is our banner, this is the meaning of the philosophy of the whole."
On the difference between propaganda and agitation. Unlike the propagandist, who illuminates many ideas, the agitator takes one of them to encourage people to think and act. The task of propaganda is to clarify the ideas of scientific socialism, to disseminate among workers the right views about the modern social and political system, its development, about various classes of society, about their relationship and struggle, about the historical task of the communists. Agitation is associated primarily with current events, with everyday life, with facts that worry people today, with tasks whose solution cannot be postponed until tomorrow. This implies such requirements for agitation as topicality, efficiency, concreteness, and the closest connection with organizational work. Therefore, agitation is a means of political influence on the masses by explaining current events and facts, the immediate tasks of the revolutionary struggle, a means of mobilizing the masses. But no less theoretical preparation is required from an agitator than a propagandist explaining the general tasks of the movement, for it is impossible to discern a concrete fact, a specific event through the prism of revolutionary science without theoretical analysis. Of course, the emotional moment in agitation is more important than in propaganda. But in all cases the main thing is the impact on the mind, the consciousness of people.
For the victory of the revolution, if this revolution is truly popular, exciting millions of people, it’s not enough just correctness of party slogans. For the victory of the revolution, it is necessary that the masses themselves be convinced by their own experience of the correctness of these slogans. Only then can the slogans of the party become the slogans of the masses themselves. Only then "ideas become power when they take possession of the masses." It is necessary to set tasks broader and bolder in the conditions of the revolutionary struggle, to ensure that the party’s slogans always go ahead of the revolutionary initiative of the masses and serve as a beacon for them.
How to campaign and promote? What should always be remembered when speaking at a rally, composing a combat leaflet, evaluating the content of a party newspaper? What requirements should we make to ourselves when starting this work? You need to be able to work with the human material that is available. There will be no other. When analyzing any events and phenomena, asking yourself questions: “to whom is it advantageous?”, “Which class?”, “Which party?”, “The interests of socialism or its opponents?”. Without answering the most important, fundamental questions one cannot take a single step neither in propaganda, nor in agitation, nor in organization.
Truthfulness - and a propagandist and agitator, sincerity, the absence of any artificiality, pranksiness, false pathos in a conversation with people, taking into account their social psychology, the unity of word and deed - the most important quality of communist propaganda. Any deception is the greatest harm to the cause of the revolution, for it would be a crime to conceal from the workers and peasants the hard truth. We must tell the masses the bitter truth simply, clearly, directly. As if Lenin's words are addressed to us, living today: "Do not be afraid to admit your mistakes, not be afraid of repeated, repeated labor of correcting them - and we will be at the very top". It is also important that truthfulness is not only clarification of the essence of processes, phenomena, scientific, objective coverage of events and facts, positive and negative aspects of a particular phenomenon. This is the depth of the propagandist’s own convictions, irreconcilability towards formalism in work, “pretense”, and insincerity.
Never in propaganda and propaganda can not get away from sensitive issues! After all, when a person sees such a “departure” he has an opinion: one propagandist says something, but another in life. This, if I may say so, “propaganda” only contributes to the emergence of people with a “double bottom”, who have some words for public use and others with themselves. The basis, the uniting factor for all agitation and propaganda work are the party's program documents, its most important decisions.
The art of every propagandist and every agitator is to influence the given audience in the best way possible, making the known truth for it as convincing as possible, perhaps easier to assimilate, perhaps more clearly and firmly imprinted. The party policy is easiest of all; revolutionary views are assimilated when propaganda and agitation take into account people's life experiences, are connected with what excites, takes the audience, what is experienced and felt. Maximum popularity and simplicity is one of the most important principles of Bolshevik propaganda and agitation.
A few words about the opposition rallies. What is their meaning and what should be done on them? Well, of course, someone from the party members present, or sympathizers, should speak to the audience and convey to them the party position on the rally, of course, all present party members and sympathizers should be distributed (in advance?) Party newspapers and leaflets for distribution to participants of the rally. No less important are conversations with the participants of the rally (this may be theoretical disputes, and establishing contacts with kindred people. Such people can be an asset to sympathizers of the party, people carrying ideas and views of the party to the masses). It is very useful to establish contacts with working activists, future organizers of strikes. So it turns out - attending a rally can be (and should be!) A fruitful direction of party work.
The current bourgeois time, of course, is much different from the pre-revolutionary one. Perhaps one of the most important differences is that powerful ideological “press
”Which has been putting pressure on people's minds for the last thirty years, day by day forming a“ anti-socialist ”,“ anti-communist ”world view of millions of people through radio, television, the Internet, newspapers and other channels. A powerful anti-communist charge was laid by the “democrats” = liberals in the minds of people already in the years of “perestroika”. This is a cannibalistic attitude towards Stalin, towards the so-called “Stalinist repressions,” and this is endless speculation about the real, and more often imaginary, mistakes of Soviet power.
In recent years, millions of people have increasingly understood the falsity of the “democratic” falsifications of Soviet history and communist ideology. But even now the “ideological traffic jam” in the minds of people is still very, very powerful. To fight this phenomenon, to expose it clearly, objectively, necessarily with irrefutable facts in its hands is, perhaps, the most important and most difficult task of today's communist agitation and propaganda. Continuing imaginative comparisons, one can say that this is a “powerful wall”, fencing off people from the truth and, to a large extent, from their own personal interests, giving all the working people at the mercy of the bourgeois. You will not bypass this wall, you will not find "loophole". How to be? Here, perhaps, Lenin's words are useful: “To live in the thick. Know the mood. To know everything. Understand the mass. Be able to approach. To win her absolute trust. ” You need to know the people you convince. And we must not take it with a cry, but with iron persuasiveness, not with emotions, but with facts.
In the ideological struggle with the bourgeois, in the struggle uncompromising, irreconcilable, only a well-organized, broad attack on the ideological positions of the enemy can bring success. “Our main task is,” said I.I. Lenin, “in order to counter its truth in opposition to the bourgeois“ truth ”and force it to be recognized.”
It is necessary to fight against the pseudo-truth about bourgeois democracy, about so-called human rights, about press freedom and Soviet “censorship”, about the true meaning of “pluralism”, to clarify that class states were and are the dictatorship of an exploiting minority over an exploited majority, meanwhile as the dictatorship of the proletariat is the dictatorship of the exploited majority over the exploiting minority, to bear the real truth about the allegedly “leveling” invented by bourgeois under socialism and communism.
We, the Communists, clearly say about revolution: revolution cannot satisfy everyone and everything. It always works with one side to satisfy the interests of the working masses, with the other end it beats (often weighty) secret and obvious enemies of these masses. Therefore, it is necessary to choose: either together with the working and peasant poor for the revolution, or together with the capitalists against the revolution.
Revolutionary changes in society usually occur outwardly as if "unexpectedly." It would be stupid to argue in the spirit - let's wait for the immediate revolutionary situation. Here it comes - then we will prepare very energetically, coordinate, learn and speak in full armor. Such "comrades" can expect to assemble at the Revolution only when it is already safely completed. Not earlier.
The most important issue is the active work of the Communist Party in labor collectives, helping workers in organizing strikes — both strikes defending the economic interests of workers and political strikes — the most important means of political struggle of the working class. A separate material will be devoted to this topic in one of the future issues of the Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer.
The material was prepared by S.V. Khristenko
Already in the first policy document of Marxism, The Communist Party Manifesto contains important provisions on the methodology of communist propaganda. The great teachers of the working class attached primary importance to the class education of the proletariat. They wrote that for a minute it was impossible to stop working out among the workers the clearer possible consciousness of the hostile opposition between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. An important quality of the revolutionary propagandist K. Marx and F. Engels considered the ability to write and speak for the masses vividly, figuratively, easily. “In order to act with any chances of success, you need to know the material you are going to influence,” wrote Marx.
For the first time in Russia, under the leadership of Lenin, the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class began to unite socialism with the workers' movement. When a strike occurred in a factory, the Union of Struggle immediately responded by issuing leaflets, issuing socialist proclamations. These leaflets denounced the harassment of workers as factory owners, explaining how the workers should fight for their interests. The prominent role of the book “What is to be done?” by V. I. Lenin is well known, in which he, developing the ideas of Marx and Engels about the proletarian organization, developed the fundamentals of the theory of the revolutionary Marxist party. In this work, the scientific foundations of party propaganda are laid out in a concentrated form, the principles of explanatory work, and the need to take social psychology into account in the political education of the masses are justified.
In the first place in the revolutionary agitation of the Communists is the proletarian masses, the working class — the ideal audience for political work, since the working class is more than anyone capable of assimilating political knowledge and translating this knowledge into active struggle. The work of the Communists and in the reactionary trade unions is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes it is directly obligatory, because reactionary trade unions have millions of workers, and the Communists do not have the right to refuse to join these trade unions, find a way to the masses and win them over to the side of communism. But representatives of the liberal ideology, in whatever clothes they don’t wear (like the Yabloko), are the sworn enemies of the proletarian revolution and socialism. They need to lead a stubborn, uncompromising struggle.
Agitation among the politically undeveloped masses must initially capture the masses with a concrete picture of one or another revolutionary action, and then go one step higher - the whole Marxist world view as a whole. The introduction of consciousness into the labor movement should be based on such elements of social psychology as discontent, indignation, resentment, indignation, protest, and the like. An integral feature of revolutionary propaganda and agitation is the principle, rationale and consistency in exposing opportunism, the enemies of the working class, their fake programs, social demagogy and lies.
Partyism is the highest principle of communist propaganda, which predetermines the possibility of the realization of other fundamental requirements - science, truthfulness, connection with life. The communists not only do not hide, but also emphasize the partisanship, the classiness of propaganda, while the imperialist ideologists are trying in every way to disguise the class essence of their ideological activity, trying to present it as non-partisan, supraclass, reflecting supposedly nationwide, national interests.
Teaching people to think independently, act and conquer is the main goal of party propaganda, the main purpose of the political education of the masses. The most important task of the party is the education of combat propagandists, agitators, organizers of the masses, thinking, creative revolutionaries, every performance of which, every leaflet, should be a call to action, to fight. In the book “What to do?” V. I. Lenin gave a classical justification and comprehensively revealed the dialectics of introducing socialist consciousness into the spontaneous working-class movement. "The political education of the people is our banner, this is the meaning of the philosophy of the whole."
On the difference between propaganda and agitation. Unlike the propagandist, who illuminates many ideas, the agitator takes one of them to encourage people to think and act. The task of propaganda is to clarify the ideas of scientific socialism, to disseminate among workers the right views about the modern social and political system, its development, about various classes of society, about their relationship and struggle, about the historical task of the communists. Agitation is associated primarily with current events, with everyday life, with facts that worry people today, with tasks whose solution cannot be postponed until tomorrow. This implies such requirements for agitation as topicality, efficiency, concreteness, and the closest connection with organizational work. Therefore, agitation is a means of political influence on the masses by explaining current events and facts, the immediate tasks of the revolutionary struggle, a means of mobilizing the masses. But no less theoretical preparation is required from an agitator than a propagandist explaining the general tasks of the movement, for it is impossible to discern a concrete fact, a specific event through the prism of revolutionary science without theoretical analysis. Of course, the emotional moment in agitation is more important than in propaganda. But in all cases the main thing is the impact on the mind, the consciousness of people.
For the victory of the revolution, if this revolution is truly popular, exciting millions of people, it’s not enough just correctness of party slogans. For the victory of the revolution, it is necessary that the masses themselves be convinced by their own experience of the correctness of these slogans. Only then can the slogans of the party become the slogans of the masses themselves. Only then "ideas become power when they take possession of the masses." It is necessary to set tasks broader and bolder in the conditions of the revolutionary struggle, to ensure that the party’s slogans always go ahead of the revolutionary initiative of the masses and serve as a beacon for them.
How to campaign and promote? What should always be remembered when speaking at a rally, composing a combat leaflet, evaluating the content of a party newspaper? What requirements should we make to ourselves when starting this work? You need to be able to work with the human material that is available. There will be no other. When analyzing any events and phenomena, asking yourself questions: “to whom is it advantageous?”, “Which class?”, “Which party?”, “The interests of socialism or its opponents?”. Without answering the most important, fundamental questions one cannot take a single step neither in propaganda, nor in agitation, nor in organization.
Truthfulness - and a propagandist and agitator, sincerity, the absence of any artificiality, pranksiness, false pathos in a conversation with people, taking into account their social psychology, the unity of word and deed - the most important quality of communist propaganda. Any deception is the greatest harm to the cause of the revolution, for it would be a crime to conceal from the workers and peasants the hard truth. We must tell the masses the bitter truth simply, clearly, directly. As if Lenin's words are addressed to us, living today: "Do not be afraid to admit your mistakes, not be afraid of repeated, repeated labor of correcting them - and we will be at the very top". It is also important that truthfulness is not only clarification of the essence of processes, phenomena, scientific, objective coverage of events and facts, positive and negative aspects of a particular phenomenon. This is the depth of the propagandist’s own convictions, irreconcilability towards formalism in work, “pretense”, and insincerity.
Never in propaganda and propaganda can not get away from sensitive issues! After all, when a person sees such a “departure” he has an opinion: one propagandist says something, but another in life. This, if I may say so, “propaganda” only contributes to the emergence of people with a “double bottom”, who have some words for public use and others with themselves. The basis, the uniting factor for all agitation and propaganda work are the party's program documents, its most important decisions.
The art of every propagandist and every agitator is to influence the given audience in the best way possible, making the known truth for it as convincing as possible, perhaps easier to assimilate, perhaps more clearly and firmly imprinted. The party policy is easiest of all; revolutionary views are assimilated when propaganda and agitation take into account people's life experiences, are connected with what excites, takes the audience, what is experienced and felt. Maximum popularity and simplicity is one of the most important principles of Bolshevik propaganda and agitation.
A few words about the opposition rallies. What is their meaning and what should be done on them? Well, of course, someone from the party members present, or sympathizers, should speak to the audience and convey to them the party position on the rally, of course, all present party members and sympathizers should be distributed (in advance?) Party newspapers and leaflets for distribution to participants of the rally. No less important are conversations with the participants of the rally (this may be theoretical disputes, and establishing contacts with kindred people. Such people can be an asset to sympathizers of the party, people carrying ideas and views of the party to the masses). It is very useful to establish contacts with working activists, future organizers of strikes. So it turns out - attending a rally can be (and should be!) A fruitful direction of party work.
The current bourgeois time, of course, is much different from the pre-revolutionary one. Perhaps one of the most important differences is that powerful ideological “press
”Which has been putting pressure on people's minds for the last thirty years, day by day forming a“ anti-socialist ”,“ anti-communist ”world view of millions of people through radio, television, the Internet, newspapers and other channels. A powerful anti-communist charge was laid by the “democrats” = liberals in the minds of people already in the years of “perestroika”. This is a cannibalistic attitude towards Stalin, towards the so-called “Stalinist repressions,” and this is endless speculation about the real, and more often imaginary, mistakes of Soviet power.
In recent years, millions of people have increasingly understood the falsity of the “democratic” falsifications of Soviet history and communist ideology. But even now the “ideological traffic jam” in the minds of people is still very, very powerful. To fight this phenomenon, to expose it clearly, objectively, necessarily with irrefutable facts in its hands is, perhaps, the most important and most difficult task of today's communist agitation and propaganda. Continuing imaginative comparisons, one can say that this is a “powerful wall”, fencing off people from the truth and, to a large extent, from their own personal interests, giving all the working people at the mercy of the bourgeois. You will not bypass this wall, you will not find "loophole". How to be? Here, perhaps, Lenin's words are useful: “To live in the thick. Know the mood. To know everything. Understand the mass. Be able to approach. To win her absolute trust. ” You need to know the people you convince. And we must not take it with a cry, but with iron persuasiveness, not with emotions, but with facts.
In the ideological struggle with the bourgeois, in the struggle uncompromising, irreconcilable, only a well-organized, broad attack on the ideological positions of the enemy can bring success. “Our main task is,” said I.I. Lenin, “in order to counter its truth in opposition to the bourgeois“ truth ”and force it to be recognized.”
It is necessary to fight against the pseudo-truth about bourgeois democracy, about so-called human rights, about press freedom and Soviet “censorship”, about the true meaning of “pluralism”, to clarify that class states were and are the dictatorship of an exploiting minority over an exploited majority, meanwhile as the dictatorship of the proletariat is the dictatorship of the exploited majority over the exploiting minority, to bear the real truth about the allegedly “leveling” invented by bourgeois under socialism and communism.
We, the Communists, clearly say about revolution: revolution cannot satisfy everyone and everything. It always works with one side to satisfy the interests of the working masses, with the other end it beats (often weighty) secret and obvious enemies of these masses. Therefore, it is necessary to choose: either together with the working and peasant poor for the revolution, or together with the capitalists against the revolution.
Revolutionary changes in society usually occur outwardly as if "unexpectedly." It would be stupid to argue in the spirit - let's wait for the immediate revolutionary situation. Here it comes - then we will prepare very energetically, coordinate, learn and speak in full armor. Such "comrades" can expect to assemble at the Revolution only when it is already safely completed. Not earlier.
The most important issue is the active work of the Communist Party in labor collectives, helping workers in organizing strikes — both strikes defending the economic interests of workers and political strikes — the most important means of political struggle of the working class. A separate material will be devoted to this topic in one of the future issues of the Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer.
The material was prepared by S.V. Khristenko
May 9 in Irkutsk
For the first time, representatives of the AUCPB (All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks) are participating in public events in the Irkutsk region!
Victory Day in London
Andy Brooks pays tribute to the fallen
In the Morning…
by New Worker correspondent
MILLIONS of Russians took to the streets last week to celebrate Victory Day and the surrender of the Third Reich on 9th May 1945. Every year, the Russian Federation celebrates the defeat of Nazi Germany with parades and processions across the country including Moscow, where a massive parade in the capital showcased modern Russia’s military might.
Similar tributes to the millions of Soviet soldiers and citizens who died in the struggle to defeat the Nazis in the Second World War were held in much of the former Soviet Union, western Europe and the rest of the world.
In London, New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks joined veterans, diplomats and local dignitaries at the ceremony that’s held every year at the Soviet War Memorial in the shadow of the Imperial War Museum in south London.
Hundreds of people, including many from the Russian community in London, gathered around the Memorial in Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park in Southwark on Thursday 9th May to mark the 74th anniversary of the Allied victory over fascism in 1945.
British, Soviet and Norwegian war veterans marched to the monument to start the act of remembrance that was opened by Catherine Rose, the Mayor of Southwark, and addressed by Philip Matthews from the Soviet Memorial Trust Fund and Russian Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko.
This was followed by the laying of floral tributes by Southwark councillors, diplomats from the countries of the former Soviet Union, British and Soviet veterans, and friendship associations.
Officials from the Marx Memorial Library, the NCP and other communist movements laid their wreaths and flowers at the memorial that was unveiled on 9th May 1999. This was followed by the solemn Soviet lament, The Final Chord, sung by the choir of the Russian Embassy school in London, the Last Post and two minutes silence to remember those who gave their lives in the struggle for freedom during the Second World War.
Finally the Russian ambassador invited everyone to join him in a toast to victory at the nearby marquees where vodka, wine and Russian food awaited them.
…And the Afternoon

at Trafalgar square, London
Many then went on to Trafalgar Square to join the ‘Immortal Regiment’ parade, called by the Russian community in Britain to honour those that fell in the fight against fascism that is called the Great Patriotic War in most of the former republics of the USSR.
Londoners, including many members of the Russian ex-pat community, held portraits and Soviet emblems as they remembered those who had died in the Second World War, including veterans, partisans, concentration camp victims and home-front workers.
Starting in Trafalgar Square the parade moved on to Westminster shouting 'Ura!' and singing Russian war-time favourites such as Kalinka and Katyusha. Both young and old joined the rally, complete with signs and banners showing to all Londoners the history of the Great Patriotic War.
RAF veteran Gareth Fearn told the Russian media that he joined the rally to support his girlfriend but also said that it was important to commemorate those who served in the Red Army for their sacrifices.
"I attended to support my girlfriend but also I served in the Royal Air Force.
“I think it's unimportant which country you're from. I think it's important to remember all of those who served in the war regardless of which side they served on.
"I think it's important to celebrate not just on 9 May but on every type of Remembrance Day, and I think it's important to continue that from generation to generation because if we didn't, we'd be living in a very different world. If it wasn't for these people, we'd be living in a different world today.”
Another marcher dressed in Soviet uniform said that Remembrance Day was important to remember and held deep meaning for his family.
"It's our Remembrance Day. My great-grandfather died in this war and it holds a lot of meaning for us. As soon as people forget one war, another will happen after that."
Posted by london communists
May 9, Ilsky village, Seversky district, Krasnodar region
Participating in the march organized by the village administration, in honor of the Great Victory of the Soviet people over German fascism, the members of the AUCPB carried out vivid agitation and propaganda among the masses and among the youth through the distribution of the Bolshevik press: newspapers and leaflets.
Derbeda L.A.
May 9, Minsk - the capital of Belarus
In Minsk on May 9, the action "Immortal Regiment" was held, still with obstacles and in a "truncated" form
The preparatory work for the гер Immortal Regiment ’action on Victory Day in the hero-city of Minsk, the public associations of Belarus that formed the Unity Coordination Council, began in advance. Activists of the action submitted an application for registration of the Public Association “Immortal Regiment” twice (09/14/2018 and 11/12/2018) to the justice department of the Minsk City Executive Committee and both times were refused. On March 27, 2019, the founders of the NGO “Immortal Regiment” filed a complaint against the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee to the Minsk City Court, but the Ministry of Justice also refused to allow the complaint. The applicants disagreed with this verdict of the Minsk City Court, finding it illegal and unreasonable. Therefore, on 12.04.2019 they filed an appeal to the judicial division in civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus.
Without waiting for a decision on the registration of the NGO "Immortal Regiment", the leaders of the OET "Fatherland" (VB Zelikov), the PO DSP (VV Draco) and the RPO SKPS (L. Ye. Schoolchildren) submitted an application to the Minsk City Executive Committee the action "Immortal regiment" on Victory Day in the hero-city of Minsk. The action included a procession of veterans, working people, youth with portraits of participants of the Great Patriotic War and laying flowers at the Victory Monument and the Eternal Flame in Victory Square. In 2018, the Minsk City Executive Committee initially refused a similar request, but after sending a letter to Belarusian President A.G. Lukashenka and the talks personally with the chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee A.V. Shorts, the procession along the stated route was still allowed.
This year everything was different, the applicants of the action twice (April 24, 2019 and May 03, 2019) were invited to the Minsk City Executive Committee to resolve the issue of holding the “Immortal Regiment” action. The officials of the Minsk executive authorities gave the applicants a written negative reply, in which they were signed by the deputy chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee A.N. Tsurana reported: “Considering the above, the Minsk City Executive Committee cannot allow the holding of this mass event.” Justification - The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Mass Events in the Republic of Belarus” and the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee “On the determination of places for holding mass events in Minsk”, where Independence Avenue (the central avenue in Minsk) does not fall.
Then, orally, the officials proposed two options: the first option - they allow the procession not along the central avenue of the city, but on Kommunisticheskaya side street, and for a fee; the second option is a collection at the House-Museum of the 1st congress of the RSDLP with our attributes, followed by passage to Victory Square (about 100 meters) and laying flowers to the Eternal Flame in Victory Square. The amount that had to be paid with the first option (in case ten thousand participants of the march gather) was equal to 6375 Belarusian rubles, which corresponds to 3000 dollars.
Of course, the applicants do not have such money, so they agreed to the second option. However, the very fact of demanding money for a procession with portraits of the victorious relatives is outraged! Is it possible to arrange a business trade in the sacred for our people Victory Day? Unless it was impossible on that day to allow the march along the central avenue for free? As far as is known, they have never thought of this anywhere else. Reason refuses to believe that this is happening in Belarus, where every third resident of the republic died in the last war. This is blasphemy, this is immoral.
* * *
In accordance with the verbal agreement with officials of the Minsk City Executive Committee, on May 9, at 10.00, the Immortal Regiment rally gathered at the House-Museum of the 1st Congress of the RSDLP. Among those who gathered were people of different ages, there were many young people and children. In their hands were portraits of participants of the Great Patriotic War, in the design of which pride was felt for their relatives.
The Bolsheviks came with the standard AUCPB, portraits of VI. Lenin and I.V. Stalin, the flags of the USSR and the BSSR, banners “Glory to the Red Army!”, “Our cause is just - victory will be ours! - I.V. Stalin "and" All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) - the organizer and inspirer of the Victory of the Soviet people "and a copy of the Banner of Victory.
The mood of the crowd was elevated, although many expressed dissatisfaction with the ban of the procession of the "Immortal regiment in the center of the city. They sang songs of wartime, including “Katyusha”, “Get up, great country”, “Gunners, Stalin gave an order”, etc.
Correspondents of local and foreign media talked with the participants of the action. Answering the question of the correspondent of the local site TUT.BY “Why the participants of the action“ Immortal regiment ”do not join the state event“ Belarus remembers ”, the author of these lines answered:
“The Soviet Union collapsed, the army was taken apart and now blasphemously hauled away the memory of our common victory in national apartments, this is unacceptable. The action “Belarus remembers” ... We agree, we also remember. But we firmly remember that not only Belarusians fought for the liberation of Belarus: they were Russians, Tatars, Kazakhs, and other peoples of the great Soviet Union. We keep the memory of our common victory. Some say that the action "Immortal regiment" is Russian. It is not right. This is an international action! And today more than 90 countries of the world take part in it. It is incomprehensible to the end why our action “Immortal Regiment” is being put in constant obstacles.
At the end of the state event, the participants in the action "Immortal Regiment" were sent directly to Victory Square, where they laid flowers at the Eternal Flame.
After laying flowers, the participants of the Immortal Regiment, gathered on the steps of the Victory Monument, took pictures on its background and sang again military songs.
Then the members of the AUCPB and our supporters built a “Bolshevik rank” with attributes brought on the site in front of the Victory Monument and continued to work among those gathered. They handed out leaflets of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Communist Party "Happy Victory Day!" To the Victory Square and distributed the Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer, Revolution and Forward.
Thus, despite the obstacles of bourgeois power, the action of the “Immortal Regiment” in Minsk on Victory Day, though in a “trimmed” form, did take place. Moreover, thanks to the attributes of the AUCPB, leaflets and newspapers, the political direction of the commitment to Soviet ideals was given. The media of the Belarusian nationalists on this occasion went berserk and frigid, throwing mud at the Bolshevik activists, who were holding the portraits of V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin.
But the wind of history is blowing in our direction, more and more people are becoming under the Red Banner of Victory, which is inseparable from the great people of V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin.
V. B. Zelikov
Friday, May 17, 2019
May 9 - Victory Day in the city of Pyatigorsk
In Pyatigorsk, on May 9, 2019, the year of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Generalissimo of the USSR Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, on the 74th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Pyatigorsk city party organization of the AUCPB took active participation in a demonstration dedicated to this date.
Along the movement of the festive columns of the demonstrators, compositions from the red flag of the AUCPB were displayed with a mirror image of the leaders V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin, red flags with a sickle and a hammer, a banner: "THE ALL-UNION COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE BOLSHEVIKS" and various banners with the image of I.V. Stalin and his Bolsheviks-marshals of the Victory, the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 with the image of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and the throwing of standards and flags of fascist Germany at the foot of the Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow, the image of 30 heroes of the USSR - Pyatigorsk with the State Emblem of the USSR.
On the other side of the composition, AUCPB Standards was assigned, which carried out propaganda work, distributed newspapers and red flags with a hammer and sickle and with a portrait of I.V. Stalin with the inscription: "VICTORY NAME - JOSEPH VISSARIONOVICH STALIN".
An open ceremonial meeting of the Pyatigorsk party organization of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, was held.
Long live the 74th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people over fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945!
Glory to the Generalissimo of the USSR, Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and the CPSU (B.) - to the organizers and leaders of the Victory of the Soviet people over the German fascist invaders!
North Caucasus Bureau of the Central Committee of the AUCPB
9 May Murmansk
Bolsheviks of Murmansk on the march of the "Immortal Regiment" on May 9, 2019. For the Motherland! For Stalin!
Our goal will be socialism! Gratitude to the Russian people
In the Central Committee of the AUCPB addressed to N.A. Andreeva received many greetings from abroad on the occasion of Victory Day. We publish one of them.
Dear comrades and friends of the Bolsheviks of the Communist Party!
On the eve of the 74th anniversary of the liberation of the German people from fascism by the Soviet army on May 8, 2019, we would like to express our gratitude and deep attachment to the Russian people.
Unfortunately, since fascism in Europe (and not only in Ukraine) is raising its head today, we would like to assure you that in the future, as a small part of the peace movement, we will stand up for the observance of international law and, in this context, against all aggressive wars in the world.
Our goal will be socialism!
Red front!
Bridget Queck, "Mothers Against War Berlin-Brandenburg"
Simferopol 9 May
Simferopol AUCPB organization in the column of the Immortal regiment, when laying flowers on the grave of the Unknown Soldier. A minute of silence at the Eternal Flame
May 9, Leningrad
In Leningrad, according to information agencies, more than one million people took part in the demonstration of the Immortal Regiment on May 9th. The demonstration took place along the central, Nevsky Prospect of the city, which was filled with people from the beginning of the avenue to Palace Square (4.5 km long), and lasted for several hours. This year in comparison with the last year there were more portraits of I.V. Stalin and many more red flags and banners, including flags with the emblem of the USSR.
The material was prepared by the press photographer of the Leningrad AUCPB organization Maxim Ismailov
Immortal regiment dedicated
Goes in formation "Immortal regiment",
And in it fathers and our grandfathers!
All who saintly performed duty
In the name of righteous Victory!
For each - its own war,
Its a difficult way, its fatigue!
But the Motherland is always the same
And we got it peaceful!
At the cost of innumerable ills
At the cost of losses and heroism ...
The world grew by the number of victories
And the Fatherland was famous for them!
They fought to the end:
So honor and conscience understood!
While their hearts were beating,
They gave themselves a victory!
Few came from the war
They are so young!
"Immortal ..." great-grandsons are strong,
We look at the eyes of the living!
Eyes - in the eyes, face - in the face,
In order not to know spiritual laziness!
We look at the eyes of the Fathers
Great power of generations!
We are in the years of peaceful silence,
We meet heavenly dawns ...
Thank you, sons of war,
Heroes of the righteous Victory!
We vow to preserve the fragile world,
And your feat of praise for centuries!
Carry the thread
And light, holy MEMORY!
Happy Victory Day!
Lysenko E.M., May 9, 2019, Leningrad
Friday, May 10, 2019
May Day in Vladivostok
On May 1, in Vladivostok, as in many cities of the country, there were 2 demonstrations - the official one and ours, the communist one. Not many people took part in the communist demonstration, about 500 people, but the convoy looked impressive. We were joined by defrauded real estate investors, who this time were deceived by the state. After the demonstration, a rally was held near the monument to V.I. Lenin, on which the deceived real estate investors were also given the floor to speak. In the morning this day there was a fine rain, which was pretty much wetting the official demonstration, but by noon it stopped, and our demonstration was already on quite good weather. The central news on Channel 1 and Russia-1 showed only an official demonstration, not a word about us.
AUCPB, Vladivostok
AUCPB, Vladivostok
In Novosibirsk, what a year that perverted and debased May Day - the Day of international solidarity of the working people in the struggle against capital, for socialism. On the Lenin square in the framework of the policy of compromise with the bourgeoisie held a joint rally of the Communist Party and the "United Russia". Lenin Square was surrounded by turnstiles, and people were not allowed to rally. Allowed only those who walked in the columns of the Communist Party and the EP. The people who came to the rally were outraged. They did not let us either with our newspapers "Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer" and "Revolution". Therefore, we distributed them at the exit of the turnstiles. Distributed more than 500 newspapers. Next year we, the Bolsheviks, will hold our own, real May Day rally.
AUCPB, Novosibirsk
AUCPB, Novosibirsk
Congratulations on May 1 from abroad
The Central Committee of the AUCPB addressed to N.A. Andreeva received many greetings from abroad. We publish one of them.
Dear Nina Alexandrovna!
I cordially congratulate you and your comrades on our upcoming military holidays on May 1 - the Day of International Solidarity of Working People in the Struggle Against Imperialism, and on the VICTORY DAY over Hitler's fascism.
These days, when we have to fight for the very holding of these holidays in conditions of restored revanchist capitalism, it is especially important to feel the shoulder of our comrades, who unfortunately are not so many, but they exist, and this is our happiness. Never before have the communists had it so difficult, so difficult ... But, as Lenin said, we are walking along a narrow path along a cliff, holding hands tightly, and no one will fall into the abyss while we are together.
On behalf of our comrades from the United Anti-imperialist Anti-Fascist Front, the "Bulwark of Bulgaria" and the Bulgarian Slavic Movement, I convey to you the wishes of good health, vigorous energy, success in our common cause - in the struggle to get out of the "kingdom of necessity into the kingdom of freedom", socialism and communism.
Our cause is just, VICTORY will be ours.
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Dear Nina Alexandrovna!
I cordially congratulate you and your comrades on our upcoming military holidays on May 1 - the Day of International Solidarity of Working People in the Struggle Against Imperialism, and on the VICTORY DAY over Hitler's fascism.
These days, when we have to fight for the very holding of these holidays in conditions of restored revanchist capitalism, it is especially important to feel the shoulder of our comrades, who unfortunately are not so many, but they exist, and this is our happiness. Never before have the communists had it so difficult, so difficult ... But, as Lenin said, we are walking along a narrow path along a cliff, holding hands tightly, and no one will fall into the abyss while we are together.
On behalf of our comrades from the United Anti-imperialist Anti-Fascist Front, the "Bulwark of Bulgaria" and the Bulgarian Slavic Movement, I convey to you the wishes of good health, vigorous energy, success in our common cause - in the struggle to get out of the "kingdom of necessity into the kingdom of freedom", socialism and communism.
Our cause is just, VICTORY will be ours.
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May Day meeting in Irkutsk
On May 1, the Irkutsk regional organization of the AUCPB held in Irkutsk, together with its allies in the communist movement, separately from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the May Day rally.
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