Friday, April 17, 2020

April 15 marks the 108th anniversary (1912) of the birth of comrade Kim Il Sung in the DPRK

Comrade Kim Il Sung is an outstanding figure in the international communist and national liberation movement, the Great Leader of the Korean people, the founder of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the eternal president of the DPRK. In DPRK, comrade Kim Il Sung is also revered as the ancestor of the socialist nation.

Under the direct leadership of Kim Il Sung, the Korean nation regained its independence through a long, selfless armed revolutionary struggle in August 1945, overthrew the shackles of 40-year-old Japanese colonial slavery and set about building its own socialist state - the first socialist state in northeast Asia.

Over the past 75 years, the country from a poor country with an illiterate population has turned into one of the developed countries of the planet, with a highly developed industry, agriculture, providing its population with food. The DPRK now has a high scientific potential (almost every fourth Korean has a higher education) and armed forces capable of repelling the attack of uninvited “guests” at any time. The creation of its nuclear weapons under Kim Jong-un, begun under Kim Jong Il, put an end to the constant provocations on the part of the United States to launch a preventive nuclear strike on the DPRK.

DPRK has extensive diplomatic relations with the vast majority of countries in the world. This began with comrade Kim Il Sung.

But the constant introduction of new, not only economic, sanctions by the United States against the DPRK impedes the further development of multilateral ties with the countries of the world.

The successes of socialist construction and the growth of the well-being of the people in the DPRK, which has been under the yoke of sanctions by the United States all the years since the country's independence in August 1945, have become a clear example of the successful struggle for their independence for the peoples of the world under the dictatorship of the leading imperialist states.

The building of a prosperous socialist state successfully continued under the heirs of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, comrades Kim Jong Il and now under Kim Jong Un.

We wish the beautiful country morning freshness of new successes in the development of its socialist state in the interests of the working people of the DPRK.

Central Committee of the AUCPB
