Saturday, April 25, 2020
International Youth Solidarity Day
According to the decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDM), the International Day of Youth Solidarity is annually celebrated on April 24. The holiday was first celebrated in 1957, and the date for its holding was timed to coincide with the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asia and Africa.
The initiative for the "International Day of Youth Solidarity" belongs to the World Federation of Democratic Youth - an international anti-imperialist organization. According to the organizers, this day should draw the attention of the world community of all countries of the planet to the problems of social protection of youth, the need to create and pursue youth policy, help young people to get an education, and also to solve the problems of cultural education and leisure of youth.
For the first time, "International Day of Youth Solidarity" was celebrated in 1957, and then it was called "International Day of Youth Solidarity in the struggle against colonialism, for peaceful coexistence," however, over time, the first four words have remained from the original name.
Is it easy to be young in modern society - it depends on the ability of youth to unite to solve their problems.
As for the traditions of this holiday, before it was celebrated very widely. On the International Day of Youth Solidarity, congresses, concerts and other celebrations were held. Their main goal was to emphasize the lofty goal of friendly unification of peoples, collectivism, to strengthen internationalism, to demonstrate the desire to unite efforts in the struggle for the rights of youth, to unite it to solve their problems. But with the collapse of the USSR, all this practically came to naught, and now this date is celebrated sporadically, as a rule, on the initiative and with the support of various left-wing youth and public organizations.
Young people today make up 18% of the world's population. About 85% of the world's youth are in developing and poor countries.
In our country, it is customary to classify citizens aged 14 to 30 as youth. In Russia, their share is about 31 million people - this is 21.5% of the total Russian population.
One of the main problems of Russian youth can be called a high level of unemployment. At the same time, working youth is subjected to capitalist exploitation and various forms of discrimination. Another, no less acute problem is the lack of housing for young people and young families.
The youth of our country also faces problems in obtaining education, with social insecurity, drug addiction, alcoholism, the spread of AIDS, etc.
These problems of youth can be solved only by eliminating the modern capitalist system. However, there is a feedback here: the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of the youth themselves.
In the spaces of the destroyed USSR, working and studying young people, having realized their class interests, are joining the ranks of the All-Union Young Guard of the Bolsheviks (VMGB) to fight against capitalism, for the socialist system. The VMGB is led by the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (VKPB).
The slogan of youth solidarity is now acquiring a new, revolutionary sound. This means that the times when youth throughout the world will again celebrate proletarian holidays of solidarity will come again.
Vyacheslav Smolensky
On the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin
(Copy and paste below links to view photos)
150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin in Irkutsk
On April 22, the Irkutsk branch of the AUCPB held in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin rally along the city streets and laid flowers at the monument to Vladimir Ilyich
Novosibirsk: flowers to Lenin in honor of his anniversary
April 22, members of the AUCPB in honor of the 150th anniversary of V.I. Lenin laid at the monument to V.I. Lenin Square Lenin's red carnations. Because of the coronavirus, any public events in Novosibirsk were banned. Therefore, we did not hold a traditional picket on Sq. Lenin, and laid only flowers.
Despite the fact that the authorities forbade leaving the house “without emergency”, threatening a fine of 15 thousand rubles, people came all day and laid flowers at the monument to this greatest man.
We also decided on this memorable day to pay tribute to the loyal disciple and continuer of Lenin’s case, I.V. Stalin, laying flowers at his monument on the street. The Bolshevik, which we, the AUCPB, inaugurated on May 9 last year.
At the same time, before laying flowers, the monument to Stalin and the area around him were washed away from dust.
The cause of Lenin and Stalin lives and will live forever!
VKPB, Novosibirsk
Flowers at the foot of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin's Day Jubilee
April 22 in Moscow on the day of the anniversary - the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin - Moscow organization of the AUCPB on Red Square at the foot of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin laid fresh flowers (red carnations in baskets with earth). Those laying flowers bowed to the memory of the great genius of mankind, who opened the way to the creation of a new society in the history of human civilization, a just society without exploitation and for the good of man of labor.
Vladivostok April 22
On April 22 in Vladivostok, flowers were laid at the monument to V.I. To Lenin. Due to the regime of so-called self-isolation, there was no rally or picket, but at least it was possible to meet with comrades from other parties and simply sympathize.
Since I came to the monument to V.I. After work, towards evening, Lenin found only a few comrades and many flowers. I did not meet the police in the square near the monument.
Nikolay Gaidai
Laying flowers at the monument to V.I. Lenin April 22, 2020 in the village of Ilsky Seversky district of the Krasnodar Territory
On the day of the anniversary — the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the village of Ilsky, representatives of the veteran organization and the AUCPB laid fresh flowers at the monument to Lenin at the crossroads of the village.
This was done with all the necessary precautions in connection with the coronavirus epidemic.
Glory to the Great Vladimir Ilyich Lenin!
Derbeda L.A., VKPB, pos. Ilsky html
April 22 in Arkhangelsk
150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin in Irkutsk
On April 22, the Irkutsk branch of the AUCPB held in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin rally along the city streets and laid flowers at the monument to Vladimir Ilyich
Novosibirsk: flowers to Lenin in honor of his anniversary
April 22, members of the AUCPB in honor of the 150th anniversary of V.I. Lenin laid at the monument to V.I. Lenin Square Lenin's red carnations. Because of the coronavirus, any public events in Novosibirsk were banned. Therefore, we did not hold a traditional picket on Sq. Lenin, and laid only flowers.
Despite the fact that the authorities forbade leaving the house “without emergency”, threatening a fine of 15 thousand rubles, people came all day and laid flowers at the monument to this greatest man.
We also decided on this memorable day to pay tribute to the loyal disciple and continuer of Lenin’s case, I.V. Stalin, laying flowers at his monument on the street. The Bolshevik, which we, the AUCPB, inaugurated on May 9 last year.
At the same time, before laying flowers, the monument to Stalin and the area around him were washed away from dust.
The cause of Lenin and Stalin lives and will live forever!
VKPB, Novosibirsk
Flowers at the foot of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin's Day Jubilee
April 22 in Moscow on the day of the anniversary - the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin - Moscow organization of the AUCPB on Red Square at the foot of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin laid fresh flowers (red carnations in baskets with earth). Those laying flowers bowed to the memory of the great genius of mankind, who opened the way to the creation of a new society in the history of human civilization, a just society without exploitation and for the good of man of labor.
Vladivostok April 22
On April 22 in Vladivostok, flowers were laid at the monument to V.I. To Lenin. Due to the regime of so-called self-isolation, there was no rally or picket, but at least it was possible to meet with comrades from other parties and simply sympathize.
Since I came to the monument to V.I. After work, towards evening, Lenin found only a few comrades and many flowers. I did not meet the police in the square near the monument.
Nikolay Gaidai
Laying flowers at the monument to V.I. Lenin April 22, 2020 in the village of Ilsky Seversky district of the Krasnodar Territory
On the day of the anniversary — the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the village of Ilsky, representatives of the veteran organization and the AUCPB laid fresh flowers at the monument to Lenin at the crossroads of the village.
This was done with all the necessary precautions in connection with the coronavirus epidemic.
Glory to the Great Vladimir Ilyich Lenin!
Derbeda L.A., VKPB, pos. Ilsky html
April 22 in Arkhangelsk
It is interesting to observe the events in the capitalist countries, and in the Russian Federation too, first caused by a seemingly purely medical reason - the emergence and development of the global epidemic of coronavirus. The role of economic and political factors in this process was growing rapidly and now they are "head to head" with a purely biomedical factor. Coronavirus has a huge impact on the capitalist economy. It is estimated that at least 500 billion euros will be required to stabilize the countries of the European Community. The decline in economic production in 2020 in the EU will be 7.5%. The situation in the USA is not better. The US national debt increased by another 4 trillion dollars. The employment situation is catastrophic - the number of unemployed in the United States approaches the number of unemployed during the years of the Great Economic Depression. Entire sectors of the economy, primarily those associated with displacement and placement of people, are close to economic collapse. Riots are growing, meanwhile local in character. In the United States, the main reason for rallies and pickets is President Trump's demand for self-isolation of the entire population. Demonstrators shout: “How is this so? After all, this contradicts the constitution, our right to freedom of movement! ” Caring for their own lives, they seem to care little.
Trump’s reaction to the events generated by the coronavirus pandemic is twofold - the state governors and the New York mayor react to his demands for self-isolation “as they see fit,” and, on the other hand, “you can’t go too far” - the entire capitalist system will collapse. The solution so far is simple - the Federal Reserve printed and put into circulation over the past month and a half as much as two trillion dollars - you need to hedge the current political situation - no matter how it “flared”. The situation in industry and the actions of the US government with particular clarity show that capitalism has a limited margin of safety. The "coronavirus crisis" is similar in its role and significance to the events after the end of the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
Let us compare the current coronavirus events with the struggle against the epidemic of smallpox in Moscow in 1959-1960. In December 1959, artist Alexei Kokorekin returned to Moscow from a trip to India, and he contracted smallpox in India. December 29, Kokorekin died at the Botkin Hospital. Pathologists diagnosed with smallpox. They quarantined the infection department. The KGB began tracking Kokorekin’s contacts. It should be borne in mind that the infectiousness of smallpox is orders of magnitude higher than that of coronavirus. When the emergency was reported to the country's leadership, the forces of the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Soviet Army, the Ministry of Health and other departments were involved to localize the outbreak. One of Kokorekin’s acquaintances, who went to Paris, was decided to take off the Aeroflot flight when the plane was already in the air. The plane was deployed, and the dangerous passenger and all who were on board were sent to quarantine. One of Kokorekin’s acquaintances taught at the institute and took exams from students; hundreds of people were immediately quarantined from this university. The Botkin Hospital was quarantined with all patients and medical workers. To supply it, trucks with necessary products and materials were sent from mobilization depots of the State Reserve.
Moscow was also quarantined by canceling rail and air services and blocking roads. The government ordered to urgently deliver smallpox vaccine for total vaccination of the population of Moscow and the Moscow Region. For vaccination, 26,963 health workers were mobilized, 3391 vaccination centers were opened and 8522 vaccination teams were organized to work in organizations and housing offices. By January 25, 1960, 5,559,670 Muscovites and more than 4,000,000 residents of the Moscow Region had been vaccinated. This has become an unprecedented action in the world to vaccinate the population, both in scale and in terms. As a result of the outbreak, 45 people fell ill with smallpox, of whom three died. Anti-vaccine vaccinations persisted in Soviet health care until the early 1980s.
The events described above vividly testify to the power and will to fight of the Soviet Stalinist system, characterized by complete centralization, a unified will in decision-making, and the immediate execution of all resolutions adopted "from above." Of particular note is the huge mobilization resources of Soviet free medicine. Throughout the Stalin decades, the Soviet socialist system was characterized by a dominant quality - development, overcoming difficulties, labor and military victories.
S.V. Khristenko
Friday, April 17, 2020
April 15 marks the 108th anniversary (1912) of the birth of comrade Kim Il Sung in the DPRK
Comrade Kim Il Sung is an outstanding figure in the international communist and national liberation movement, the Great Leader of the Korean people, the founder of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the eternal president of the DPRK. In DPRK, comrade Kim Il Sung is also revered as the ancestor of the socialist nation.
Under the direct leadership of Kim Il Sung, the Korean nation regained its independence through a long, selfless armed revolutionary struggle in August 1945, overthrew the shackles of 40-year-old Japanese colonial slavery and set about building its own socialist state - the first socialist state in northeast Asia.
Over the past 75 years, the country from a poor country with an illiterate population has turned into one of the developed countries of the planet, with a highly developed industry, agriculture, providing its population with food. The DPRK now has a high scientific potential (almost every fourth Korean has a higher education) and armed forces capable of repelling the attack of uninvited “guests” at any time. The creation of its nuclear weapons under Kim Jong-un, begun under Kim Jong Il, put an end to the constant provocations on the part of the United States to launch a preventive nuclear strike on the DPRK.
DPRK has extensive diplomatic relations with the vast majority of countries in the world. This began with comrade Kim Il Sung.
But the constant introduction of new, not only economic, sanctions by the United States against the DPRK impedes the further development of multilateral ties with the countries of the world.
The successes of socialist construction and the growth of the well-being of the people in the DPRK, which has been under the yoke of sanctions by the United States all the years since the country's independence in August 1945, have become a clear example of the successful struggle for their independence for the peoples of the world under the dictatorship of the leading imperialist states.
The building of a prosperous socialist state successfully continued under the heirs of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, comrades Kim Jong Il and now under Kim Jong Un.
We wish the beautiful country morning freshness of new successes in the development of its socialist state in the interests of the working people of the DPRK.
Central Committee of the AUCPB
April 12 - Day of Soviet Cosmonautics
He is a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics communist Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
The USSR space program began in 1921 with the founding of the Gas Dynamics Laboratory at the Red Army, which in 1933 became part of the Reactive Institute at the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry of the USSR. In 1933, the first Soviet missile was tested.
In 1946, the Council of Ministers of the USSR under the leadership of the Generalissimo of the USSR I.V. Stalin adopted a plan to create rocket science. Marshal of the USSR Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich oversaw this grandiose project.
The project was supervised by a USSR academician, Soviet scientist, space systems designer Korolev Sergey Pavlovich, who, as a fifth-year student at MVTU, led the design team at the aircraft factory. In 1940, Korolev S.P. worked in a special technical bureau under the NKVD of the USSR. In 1945, S.P. The Queen is appointed head of the Soviet-German Institute for the Study of Military Equipment of the Former Fascist Reich.
On March 7, 1960, the first cosmonaut detachment began to be recruited in the USSR, into which 12 people were enrolled. Among them was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who on April 12, 1961, flew into space for the first time in the world.
Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino in the western region of the RSFSR in the family of a simple carpenter and peasant woman.
In 1941, Yura Gagarin went to school, but his studies were interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. He could resume his studies because of the German occupation only in 1943.
After leaving school, Yuri Gagarin enters a vocational school, and then to an industrial college, where he has been studying at the Saratov flying club since 1954 and, thanks to his perseverance and passion for aviation sciences, Yuri, in 1955, was drafted into the army and sent to the Orenburg military aviation College, which graduates in 1957 with honors. In 1960, Gagarin was convinced to join the Communist Party. The favorite word of Yuri Gagarin already in those youthful years was the word “work”. He was confident in his abilities, was not afraid to defend his point of view.
At the time of the selection from among the pilots from the first cosmonaut squad who will fly into space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the most prepared of all applicants for space flight. He was competent, single-minded, not sparing himself in the work to achieve the goal, and with excellent physical fitness.
Those 108 minutes on April 12, 1961, which the first cosmonaut of planet Earth communist, the Soviet citizen Yuri Gagarin spent in space, became an example of the skill and heroism of citizens of the socialist system, Soviet science and school. After all, it was not for nothing that American President John F. Kennedy declared that "we lost space to the Russians from the school bench."
Yuri Gagarin was a patriot of his socialist homeland. After his first flight into space, he was repeatedly invited as an honored guest to foreign countries (he was invited by Queen Elizabeth of England), but he always returned to the USSR for further service to his country, rejecting any attempts to seduce his life abroad for the proposed very high fees .
Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin - a pilot-cosmonaut, the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth, a hero of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a gentleman of the highest insignia of a number of foreign states. Gagarin had the military rank of Colonel of the USSR Air Force, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. He was a member of the Komsomol Central Committee, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the seventh and eighth convocations.
He died in a plane crash in the line of duty on March 27, 1968, during a training flight as a test pilot engineer on the MIG-15 UTI fighter in the Vladimir Region.
Yuri Gagarin - The legend man until the end of his days served his homeland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was a real communist, Soviet citizen, devoted to the ideals of communism.
Comrade william
Picketing in Minsk with the requirement to accelerate the construction of the Union State of Belarus and Russia
April 2, 2020, Belarus celebrates the national holiday "Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia." The situation surrounding the construction of the Union State of Belarus and Russia is complicated. In connection with the protracted process of integration of the two states, nationalist forces revived in Belarus, but the majority of citizens, as the republican referendum of 1995 showed, for integration. The requirement for the full implementation of the Union Treaty of December 8, 1999 is firmly and unequivocally supported by the public associations of Belarus that formed the Unity Coordinating Council: the Patriotic Public Association "Fatherland" (which is based on members of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks), the Public Association "For Democracy, Social Progress" and justice and the Republican public association “For the Union and the Communist Party of the Union”.
The above-mentioned public associations sent a notification to the Minsk Executive Committee (Minsk City Executive Committee) about the decision to picket on April 2, 2020 in connection with the Unity Day of the Union State of Belarus and Russia with the number of participants up to 50 people. In a notification letter, the leaders of associations asked the Minsk City Executive Committee to release them from payment for this mass event, since the theme of the picket is consistent with the theme of the national holiday. However, the Minsk City Executive Committee refused this, recalling that the decision of the Council of Ministers does not provide for exemption from fees for holding mass events.
ROO SKPS, in protest and in the absence of funds, refused to participate in the picket and sent a message to the chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus V. Andreichenko urgently canceling the decision on the introduction of fees for public events, and the Paternity Fatherland and OO DSPPS notified the Minsk City Executive Committee about the reduction in the declared number of picketers to 10 people, since in this case the fee is reduced by 8 times.
The picket was carried out in the Kiev square of the Belarusian capital. Picketers in the amount of 10 people held a banner “The Union of Russia and Belarus is eternal and indestructible”, flags of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus, posters:
- “A lot of documents on integration have been signed, but there is little sense”;
- “We are opposed to delaying the union of the currencies of Belarus and Russia”;
- “Rather, sign the Constitutional Act!”;
- “We demand to accelerate the process of creating the Union State”;
- “We are for the ONE Union State with the ONE leadership”;
- “Combine the armed forces of Russia and Belarus into a single military organization!”;
- “Brotherly peoples! Join the Union State! ”;
- “Long live the friendship between the Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian and other fraternal peoples!”
In accordance with the requirement of the Minsk City Executive Committee “in connection with the spread of COVID-19 infection ... to take additional sanitary and epidemiological measures”, the picket participants carried out an action with wearing hygiene masks.
In conclusion, the picketers unanimously adopted the appeal “We demand acceleration of the construction of the Union State of Belarus and Russia!” and the statement “There is no bourgeois democracy in the interests of the rich!” which are published.
participants of the picket dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia
April 2 is the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia. On this day in 1996, the presidents of both states signed the Treaty on the Education of the Community of Belarus and Russia in Moscow. The fact of signing laid the foundation for the mutual integration of the two states. Then, as a result of a phased integration movement, on December 8, 1999, the Treaty on the Creation of the Union State was signed, the 20th anniversary of which we recently celebrated.
Throughout the centuries, the Belarusian people carried the desire for unity with the Russian people, despite the opposition during a significant part of the history of Belarus of its elites, who often took an anti-people’s position against the all-Russian unity.
In 2020, our peoples will celebrate the 640th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo, which played a significant role in the formation of the Russian state. Of great importance in the outcome of the battle was the participation in it on the side of Dmitry Donskoy troops of the principalities of Western Russia, that is, modern Belarus. The Belarusian people also did not forget that from the west, invaders and enslavers came mainly to its land, in response to which the Russian people helped.
The best years of the history of the Belarusian people are associated with the periods when Belarus was with Russia. The special heyday of Belarus as a state dates back to Soviet times.
This year we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet Union in World War II, which was won thanks to the unity and friendship of all the peoples of the multinational USSR, including Russian and Belarusian. The Belarusian people also remember that many of the current giants of the Belarusian industry were created thanks to the fraternal help of the Soviet peoples.
The proximity of the Belarusian and Russian peoples is noted not only at the cultural and historical level, but also at the genetic level. According to recent studies, a significant part of the population of Belarus and Russia belongs to the same haplogroup, which testifies to their many thousand years of clan unity.
The need for the unity of modern Belarus and Russia also requires economic mutual benefit, which is reflected in the Treaty signed in 1999. It was signed in accordance with the will of the Belarusian people, who at a republican referendum on May 14, 1995 by a majority vote (83.3%) voted in favor of approving the issue of economic integration with the Russian Federation.
However, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Union Treaty, we regretted that, contrary to the will of the people, the integration process of the two states had stalled, and since then the Union State has not been fully created. So far, many articles of the signed Treaty have not been implemented: a truly unified economic space has not been created, there is no single monetary unit (currency) provided for in Article 13 of the Treaty, and the single citizenship of the Union State has not been fully implemented so that every citizen has equal rights to any its parts, which was provided for by the Treaty on the Equal Rights of Citizens of December 25, 1998, there is no Constitutional Act, etc.
On the issue of deepening the integration of Belarus and Russia at the end of 2019 - early 2020, intensive negotiations were held at the highest level, which, unfortunately, did not lead to a solution to this issue.
Moreover, in our media in Belarus at various levels recently began to actively discuss the issue of the loss of “independence” in the event of the implementation of the treaty and the creation of supranational bodies. But article 37 (paragraph 1) of the Treaty clearly states: “Acts of the Supreme State Council are adopted on the basis of unanimity of the participating states. An act shall not be adopted if one of the participating states is opposed to its adoption. ” This means the full sovereignty of the subjects of the Union State.
We believe that a large loss of sovereignty threatens Belarus in the event of a loss of ties with Russia. A living example is the once prosperous Ukraine, which, after the Neo-Bandera came to power as a result of the 2014 coup, breaking many ties with the Russian Federation, became one of the most backward and dependent republics in Europe.
Such a result was led by Ukraine to frenzied nationalism, which was propagated long before the coup, when the thesis “Ukraine is not Russia” was driven into public consciousness, which was used to contrast the two fraternal peoples in order to separate them. In this regard, we categorically oppose the imposition of a similar slogan “Belarus is not Russia” on our people. We also demand that our media stop using an expression such as “neighboring Russia”, replacing it with the following: “union Russia” or “fraternal Russia”, because We have many neighbors, and so far the only ally.
As for the economic development of Belarus, it is worth comparing: in the BSSR, which was part of the Soviet Union, even in the very last years of Soviet power, the Belarusianmuscle growth grew by 5% annually, and after 30 years, the industry of the modern Republic of Belarus, which according to the Constitution “independently carries out its domestic and foreign policy”, in 2019 managed to grow by only 1% compared to 2018 according to the National Statistical Committee of Belarus. When analyzing these figures, the question arises: who needs the independence that is realized in the modern Republic of Belarus? Apparently, someone needs, but not the working people.
Summing up the above, we, the participants of the picket dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, appeal to our peoples with the appeal:
1. Intensify your activities in terms of promoting the benefits of uniting our states into a single Union State.
2. Demand from the leadership of Belarus and Russia to accelerate the full implementation of the Treaty establishing the Union State of Belarus and Russia.
The union state of Belarus and Russia to be!
On behalf of the picket participants the appeal was signed by:
B. B. ZELIKOV, Chairman of the Republican
Civil Committee of the Patriotic
public association "Fatherland"
V.V. DRACO, Chairman of the Republican Council of the public association "For Democracy, Social Progress and Justice",
deputy of the House of Representatives
National Assembly of Belarus I Convocation
Minsk, 04/02/2020
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
participants of the picket dedicated to the Day of Unity of
the Peoples of Belarus and Russia
Over the past few years, attempts by left-wing
patriotic public associations to hold a rally or demonstration in Minsk, for
example, on May 1 — the Day of International Workers' Solidarity or November 7
— the Day of the October Socialist Revolution have been unsuccessful, since
applications by associations to the Minsk City Executive Committee asking for
permission to hold a mass event invariably, under a different pretext, a denial
The public of the republic could not come to terms with this
situation and demanded respect for the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
Article 35 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus states: “The freedom
of assembly, rallies, street processions, demonstrations and pickets that do
not violate the rule of law and the rights of citizens of the Republic of
Belarus is guaranteed by the state”. However, after this entry, the following
goes: “The procedure for carrying out these activities is determined by the state”,
which allows you to change this order as this bourgeois state decides.
So, for example, for many years, no payments for services
from law enforcement agencies, medical authorities and utilities were carried
out during mass events, and there was no need for this, since they are all
financed from the budget, which is charged from taxes from physical and legal
entities, and their employees receive wages from the state.
But then the procedure for holding mass events was radically
changed, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus
dated January 24, 2019 No. 49 “On approval of the Regulation on the procedure
for paying for public order services provided by the internal affairs bodies,
expenses related to medical care came into force cleaning up the territory
after a mass event ”.
After the enactment of this resolution was enacted, the
situation with the implementation of Article 35 of the Constitution finally
became critical; henceforth, the holding of truly mass events by left-wing patriotic
associations became practically impossible, i.e. in this type of their
activity, defined by the charters, actually put an end to.
By introducing payment for services, the right to hold mass
events is, in fact, primarily deprived of the left-wing patriotic organizations
that advocate an alliance with Russia and other neighboring countries and come
up with anti-imperialist and anti-fascist initiatives. Our organizations are
not funded by anyone, while bourgeois pro-Western, including extremist organizations,
as a rule, have no problems with money, receiving them from abroad, and in
principle are able to pay for the services of police, doctors and public
Thus, the democratic freedoms necessary for the activities
of left-wing patriotic associations no longer exist in the republic; now, an
open bourgeois dictatorship is in the interests of the propertied class. Such
an infringement of democracy is difficult to find anywhere in the world. And
all this is happening ahead of the presidential election. Although the latest
decisions regarding the procedure for holding mass events by the authorities
are hypocritically presented as expanding democratic freedoms, since in many
cases a notification procedure for organizing mass events is now introduced only
in specially designated places. However, by introducing the notification
principle with one hand, the government expands the democratic possibilities of
public associations, but with the other hand, introducing payment for holding
mass events, in fact, these democratic opportunities are nullified.
In addition, a depressing situation has developed in Minsk
regarding places designated by the Minsk City Executive Committee for mass
events. By the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee, the actions of public
associations in the center of the Belarusian capital are prohibited:
- on the Independence Square and the October;
- on F. Skorina Avenue from Independence Square to Victory
- on Masherov Avenue.
At the same time, the permitted venues for holding mass
events, such as this venue in Kiev Square, are located in the backyards of the
Belarusian capital, usually sparsely populated, which practically eliminates
the very meaning of such events - bringing the ideas of public associations to
the masses.
In connection with the foregoing, we, the picketers, declare
the following.
1. The amendments introduced to the legislation of the
Republic of Belarus regarding payment for holding mass events lead to
unacceptable violations of the Constitution, serve the interests of bourgeois
parties that have enough money for any payments, and openly infringe on the
rights of left-wing patriotic public associations of Belarus that cannot pay
for mass events in view of fabulous rates for them.
2. We appeal to the leadership of the Republic of Belarus in
order to prevent infringement of democracy in the Republic of Belarus and the
fate that befell the people of fraternal Ukraine and is also prepared for us by
the western enemies of Belarus and their local minions, we urge the abolition
of innovations I am in the Belarusian
legislation on payment of police, medical and utilities services during mass
events in Belarus.
3. We appeal to the Minsk City Executive Committee with an
appeal to expand the list of places designated for mass events by including
streets and squares in the center of Minsk.
History has shown that the infringement of democracy and the
inevitable establishment of totalitarian regimes as a result of it are fraught
with grave consequences for society, which are then corrected with great
On behalf of the picket participants, the appeal was signed
B. B. ZELIKOV, Chairman of the Republican
Civil Committee of the Patriotic
public association "Fatherland"
V.V. DRACO, Chairman of the Republican Council of the public
association "For Democracy, Social Progress and Justice",
deputy of the House of Representatives
National Assembly of Belarus I Convocation
Minsk, Kiev square
“We shall not allow the persecution of communists by the authorities of the Republic of Poland”
left-patriotic public associations of Belarus, which formed
the Coordination Council "Unity",
“We shall not allow the persecution of communists by the
authorities of the Republic of Poland”
... In the Republic of Poland, it is planned to resume the
trial to bring to responsibility the editorial board of the printing organ of
the Communist Party of Poland of the newspaper "Brzask". The
initiator of this court hearing is the prosecutor's office, which filed an
appeal after the court passed a acquittal last year.
The trial has been going on for more than 4 years, it is one
of the elements of the broad anti-communist campaign of the ruling circles of
the Republic of Poland, which includes amendments to the criminal law aimed at
equating communism, under whose banner fascism was defeated, to the very
hateful ideology, i.e. . Nazism and fascism, the prohibition of communist
symbols, ideology and communist activity in general, the demolition of
monuments to Soviet, including Belarusian, soldiers-liberators, etc.
It is noteworthy that the Polish authorities are cultivating
anti-communism against the backdrop of the activation of former underground
"fighters" with anti-fascist power, which established itself in
Poland after its liberation from Nazi Nazism by the Red Army and Polish
patriots in 1945. So in Gaynovka, where many Polish citizens of Belarusian
nationality live, processions of the so-called “Damned” who glorify the
participants of the armed underground in Poland in the first post-war years and
justify their atrocities against the civilian population, including the
Belarusian, allegedly by the struggle for the independence of Poland, which no
one threatened.
The unleashed anti-communist campaign can negatively affect
the nature of Belarusian-Polish interstate relations to the detriment of the
interests of the peoples of our states. This is also due to the fact that the
Polish authorities are intensively deploying US troops and other NATO members
on their territory aimed at the Union State of Belarus and Russia.
In connection with the foregoing, we appeal to the friendly
people of Poland and its sensible leaders with a call to stop the ongoing
anti-communist campaign, to stop the lawsuit against the editorial office of
the newspaper of the Communist Party of Poland “Brzask”, aimed at banning the
activities of the party, to take measures together with the people and
leadership of the Republic of Belarus restoration of relations of good
neighborliness and friendship.
The leaders of the left-patriotic public associations of
Belarus, which formed the Coordination Council "UNITY":
L.E. SCHOLNIKOV, Coordinating Secretary
Republican Public Association
"For the Union and the Communist Party of the Union
B. B. ZELIKOV, Chairman of the Republican
Civil Committee of the Patriotic Public Association
V.V. DRACO, Chairman of the Republican Council of the public
association "For Democracy, Social Progress and Justice",
deputy of the House of Representatives of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the first convocation
G.I. Simanovsky, Secretary of the Coordination Council
"UNITY", formed by the left-wing patriotic associations of Belarus
Hero City Minsk,
March 2, 2020
participants of the 19th international Slavic scientific and
practical conference to the heads of state, government, parliaments and the
public of the Slavic states
The world today is becoming restless. After the
destruction of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp in the world, a unipolar
world system was created in which the financial-monopolistic oligarchy of the
United States and the European Union, which seeks to establish world
domination, occupies a dominant position.
The main obstacle to the establishment of such a destructive
world order is Russia, which the aggressive NATO bloc surrounds with military
bases. Russia, as you know, was and is the basis of the Slavic world. It is
against Russia that all actions of the United States and other Western
countries on the territory of modern Ukraine are directed, where a coup d'etat
was carried out under their dictation, and the Neo-Bandera came to power, i.e.
modern Ukrainian fascists. Almost the whole world is declared the sphere of
interests of the United States and its satellites. The “democratic” West
manifested its antihuman essence especially clearly in 1999, when it brutally
bombarded Slavic Yugoslavia.
The problem with migrants in Western Europe turns into an
increase in interethnic tension, which becomes a breeding ground for the coming
to power of ultra-nationalist and neo-fascist forces, which invariably
increases the danger of humanity slipping into the Third World War - the war of
Despite the fact that fascism was defeated in 1945, it was
not finally over, neo-fascism entered the political arena, which carried out
the deepest mimicry.
Neofascist forces are raising their heads in Germany, Italy,
Austria, Spain, the Netherlands, France, and Greece. Of particular concern are
the marches of the Latvian Waffen SS legion and their supporters in the Latvian
capital, the neo-Nazi marches in Vilnius and the torchlight processions of the
pro-fascist movement in Tallinn.
The question arises: what to do in the circumstances? First
of all, it is necessary to turn to the historical past of the Slavic peoples.
As is known from history, the Slavs then succeeded when they
united. For example, in 1410, at the Battle of Grunwald, the combined Polish
and Russian-Lithuanian forces defeated the German knights of the Teutonic
Order. As part of the combined army, immigrants from the lands of modern
Poland, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic fought. This battle
forever undermined the forces of the order, for a long time suspended the
expansion of German feudal lords in the Slavic lands, promoted the unity of the
forces of the Slavs. Otherwise, the Slavic peoples were threatened with
Germanization, as happened with the Slavs, who lived east of Laba (Elba).
The Slavs showed a special unity during the Second World War
in the fight against German fascism. In addition to the peoples of the Soviet
Union, the Slavic peoples contributed to the common victory: Poles, Czechs,
Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Bulgarians and others. As you know, the Nazis
planned the destruction or Germanization of all Slavic peoples.
To a large extent, the unity of the Slavs was promoted by
the anti-fascist Slavic movement, which was organized in 1941, supported by the
leadership of the Soviet Union, and the All-Slavic Committee was created. The
All-Slavic Committee regularly held radio rallies, published the Slavs
magazine, and called for the development of guerrilla warfare in the Slavic
territories occupied by the Nazis, and for the mobilization of fraternal
peoples to fight the fascist aggressors. The task of the All-Slavic Committee
was briefly and clearly expressed in the headline of the editorial of the
newspaper Pravda: “Slavs to arms!”
The All-Slavic Committee carried out significant work in the
postwar period.
Based on the foregoing, we, the participants of the 19th
international Slavic scientific and practical conference, consider the unity of
the Slavs, their aim to repulse the growing aggression of the imperialist West
and neo-fascism, support Russia as the basis of security for the entire Slavic
world, the most important task of the entire Slavic movement.
We appeal to the heads of state, government, parliaments and
the public of the Slavic states with an appeal:
1. To facilitate the exit of Slavic states from the
aggressive NATO bloc, to set the ultimate goal of this activity as the
elimination of the North Atlantic Alliance in general.
2. To counteract both the economic and military expansion of
Western countries in relation to the Russian Federation.
3. Create a consultative and coordinating body of deputies
of the parliaments of the Slavic states with the aim of organizing joint Slavic
events and working out a common position on ensuring the security of the
countries of the Slavic world.
Minsk, March 12, 2020
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