Monday, February 17, 2020

February 6 would have been 78 years since the birth of Kim Jong Il

On February 16, the DPRK celebrates a commemorative date - 78 years (1942) from the birth of Comrade Kim Jong Il - the eternal -General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Great Leader of the DPRK, the Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army, the Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the DPRK, the son of the great Leader of the Comrade Kim Il Sung, Generalissimo (2012, posthumous). Comrade Kim Jong Il had a large number of awards and titles from around the world.

Comrade Kim Jong Il was a talented political, state, party and military leader, ideologist and leader of the Korean Labor Party, who developed the theoretical designs of Kim Il Sung before the theory and practice of socialist construction of Juche socialism in the DPRK. Unlike the Great Leader, comrade Kim Il Sung, who considered the Juche ideological principles created by him as a political science based on the theory of Marxism-Leninism, comrade Kim Jong Il in his theoretical writings (and his successor comrade Kim Jong-un) regarded Juche as an original original theory not related to Marxism-Leninism. Note that the three main postulates of the Juche theory - independence, independence, self-reliance - were basic in the construction of Soviet statehood I.V. Stalin since the creation of the USSR in December 1922 and throughout the history of the Stalinist period of the functioning of the USSR. I.V. Stalin, as you know, was an outstanding personality, a major theoretician of Marxism-Leninism, who developed the teachings of the founders of the theory under the conditions of victory and successful construction of socialism in the USSR. His theoretical works represented and now represent a huge contribution to the treasury of Marxism-Leninism, the study of which opens up broad prospects for the successful revolutionary struggle of the oppressed masses for their liberation from the oppression of imperialism. Theoretical works of I.V. Stalin is carefully studied throughout the world by everyone who is now fighting against modern fascist imperialism for socialism.

Under Kim Jong Il,  the WPK set as a fundamental goal - to build a prosperous socialist state. Under the leadership of comrade Kim Jong Il, this task was successfully implemented. For the DPRK, which has a large shortage of acreage due to the mountainous landscape of the country, during the reign of Kim Jong Il, a grandiose reconstruction of all the territory possible for agricultural use was carried out, which made it possible to get rid of the need to import the main traditional food of the Koreans - rice. Now the country itself provides itself with this important agricultural product, which is very important in the face of constant, ever-tougher year-on-year comprehensive sanctions by the United States, seeking to strangle the DPRK with hunger.

Under Kim Jong Il, animal husbandry (goat farming), fish farming, and gardening (on the slopes of hills and mountains) were developed from scratch. Kim Il Sung dreamed that every Korean could have an apple every day for food. In general, the food program in the DPRK under Kim Jong Il was successfully resolved.

In the same years, the DPRK's energy problem was solved by building a mass of power plants on small rivers (there are no others in Korea), asphalt roads were built, railway communication between the leading cities of the country was developed. At the modern level, there are enterprises producing coal, minerals, gold, and uranium ores. Successful housing construction has been carried out in cities and rural areas with the provision of free, comfortable housing to everyone in need, especially young families. Great successes have been achieved in the field of medical services for the population in remote regions. High development has reached science and education. The entire youngest population of the country is fully provided with (naturally free) kindergartens and kindergartens. Thus, under Kim Jong Il, the organization of the life of the people in the DPRK was carried out at a very high level of amenities and welfare. In other words, the quality of life of Koreans in the city and in the countryside has significantly improved.

Constant threats from the United States to launch a preventive nuclear strike on the DPRK with the aim of overthrowing the socialist system in the country and killing the country's leader forced the DPRK to withdraw from the NPT (January 11, 2003) (the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - signed by the DPRK in 1985 under Kim Ir Sene) and actually engage in the creation of their own nuclear weapons - the only real means in the current context of confronting American gangster imperialism. According to the leaders of the DPRK, withdrawing from the NPT is "a legitimate measure of self-defense against the intentions of the United States to strangle the DPRK by force." The DPRK conducted its first underground nuclear test on October 9, 2006. In May 2010, North Korea announced successes in thermonuclear fusion and that the country could increase its nuclear warheads hundreds of times. On February 12, 2013, the DPRK successfully announcednuclear test. But this is already under Kim Jong-un. North Korea's nuclear program was developed under Kim Jong Il.

Under Kim Jong-un, an intercontinental ballistic missile was created capable of reaching the west coast of the United States ... This fact and subsequent tests of the DPRK of its weapons forced the United States to negotiate with Kim Jong-un, trying to trick him into nuclear disarmament from the DPRK. These negotiations, of course, did not lead to anything.

We, AUCPB, welcome the DPRK leadership’s peaceful policy aimed at increasing the well-being of the people and enhancing defense capabilities in the interest of peace in northeast Asia.

On a memorial day on February 16, we celebrate the enormous role of Comrade Kim Jong Il in achieving the successful construction of a prosperous independent socialist state of the DPRK. We wish the country of morning calm with new significant successes along this path under the leadership of its leader Comrade Kim Jong-un.

Central Committee of the AUCPB