Friday, November 30, 2018
International Youth and Students Day . What exactly is this?
I became interested in this question, when among my friends almost the same conversations were going on at the same time. "Congratulations on the day of youth!" And in response, "What? Well, one more reason to drink.”
Something is unclean, I thought, and went to Wikipedia. It turned out that humanity has not yet agreed on such a simple matter as international holidays.
International Youth Day - celebrated on August 12. Established by the United Nations in 1999.
World Youth Day - celebrated annually, on 10 November. Established by the VFDM Congress in 1945. Most likely, the leaders of the United Nations, when they established their holiday, purposefully ignored VFDM and the half-century history of international youth associations.
International Day of Student Solidarity - celebrated annually, November 17th. Established in 1942, at the International Meeting of Students Fighting Against Nazism.
In addition to these dates, there are also World Youth Days from the Catholic Church, from the Orthodox Church, and there are probably other ones, but we will not specifically touch upon religious institutions in the article.
In addition to international dates, there are also national holidays. In Russia, it is:
Youth Day - celebrated on June 27, beginning in 1993, was established instead of the Day of Soviet Youth, which was celebrated annually on the last Sunday of June.
The Day of Russian Students (Tatiana's Day) is celebrated on December 25 in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the first university of Russia, Moscow State University (founded in 1755).
Not weak, right?
We can still compare with the Soviet times. The day of Soviet youth was appointed on the last Sunday of June and was well suited to the graduation party. It was marked since 1958. And of course, the USSR actively participated in the celebration of World Youth Day on November 10, because the Komsomol was one of the most active members of the WFDY. We can compare ... But if we compare with the Soviet times, it is clear that we are now growing up too long and too late.
In the 1930s, boys and girls of 18 years of age, having graduated from school, already had much work experience, especially those who studied with an eye to the working profession. For free or for a penny, our peers attended sections, clubs, mastered new equipment (tractors and airplanes) and new sports (shooting, parachute). And the most important thing - in the prewar period of 18 years - is a real adult man, an adult woman. After all, now everyone goes through the school, and in it - the team, and each person is formed primarily by people, secondarily - by books, but definitely not by serials, they were not there at all. The teachers of the generation are both school and family. Young people, brought up in this way, took the first blow of the war, survived and won. These are our grandfathers.
In the 1970s, boys and girls 18 years old also pass through school, many are engaged in social work, but for many it is already a burden. There are rumors among them, gossip, they also read, watch movies, television, TV shows, and at 18 they are also adults, not formally, but in fact. The youth no longer trusted adults and especially the authorities as it was before the Great Patriotic War. Their generation was brought up primarily in the family. These are our parents.
And then we appeared, the children of the 1990s and 2000s. Our parents and even grandparents worked from morning to evening, worked on extra money, sold something, if only we did not starve. Kindergartens began to close, and we began to sit all day at home. We began to bring up the TV. Then came the Internet. At the age of 18, many of us are still children, do not know what they want to be and what to do, because they had no reason to think about it at school. Now the school system is no longer the cultivation of a comprehensively developed adult, it is only a set of educational services. School teachers are no longer eligible to educate students. We have become passive, childish, I personally know a few people who, at the age of 30, did not become anyone, did not learn a profession, did not create a family, but simply smoked the sky.
When the upbringing of young people was an honorable duty of all people, our society could turn mountains, block rivers, defeat fascism. When upbringing became the lot of intellectuals from the cinema, TV and the Internet, our society cannot even say a firm “NO” to raising the retirement age.
What happened? Capitalism happened. In 1991, a counter-revolution took place, the socialist state was destroyed, and 15 capitalist states began to appear on its ruins.
A reader will object: after all, there was capitalism in the USA in the 1930s, and there were no problems with upbringing! Yes, there were problems. And not only in the USA. Let's compare not historical events, but our days. Nowadays, infantilism among young people is an international problem. Look, for example, at Japan, in which schoolchildren drop out of school to spend years locked up in their room, one on one with the computer. The retreat is very common there, both among teenagers and adults. “Political instability, volatility of the labor market, as well as a limited field for involving young people in political and social life lead to growing isolation of young people, they write on the UN website. This all is nothing but alienation. Marx wrote about it.
It has been observed that among young people in Muslim communities, regions and countries of infantilism is also very small. There is another problem, archaic, when they try to do their whole life “according to the law of the mountains,” for example. They fought against the "law of the mountains" in the USSR, because according to it, it was possible to literally enslave women and it was not even considered immoral, not that a crime ...
And now remember the article from our newspaper, where we wrote about young people in the DPRK. Remember? Then it will be easier for you to find the answer.
It turns out that the question of the immaturity of a young man depends on the moral for which this person is brought up. If socialist morality - then a person grows up mature, purposeful, active, active, principled. If the morality is petty-bourgeois, philistine - a person grows up amorphous, passive, unprincipled, and he can “stuff” any kind of “burda” into his head. If the morality is capitalist, the person grows up as a predator, a hunter, for whom the people around him are either victims or rivals. If the feudal morality - a person grows two-faced, for “his” he is one, but for “strangers” is completely different, and with respect to “strangers” almost everything is allowed ...
But morality directly depends on the state of society! What kind of social and economic structure is in the yard, what is the position of the country in the world economy, what is the position of the carrier of morality in the country.
And we come to the fact that our world has only two choices. Either back, in the Middle Ages - or forward, to communism! And since we are a communist newspaper, the Middle Ages do not suit us at all. And so all existing Youth Days for us is a reason to declare a fight.
To defeat personal shortcomings, each of us must deal with them on our own, with the help of loved ones. But it will be only a personal victory. For everything else, you need to unite, and youth organizations are very well suited for this.
We will not be able to repeat the system of education, upbringing, education, which was built in the USSR: firstly, now is another time, secondly, now it is a different socio-economic system. Under capitalism, it is impossible to completely recreate Soviet schools and universities: no matter how many enthusiasts and volunteers, one signature of a minister or president puts an end to any public initiative.
What follows from this? Two ways. Either reconcile or fight for socialism and communism. We chose the second path: the struggle. We call on all young men and women, all those who are young in heart and soul, to join this struggle.
Communism is not a mass execution, no matter what anyone says. Communism is not a mass prohibition, no matter what anyone says. Communism is the next step in the evolution of all mankind. These are new technologies, new opportunities, new horizons. Communism begins with small things: with the trade union, with the youth conference, with the scientific circle. But it is he who will destroy the alienation.
Communism is the youth of the world, and erect it for the young!
Ivan Kotran
The birth of the "Union of Struggle" as an example to follow
The first combination of socialism with the labor movement - 22 years before the October Revolution
Young Lenin was very worried and worried about the discrepancy between the grandeur of the historical tasks facing the working class of Russia and the fragmentation and amateurism of the then Social Democratic organizations. About his moods of that time, he wrote later, in 1902: “I worked in a circle that set itself very broad, all-encompassing tasks, and all of us, the members of this circle, had to suffer, painfully, from the consciousness that we find ourselves by handicraftsmen at such a historical moment, when it would be possible, changing the well-known maxim, to say: give us an organization of revolutionaries - and we will turn Russia over!”
Lenin set about creating such an organization from the very beginning of his work in Petersburg. Returning from abroad, he began to strengthen and expand the Social Democratic organization with new energy. He visited the working districts almost daily, held meetings, and talked with the workers.
On November 18, 1895, the 25-year-old Lenin united all Marxist workers' circles (there were about 20 of them) in St. Petersburg into one "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class". The work of the “Union of Struggle” was built on the principles of centralism and strict discipline. Soyuz was headed by a central group, while the direct work was led by several members of this group headed by Lenin, who was also the editor of Soyuz publications. The organization was divided into regional groups, which included advanced, conscious workers who connected these groups with factories. The factories had organizers for the collection of information and for the dissemination of literature. At large enterprises, workers' circles were created in which, along with the propaganda of the theory of Marxism, current issues of political life were discussed. These circles actually represented the cells of the nascent Marxist party.
The Union of Struggle, led by Lenin, was closely associated with the mass labor movement. In-depth knowledge of the workers' position and mood enabled the Union to specifically direct the strike. The Soyuz published leaflets raising the workers' revolutionary consciousness.
In November 1895, the Union of Struggle organized a strike at Thornton’s cloth factory, which belonged to British manufacturers. The Union of Struggle published and distributed a piece of paper “What do weavers demand?”. A few days later, a second leaflet was written, written by Lenin, for the workers and workers of the Thornton factory. The leaflet explained that the workers can improve their position only by common, united efforts. The strike ended successfully for workers. It marked the beginning of a new upsurge of the strike movement in St. Petersburg.
The activity of the “Union of Struggle” was manifested with particular force in the summer of 1896, when the famous strike of Petersburg textile workers took place, in which 30 thousand people took part.
Under the leadership of Lenin, the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class linked the struggle of workers for economic demands with the political struggle against tsarism and capitalist exploitation, for the first time in Russia began to combine socialism with the workers' movement.
The Petersburg Union of Struggle gave a powerful impetus to the unification of workers' circles into similar alliances in other cities and regions of Russia.
The significance of the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class was that, as Lenin put it, it represented the first serious embryo of a revolutionary party based on the labor movement.
Lenin relied on the revolutionary experience of the Petersburg Union of Struggle in his work on the creation of a Marxist Social Democratic Party in Russia.
Material prepared by Comrade Mels
From the Editor:
Comrades, workers, employees and students!
If we want to survive, if we want human life, not bestial, if we do not want to be turned into meat robots, then we need to unite and act collectively, just like 123 years ago!
Lenin was in our years the same age. He succeeded because he was determined and steadfast. He found like-minded people and immediately began to unite them together. Already, the work of uniting the Marxists and workers is going on in Kuibyshev. It was this path that turned out to be successful: working districts, conversations, meetings.
It is now permitted to form trade unions, distribute literature and distribute materials via the Internet. The possibilities for unification are much greater than under Lenin. We use it!
Commented Ivan Kotran
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Glory of Stalingrad
After a crushing defeat near Moscow in the winter of 1941-1942, Hitler and his generals hoped to take revenge by launching a new large-scale offensive against the Soviet troops. Taking advantage of the absence of a second front in Europe, fascist Germany and its allies pulled up all their free reserves and threw them against the Red Army. In early July, enemy troops, including the Romanian, Hungarian, Italian divisions, were concentrated in the south-western sector of the Soviet-German confrontation.
Beyond the Volga there is no land for us!
Initially, the main attack of the Germans and their allies was aimed at Voronezh. But already here their calculation was thwarted by the heroic resistance of the Red Army. The Nazis managed to capture only half of Voronezh. The front line passed through the city streets. The Germans did not manage to occupy the whole territory of Voronezh. After this failure, Hitler decided to direct the main blow of the army group “B” to Stalingrad. The Fuehrer hoped to kill three birds with one stone - using a deep roundabout maneuver, capture Moscow, cut the transport artery, the most important for the USSR, the Volga River, win a major moral and psychological victory over the Red Army, taking the city named after the Leader of the Soviet people J.V . Stalin. On November 8, 1942, Hitler publicly stated: “If we were opposed to waiting not at the central front, but at Stalingrad, then this is explained by the fact that I wanted in a certain place, in a certain city to reach the Volga. Thus, the transportation of 30 million tons of cargo, including 9 million tons of oil, is stopped. This is a huge transport route, and we wanted to have it. ”
In the summer of 1942, the Germans and their allies concentrated huge forces on the Soviet-German front — no less than 179 divisions of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops. More than 60 divisions from satellite countries came to their aid. Thus, about 240 divisions came out against the Red Army, twice the strength of the forces that acted against Tsarist Russia during the First World War. In August 1942 Wehrmacht troops came close to Stalingrad. At the height of the fighting, the Nazis threw at least 2,000 aircraft into the city. The Nazis fired at him from 2 thousand guns. August 25, Stalingrad was declared a state of siege. Armed factory workers went straight from the shops to defend their city. Subsequently, these units joined the formation of the Red Army, which defended Stalingrad.
From August 23 to September 13, Soviet soldiers repelled at least 80 tank and infantry attacks of the Nazi troops, destroyed hundreds of enemy equipment and many thousands of enemy soldiers and officers. Fierce fighting broke out on Mamaev Hill, near the station, Central Pier and other areas of the city. By mid-September, the Nazis managed to stop. Formed a stable front line. Many areas of Stalingrad were never captured by the enemy. For example, the Germans did not pass into the central quarters, located between the area of January 9 and the Red October plant. The headquarters of the 62nd Army, which heroically defended Stalingrad, was based in this area. The northeastern outskirts of the city, the Market, was unattainable for the Nazis.
“Beyond the Volga there is no land for us!” - these words, spoken by a sniper, Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitsev, sounded to the whole country as the great oath of Stalingrad to stand to death, but not to give the cities to the enemy. The commanders and political workers said to the fighters: “You must remember: each house is a fortress, and the unit that protects it is a garrison that has no right to surrender it to enemies.” The headquarters of the 62nd Army and the 13th Division were on the right bank of the Volga, that is, on the side of the river where the battles were fought. Soviet generals and colonels, who directly led the defense of Stalingrad, did not abandon their soldiers and remained with them in the thick of the battle.
As part of the 62nd Army assault groups were formed. They fought not by number, but by skill. The commander of the 62nd Army, Lieutenant-General V.I. Chuikov, in one of his articles, wrote: “The assault group is the brainchild of close combat. Her indispensable weapon is a grenade. The grenade suggests the distance of the assault - the closer to the enemy, the better ... ".
The 13th Infantry Division commanded by Major General A.I. fought heroically in Stalingrad Rodimtsev. This unit was transferred to the city in the most difficult days of the defense - in mid-September. Once in Stalingrad, the fighters of the division went into action with the enemy. And they did not begin with a defense, but with an offensive, throwing the Nazis away from the Volga. The Stalingrad battles were also distinguished by units under the command of S.F. Gorokhova, L.N. Gurtieva, V.G. Zholudeva, I.I. Lyudnikova, N.F. Batyuk.
Many Red Army defenders of Stalingrad, showed heroism and self-sacrifice. Their exploits are immortal. One of these Stalingrad heroes is the senior sergeant of the Khvostanstyev. Standing on a post on one of the streets, he saw 6 German tanks advancing on him. Khvostanstyev with cannon shots hit three German armored vehicles. But the shells ran out. Then Khvostantsev, firing an anti-tank gun, hit another tank. He stopped the fifth armored vehicle, killing the tracks with a grenade. The sixth tank continued to climb forward. Then Khvostantsev grabbed the last grenade and with it rushed under the tracks. The hero died, but the Nazi tanks did not pass into the desired area of the city.
During September-October, the Red Army destroyed about 800 tanks in Stalingrad, shot down over a thousand aircraft, and destroyed more than 100 thousand enemy soldiers and officers. The City Committee of the CPSU (b), headed by the Secretary of the Regional Committee A.S. Chuyanov led the defense of Stalingrad and did everything for its successful completion. In the front ranks of the city defenders were the Communists-Bolsheviks. They had only one privilege - the first to go on the attack or fight in the most difficult areas. They did not spare themselves for the sake of victory over the enemy. The authority of the Bolshevik party among the Red Army soldiers during the battles in the city grew considerably. The fighters saw who was the soul of defense and who did not spare life for defeating the enemy. Therefore, they sought to be similar to the Communists and joined the ranks of the CPSU (b).
At meetings of the party organizations of the units defending Stalingrad, the results of the past battles were discussed, an exchange of experience was organized in the struggle against the German fascist invaders. In addition, the communist warriors familiarized themselves with the situation on other fronts and in the country as a whole, with the international situation, and also studied the orders and speeches of I.V. Stalin and "A Short Course in the History of the CPSU (B)" The defenders of Stalingrad have always felt the visionary guidance and help of the Supreme Commander in everything. This affected the stable and uninterrupted supply of ammunition, equipment, and food to the front, in the recruits arriving at the front. J.V. Stalin's leadership over the defense of the city was felt in a well-established and strict order of all its sides.
Steel ring
In the days of fighting in the city on the Volga, J.V. Stalin developed the basic principles of the counterattack of the Soviet troops on this sector of the Soviet-German front. Under the strictest secrecy, the General Headquarters of the Red Army, taking as a basis the Stalinist initiative, meticulously and carefully prepared a plan for crushing flank counter-attacks against the enemy troops fighting in the Stalingrad area. For the German command, the counterattack of the South-Western, Don and Stalingrad fronts carried out on November 19 and 20 was a complete surprise. The Soviet troops, after delivering powerful blows to the base of the nazi 6th field and 4th tank armies that had advanced to Stalingrad, "cut off" him and in the following days the division of Field Marshal F. Paulus squeezed in a steel ring. In the environment was 330 thousandth group of Hitler's Wehrmacht. Never before in the history of wars did such a large mass of troops, equipment and equipment get into such “boilers”. The steel ring was so strong that even the thousands of armored German armada under the command of Field Marshal E. Manstein, which included 30 divisions, was unable to breach it after the offensive undertaken in December. The soldiers and officers from the Paulus group continued to die from the shelling of Soviet artillery, aerial bombardment, famine, cold, and disease. For the Nazi warriors, the Stalingrad "cauldron" became a real hell.
At the end of January 1943, understanding the futility of further defense, Paulus and his entourage decided to surrender. On January 31 and February 2, the remnants of a German group surrounded at Stalingrad surrendered to Soviet captivity.
On November 6, 1943 in his report on the occasion of the 26th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution J.V. Stalin declared: “The battle at Stalingrad ended with the encirclement of the 300,000-strong German army, the defeat of the latter and the capture of about 1/3 of the surrounded troops. To have an idea about the size of the unprecedented in the history of the massacre that broke out on the fields of Stalingrad, you need to know that at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, 147,200 killed German soldiers and officers and 46,700 killed Soviet soldiers and officers were picked up and buried. Stalingrad was the decline of the Nazi army ... ".
After the battle on the Volga, the Hitlerite army was no longer able to restore its former potential. At Stalingrad, the fascist beast was a broken ridge. The battle on the Volga served as a prologue to the capture of Berlin and the complete defeat of the troops of Nazi Germany and its allies, which took place in the spring of 1945.
The greatness and uniqueness of the Stalingrad battle was so significant that even the eternal enemies of the Soviet Union — the British and American imperialists — were forced to admit through their teeth the enormity of the battle and the military skill of the Red Army and Soviet officers. US Secretary of State Helle said in one of his speeches: “A great victory was won at Stalingrad. It was achieved by such troops, whose combat qualities are higher than those of anyone in the current war. The Stalingrad victory is the greatest demonstration of the remarkable fighting qualities of the Russian armed forces. ” A columnist for the British newspaper The Times wrote: “This is not only about the superiority of Russian artillery. Here we are talking about the superiority of the Russian strategy. Obviously, we are dealing with a completely new strategy ... Europe is not facing the Soviet army in its former concept, but a completely new Soviet army with a new strategy. ”
Great success at the walls of Stalingrad was achieved thanks to the military skills, increased experience, as well as endurance, perseverance, courage, courage of Soviet soldiers, officers, workers and all residents of the city. The basis of this victory was heroism and the sacrifice of the Bolsheviks-communists, their remarkable ability to effectively organize Soviet citizens and military personnel to strengthen the rear, defense and offensive. The defeat of the German, Italian and Romanian troops on the Volga was the result of the commanding genius J.V. Stalin, his strategic plan, the ability to correctly and farsightedly lead the Armed Forces of the USSR.
Beyond the Volga there is no land for us!
Initially, the main attack of the Germans and their allies was aimed at Voronezh. But already here their calculation was thwarted by the heroic resistance of the Red Army. The Nazis managed to capture only half of Voronezh. The front line passed through the city streets. The Germans did not manage to occupy the whole territory of Voronezh. After this failure, Hitler decided to direct the main blow of the army group “B” to Stalingrad. The Fuehrer hoped to kill three birds with one stone - using a deep roundabout maneuver, capture Moscow, cut the transport artery, the most important for the USSR, the Volga River, win a major moral and psychological victory over the Red Army, taking the city named after the Leader of the Soviet people J.V . Stalin. On November 8, 1942, Hitler publicly stated: “If we were opposed to waiting not at the central front, but at Stalingrad, then this is explained by the fact that I wanted in a certain place, in a certain city to reach the Volga. Thus, the transportation of 30 million tons of cargo, including 9 million tons of oil, is stopped. This is a huge transport route, and we wanted to have it. ”
In the summer of 1942, the Germans and their allies concentrated huge forces on the Soviet-German front — no less than 179 divisions of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops. More than 60 divisions from satellite countries came to their aid. Thus, about 240 divisions came out against the Red Army, twice the strength of the forces that acted against Tsarist Russia during the First World War. In August 1942 Wehrmacht troops came close to Stalingrad. At the height of the fighting, the Nazis threw at least 2,000 aircraft into the city. The Nazis fired at him from 2 thousand guns. August 25, Stalingrad was declared a state of siege. Armed factory workers went straight from the shops to defend their city. Subsequently, these units joined the formation of the Red Army, which defended Stalingrad.
From August 23 to September 13, Soviet soldiers repelled at least 80 tank and infantry attacks of the Nazi troops, destroyed hundreds of enemy equipment and many thousands of enemy soldiers and officers. Fierce fighting broke out on Mamaev Hill, near the station, Central Pier and other areas of the city. By mid-September, the Nazis managed to stop. Formed a stable front line. Many areas of Stalingrad were never captured by the enemy. For example, the Germans did not pass into the central quarters, located between the area of January 9 and the Red October plant. The headquarters of the 62nd Army, which heroically defended Stalingrad, was based in this area. The northeastern outskirts of the city, the Market, was unattainable for the Nazis.
“Beyond the Volga there is no land for us!” - these words, spoken by a sniper, Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitsev, sounded to the whole country as the great oath of Stalingrad to stand to death, but not to give the cities to the enemy. The commanders and political workers said to the fighters: “You must remember: each house is a fortress, and the unit that protects it is a garrison that has no right to surrender it to enemies.” The headquarters of the 62nd Army and the 13th Division were on the right bank of the Volga, that is, on the side of the river where the battles were fought. Soviet generals and colonels, who directly led the defense of Stalingrad, did not abandon their soldiers and remained with them in the thick of the battle.
As part of the 62nd Army assault groups were formed. They fought not by number, but by skill. The commander of the 62nd Army, Lieutenant-General V.I. Chuikov, in one of his articles, wrote: “The assault group is the brainchild of close combat. Her indispensable weapon is a grenade. The grenade suggests the distance of the assault - the closer to the enemy, the better ... ".
The 13th Infantry Division commanded by Major General A.I. fought heroically in Stalingrad Rodimtsev. This unit was transferred to the city in the most difficult days of the defense - in mid-September. Once in Stalingrad, the fighters of the division went into action with the enemy. And they did not begin with a defense, but with an offensive, throwing the Nazis away from the Volga. The Stalingrad battles were also distinguished by units under the command of S.F. Gorokhova, L.N. Gurtieva, V.G. Zholudeva, I.I. Lyudnikova, N.F. Batyuk.
Many Red Army defenders of Stalingrad, showed heroism and self-sacrifice. Their exploits are immortal. One of these Stalingrad heroes is the senior sergeant of the Khvostanstyev. Standing on a post on one of the streets, he saw 6 German tanks advancing on him. Khvostanstyev with cannon shots hit three German armored vehicles. But the shells ran out. Then Khvostantsev, firing an anti-tank gun, hit another tank. He stopped the fifth armored vehicle, killing the tracks with a grenade. The sixth tank continued to climb forward. Then Khvostantsev grabbed the last grenade and with it rushed under the tracks. The hero died, but the Nazi tanks did not pass into the desired area of the city.
During September-October, the Red Army destroyed about 800 tanks in Stalingrad, shot down over a thousand aircraft, and destroyed more than 100 thousand enemy soldiers and officers. The City Committee of the CPSU (b), headed by the Secretary of the Regional Committee A.S. Chuyanov led the defense of Stalingrad and did everything for its successful completion. In the front ranks of the city defenders were the Communists-Bolsheviks. They had only one privilege - the first to go on the attack or fight in the most difficult areas. They did not spare themselves for the sake of victory over the enemy. The authority of the Bolshevik party among the Red Army soldiers during the battles in the city grew considerably. The fighters saw who was the soul of defense and who did not spare life for defeating the enemy. Therefore, they sought to be similar to the Communists and joined the ranks of the CPSU (b).
At meetings of the party organizations of the units defending Stalingrad, the results of the past battles were discussed, an exchange of experience was organized in the struggle against the German fascist invaders. In addition, the communist warriors familiarized themselves with the situation on other fronts and in the country as a whole, with the international situation, and also studied the orders and speeches of I.V. Stalin and "A Short Course in the History of the CPSU (B)" The defenders of Stalingrad have always felt the visionary guidance and help of the Supreme Commander in everything. This affected the stable and uninterrupted supply of ammunition, equipment, and food to the front, in the recruits arriving at the front. J.V. Stalin's leadership over the defense of the city was felt in a well-established and strict order of all its sides.
Steel ring
In the days of fighting in the city on the Volga, J.V. Stalin developed the basic principles of the counterattack of the Soviet troops on this sector of the Soviet-German front. Under the strictest secrecy, the General Headquarters of the Red Army, taking as a basis the Stalinist initiative, meticulously and carefully prepared a plan for crushing flank counter-attacks against the enemy troops fighting in the Stalingrad area. For the German command, the counterattack of the South-Western, Don and Stalingrad fronts carried out on November 19 and 20 was a complete surprise. The Soviet troops, after delivering powerful blows to the base of the nazi 6th field and 4th tank armies that had advanced to Stalingrad, "cut off" him and in the following days the division of Field Marshal F. Paulus squeezed in a steel ring. In the environment was 330 thousandth group of Hitler's Wehrmacht. Never before in the history of wars did such a large mass of troops, equipment and equipment get into such “boilers”. The steel ring was so strong that even the thousands of armored German armada under the command of Field Marshal E. Manstein, which included 30 divisions, was unable to breach it after the offensive undertaken in December. The soldiers and officers from the Paulus group continued to die from the shelling of Soviet artillery, aerial bombardment, famine, cold, and disease. For the Nazi warriors, the Stalingrad "cauldron" became a real hell.
At the end of January 1943, understanding the futility of further defense, Paulus and his entourage decided to surrender. On January 31 and February 2, the remnants of a German group surrounded at Stalingrad surrendered to Soviet captivity.
On November 6, 1943 in his report on the occasion of the 26th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution J.V. Stalin declared: “The battle at Stalingrad ended with the encirclement of the 300,000-strong German army, the defeat of the latter and the capture of about 1/3 of the surrounded troops. To have an idea about the size of the unprecedented in the history of the massacre that broke out on the fields of Stalingrad, you need to know that at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, 147,200 killed German soldiers and officers and 46,700 killed Soviet soldiers and officers were picked up and buried. Stalingrad was the decline of the Nazi army ... ".
After the battle on the Volga, the Hitlerite army was no longer able to restore its former potential. At Stalingrad, the fascist beast was a broken ridge. The battle on the Volga served as a prologue to the capture of Berlin and the complete defeat of the troops of Nazi Germany and its allies, which took place in the spring of 1945.
The greatness and uniqueness of the Stalingrad battle was so significant that even the eternal enemies of the Soviet Union — the British and American imperialists — were forced to admit through their teeth the enormity of the battle and the military skill of the Red Army and Soviet officers. US Secretary of State Helle said in one of his speeches: “A great victory was won at Stalingrad. It was achieved by such troops, whose combat qualities are higher than those of anyone in the current war. The Stalingrad victory is the greatest demonstration of the remarkable fighting qualities of the Russian armed forces. ” A columnist for the British newspaper The Times wrote: “This is not only about the superiority of Russian artillery. Here we are talking about the superiority of the Russian strategy. Obviously, we are dealing with a completely new strategy ... Europe is not facing the Soviet army in its former concept, but a completely new Soviet army with a new strategy. ”
Great success at the walls of Stalingrad was achieved thanks to the military skills, increased experience, as well as endurance, perseverance, courage, courage of Soviet soldiers, officers, workers and all residents of the city. The basis of this victory was heroism and the sacrifice of the Bolsheviks-communists, their remarkable ability to effectively organize Soviet citizens and military personnel to strengthen the rear, defense and offensive. The defeat of the German, Italian and Romanian troops on the Volga was the result of the commanding genius J.V. Stalin, his strategic plan, the ability to correctly and farsightedly lead the Armed Forces of the USSR.
Class struggle in the second half of October and first half of November2018
In Kuibyshev, a mass rally was held against raising the retirement age
Despite the fact that Putin and Medvedev, who have been pushing through their brutal reform, are celebrating a victory over the Russian workers, people still do not give up. The country remains active and massive discontent with raising the retirement age. For example, in Kuibyshev (Samara), on October 20, 2018, supporters of socialism organized another crowded rally against this reform.
The action gathered over 1,500 workers, students, intellectuals, retirees, and the unemployed. People came with posters and banners on which it was written: "No increase in the retirement age", "The power is dipping into the people's pocket", "Pension reform - genocide of the people", "We must change not the retirement age, but the government", "We are not slaves ! "," Hands off our pensions! "
One of the speakers at the rally thanked the protesters for their active position, urging not to slow down the protest, because only by uniting the working people will we be able to stop this outrage.
Activist Elona Artamonova said from the podium: “It is very nice to see young people at the rally. Thus, she is not indifferent to our future, the future of our country and the future of our children. The authorities went to raising the retirement age, while many people even now cannot find a job. The labor market is especially difficult for women. And we can’t imagine what will happen to us when we are 55 years old. How will we live? How will our husbands live? How are we going to raise our children? I am against raising the retirement age and I believe that this is complete chaos. Down with the pension reform! ”
Another speaker, student Valery Demchenko, said: “Our rulers continue to mercilessly rob us! Claiming new taxes, they raise their income, including from the budget! We are against raising the retirement age! The government that initiated the raising of the retirement age must be brought to justice! The party "United Russia", which dragged through this bill - should be tried in court! The main thing, comrades, is not to surrender! ”
All the speakers and protesters were united in their words and opinions - down with the power of the party of crooks and thieves! Down with the liberal government! Down with this power, every day robbing its people!
Strike in the Leningrad region
On October 17, in Lagolovo, electricians and plumbers, as well as other employees of the local management company, went on strike. Without waiting for pay, people did not go to work.
The main requirement is repayment of wage arrears. People have not seen the money for three or four months.
In Primorye, milkmaids organized a protest rally
On October 22, employees of the Dalnevostochnoye dairy farm, located in Surajevka, suspended work until their salaries were paid in full. People are tired of living without money.
"Far Eastern" is one of the largest farms of the Far East. Currently it is in a pre-bankrupt state. If you count from July, the debt to employees of the enterprise amounted to 13 million rubles.
Workers rally held in Voronezh
On October 21, 2018, many dozens of employees of a glass container plant came out to protest, demanding the return of wage arrears.
People stood with placards in their hands, where their demand was written. Someone were owed 40 thousand rubles, someone - 80 thousand, some - 120 thousand.
- I survive thanks to friends. I am divorced with my wife, I have no relatives ... I haven’t paid rent for an apartment for three months - there is nothing. My daughter and I have no money even for food. We eat cereals and pasta. Sometimes friends feed us. Tanya is in 9th grade. I can't even pay for the school security. For the new school year, she could not buy any new things. All collected by friends, acquaintances. We have reached the point of extreme poverty. Three weeks ago I had a stroke because of the nervous problems. For medication, too, friends helped out by collecting money. I am afraid that I will not live to the moment when our employers pay us back. Very scary for my daughter, ”electric and gas welder Alexander Shutenko said at the rally.
A similar situation for many factory workers. People remember the 90s, some have no money for anything other than food. We have nothing to pay on credit.
Strike by Lysychansk miners
On October 19, a protest of workers began in the occupied territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic. Miners mine them. Kapustin in Lisichansk refused to rise to the surface in protest. They demanded payment of debt on wages, which is 126.6 million hryvnia.
At first, 18 miners from the first shift remained underground, then 15 miners from the second shift. And the salary to the miners is owed since 2015.
In Croatia, a protest against raising the retirement age
In foreign Europe, as in Russia, workers are actively opposed to attempts to postpone the time it takes to get a well-deserved rest. On October 20, several thousand Croats came out to protest in Zagreb against raising the retirement age to 67 years.
Some protesters shouted: "Thieves!" Many showed posters where it was written about the robbery of workers and pensioners. One of these banners read: "From school to unemployment, from work to the cemetery."
The fact is that the government sent a bill to parliament suggesting an increase in the retirement age from the current 65 years to 67 years by 2033. In addition, it also spells a reduction in the size of pensions by 4 percent per year for those who retire earlier.
- We are very upset and outraged. This is an irresponsible decision regarding our workers and retirees, said activist Kresimir Sever. The trade unions consider such a reform a blow to the older workers, who are often already dismissed before reaching the current retirement age. Metallurgists, nurses and representatives of some other professions at the rally said that they simply could not physically work until the age of 67.
- I work in the rain and under the scorching sun, my legs and back are carrying hundreds of congested trash bins daily. “I already had an operation on one knee, the other one also needs to be treated,” said an employee of one of the garbage companies.
If the government does not refuse to raise the retirement age, trade unions intend to launch a campaign for a nationwide referendum on this issue.
Mass strike in Finland
On October 22, about 10 thousand service workers began a two-day large-scale strike in more than 50 municipalities and cities of the country. The employees of the enterprises engaged in cleaning the premises and servicing the municipal real estate stopped their work. In the schools and kindergartens did not work canteens.
Many municipal sports fields, swimming pools and libraries were closed.
The protest is directed against government plans to facilitate layoffs in small enterprises, where no more than 20 people work.
Philippine Workers Protest
At the beginning of the second half of October, an indefinite strike continued at the enterprises of a local tobacco company. The strike began on September 28th. The protest was initiated by the union with the support of the Workers Party. Together with the strike, a picket was held at the entrance of one of the factories.
The reason for the protest was the closure of the company in the city of Vigan, combined with the dismissal of 90 people. In addition, there were 220 job losses at a factory, located on the outskirts of the country's capital Manila.
The strikers opposed the dismissal of these employees and demanded their return to the enterprises.
Class struggle in the first half of November 2018
Protest rally in Kamchatka
In early November, more than a hundred workers of the Ametistovoe mining and processing plant engaged in gold mining went on strike. The strikers demanded an increase in salaries. For some of them, it was humiliatingly low - near the subsistence minimum.
The bosses of the most active strikers deprived them of work.
- We are fired and others will be fired! The administration has a hand on the pulse and people are using the stick and carrot method, ”said one of the workers of Amethyst. They took telephones from the strikers, blocked the Internet so that they would not report the situation to journalists.
The Amethystvoe enterprise is part of the Kamchatka Gold company and in fact belongs to billionaire oligarch Vekselberg.
Successful strike in Chelyabinsk
On November 2, urban public transport workers went on strike. The drivers started began the action. The strikers demanded payment of wage arrears. Some of the employees did not receive money even for August. The debt to employees exceeded the amount of 16 million rubles.
The head of the enterprise, D. Kholod, came to the strikers and tried to persuade them to stop the action.
The strikers partly achieved their goal. They were paid wage arrears for August and September. Many admitted that after that for the first time in two months they had eaten normally.
Strike in the Orenburg region
From October 31 to November 2, a strike took place at the Rodina poultry farm located in the Sorochinsky District. Workers and other employees of the company, who have not been paid since August, organized a street picket.
As payment they were offered chicken. The one that is not the first month is kept on a very meager ration. Before that, almost 200 thousand pieces pledged to the bank and died of starvation were simply burned in furnaces.
- We have a strike on the failure to pay wages. Today is the third day from 8 to 17 standing in the territory adjacent to the factory. A district prosecutor came to us, accused that the strike was taking place in an unidentified form. Although all the notifications we filed in advance. But the fact that we invited television, supposedly equates our event to a rally. On November 22, an arbitration court will be held over the bankruptcy of the factory. We are comforted - everything will be fine, but we understand that everything is going towards liquidation. Those who have wholesale buyers, choose the chicken wages. Although by law, payment in kind can be no more than 20 percent. But otherwise you can be left with nothing. And so you sell 100 pieces - you will return your 20 thousand. I also took a little, but I have no one to sell the birds to in large quantities, ”said Andrey Aksenov, head of the initiative group, on November 2. Chronic salary delay at this enterprise began in the spring of 2018. The first strike, by people who owed a total of 2.4 million rubles, was organized in August. Then the workers received money for the previous three months.
Protest in Yakutia
On November 6, employees of an agrofirm located in the Khangalassky district of the republic began a strike. The livestock breeders, potato growers, tractor drivers and machine operators did not come to their workplaces.
The strikers are demanding that measures be taken to preserve the agricultural enterprise and reinstate the former director N. Fedotov, who, according to them, brought the economy to a profitable level and restored confidence in the future. Workers fear that the new chief will bring the agrofirm to bankruptcy, and in the end, the agrofirm will be sold for a pittance.
Successful strike in Armenia
On the morning of November 8, workers of the locomotive depot in Leninakan (Gyumri) organized a strike. They did not serve the trains, including the train plying to Yerevan.
The protest was organized because of the reduction in the size of the wage premiums for October. The workers declared that the strike would continue until their demands to return these bonuses were met.
It should be noted that on November 5, employees of the "South Caucasus Railway" blocked the way Yerevan-Shorzha in the section of the village Tsovagyuh. They were unhappy with the deprivation of bonuses, as they work at any time of the year, including overtime.
The protest rally in Gyumri was crowned with success: workers were given remuneration.
London tube workers strike
On November 7, a 24-hour strike was held in the British capital. It was organized by workers of the local subway.
The strike was associated with industrial confusion, the lack of a sufficient number of drivers, abuse by superiors and harassment of union members.
Protest in Argentina
On November 8, a strike by workers of two airlines took place in the country. 111 flights were canceled. Pilots, representatives of ground and technical staff at the time of departures held general meetings.
The protest was caused by the fact that the companies did not issue salaries to employees in October and do not fulfill the agreements on monthly indexation reached in 2017 in accordance with the rate of inflation.
In Poland, a picket was held in defense of a dismissed trade union activist
On November 7, a protest rally was held in front of the store of a retail chain in the city of Rzeszow. The picket was held under the slogan “Stop persecution for trade union activities!” To support the dismissed from the sales network of Agatu Stshalkovsk in Rzeszow, more than 50 trade union activists from different parts of Poland arrived.
- Agatha Stshalkovsk interceded for the store workers, and a criminal case was opened against her. This is bullying and harassment for trade union activities. Today they oppress her, and tomorrow they will take on other activists,” one of the protesters said.
Friday, November 16, 2018
101st anniversary of Great October in Simferopol
In the capital of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, a demonstration and rally was held to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. This time, the authorities of the capital banned marching on the roads but only along the pavements. About a thousand people took part in the march and rally. I was glad that there were a lot of young people - Komsomol members. The Crimean organization AUCPB came in almost at full strength. At the rally, the posters of the Block of Patriots of Crimea and Russia "The Unconquered Bastion", an organization affiliated to the AUCPB of the Republic, were deployed. It should be noted that several banners with Soviet symbols, the banner of the AUCPB were mixed with the banners of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Komsomol. The unity in action of the communists of Crimea was good to see.
As always, the Union of Soviet Officers of Simferopol was at the height of which the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ilya Ilyich Zaitsev took part in the march. The ringing of medals, a clear drill step and still distinguishes these loyal to the Soviet oath of the sons of the Fatherland from other demonstrators.
The speakers emphasized the importance of the Great October Revolution for the modern youth, for the country, for the world community. But modern day-to-day problems are also worrying: the water supply to the settlements of the Crimea and the Belogorsk region (in particular) has sounded a bitter reproach to the current government. If water is supplied to the villages for 2-3 hours a day, and even that is for a technical purpose, how can a rural worker live on earth? They also recalled the wastewater treatment plants that were destroyed today, which were built during the Soviet era. Problems with communication, housing and youth employment. The speakers bitterly recalled the notorious "pension reform" of the government. For the proposed draft resolution of the rally, those gathered voted "unanimously" in favour!
As always, the Union of Soviet Officers of Simferopol was at the height of which the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ilya Ilyich Zaitsev took part in the march. The ringing of medals, a clear drill step and still distinguishes these loyal to the Soviet oath of the sons of the Fatherland from other demonstrators.
The speakers emphasized the importance of the Great October Revolution for the modern youth, for the country, for the world community. But modern day-to-day problems are also worrying: the water supply to the settlements of the Crimea and the Belogorsk region (in particular) has sounded a bitter reproach to the current government. If water is supplied to the villages for 2-3 hours a day, and even that is for a technical purpose, how can a rural worker live on earth? They also recalled the wastewater treatment plants that were destroyed today, which were built during the Soviet era. Problems with communication, housing and youth employment. The speakers bitterly recalled the notorious "pension reform" of the government. For the proposed draft resolution of the rally, those gathered voted "unanimously" in favour!
Rally in Pyatigorsk in honor of the 101st anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the 27th anniversary of the founding of the AUCPB
In the city of Pyatigorsk near the monument of S.M. Kirov, the Pyatigorsk City AUCPB Committee held a solemn meeting dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia and the 27th anniversary of the creation of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB).
On display were: the AUCPB standard, AUCPB red flag with a mirror image of the portraits of V.I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin, red flags with a sickle and a hammer, banners: "THE ALL-UNION COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE BOLSHEVIKS" and "GLORY OF THE GREAT OCTOBER SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!". Newspapers were distributed: “The Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer”, “Revolution”, calendars for 2019, propaganda work was carried out, revolutionary songs were performed through amplification.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Pyatigorsk branch of the Communist Party and the Left Front.
The rally opened with the playing of the Stalin USSR anthem.
A minute of silence was announced for those who perished for the CAUSE of the GREAT OCTOBER SOCIALIST REVOLUTION ...
The secretary of the Central Committee of the AUCPB, N.A. Degtyarenko, made speeches along with comrades Vorobei I.A. - Secretary of the Pyatigorsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Sushko G.A., Velichko L.A., Kuzmenko L.I., Nesterova T.A. and other comrades.
A rally statement was adopted unanimously. The rally was closed by the execution of the Stalin’s anthem of the USSR. To the monument of S.M. Kirov flowers were laid.
A solemn meeting of the Pyatigorsk city organization of the AUCPB dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the Victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the 27th anniversary of the creation of the AUCPB was held.
Long live the 101st anniversary of the Victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution!
Glory to the leaders of the revolution V.I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
North Caucasus Bureau of the Central Committee of the AUCPB
Under the banner of Great October - we will win!
On November 7 in Novosibirsk on Lenin square, in front of the monument to V.I. Lenin on the initiative of the AUCPB, together with the RCWP, a picket was heldin honor of the 101st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
At the picket, we deployed a 10-meter banner “New October - not far off!”, Portraits of the leaders of the October Revolution V.I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin, red flags, distributed the newspapers "Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer", "Revolution", "Forward", a color wall calendar for 2019 - the year of the 140th anniversary of the birth of J.V. Stalin, a collection of articles by N.A. Andreeva.
After the picket at the Communist Party rally on Lenin square, we set up a tent to raise funds for the monument to Stalin, which informed the city residents about the meeting of the artistic council of the city hall on November 9 at 15.00 in the Great Hall of the city hall, where the issue of installing the monument to the Generalissimo will be decided.
At the picket, we collected more than 10,000 rubles to the half a million already collected for the monument to J.V. Stalin.
Long live the second carrying out of the socialist revolution!
A.V. Denisyuk
At the picket, we deployed a 10-meter banner “New October - not far off!”, Portraits of the leaders of the October Revolution V.I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin, red flags, distributed the newspapers "Bolshevik Sickle and Hammer", "Revolution", "Forward", a color wall calendar for 2019 - the year of the 140th anniversary of the birth of J.V. Stalin, a collection of articles by N.A. Andreeva.
After the picket at the Communist Party rally on Lenin square, we set up a tent to raise funds for the monument to Stalin, which informed the city residents about the meeting of the artistic council of the city hall on November 9 at 15.00 in the Great Hall of the city hall, where the issue of installing the monument to the Generalissimo will be decided.
At the picket, we collected more than 10,000 rubles to the half a million already collected for the monument to J.V. Stalin.
Long live the second carrying out of the socialist revolution!
A.V. Denisyuk
Comrades! The Central Committee of the AUCPB congratulates you all on the 101st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The October Revolution marked the beginning of a new era of humanity - the era of the elimination of all forms of exploitation, the era of the victory of communism. It was distinguished from all other revolutions by the fact that the workers created their own government bodies. “If the folk art of the revolutionary classes had not created the Soviets,” wrote V.I. Lenin, the proletarian revolution in Russia would be a hopeless affair”. The decisive condition for the victory of the revolution was that the tested, militant, revolutionary Bolshevik Party was at the head of the popular masses. The party was guided by the advanced theory of the working class — Marxist-Leninist theory.
In the writings of V.I. Lenin was given a theoretical justification and development of a concrete plan for the development of a bourgeois-democratic revolution into a socialist one. The Bolshevik Party managed to unite the various revolutionary movements and direct them towards a common goal - the overthrow of imperialism. The party has united in one revolutionary flow both the national movement for peace, and the peasant struggle for land — against the landowners, and the national liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples of Russia, and the struggle of the leading force of society — the proletariat for socialism.
The greatest international significance of the October Revolution is that it clearly showed the relevance of its main features for successful socialist revolutions in other countries. It showed that without the union of the proletariat and the peasantry, with the leadership of the workers, without the dictatorship of the proletariat, as a special class union of the proletariat and the peasantry, the victory of the revolution is impossible.
The epoch of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the Civil War was distinguished by a very special and exceptional content in world history. Even in the perception of their direct participants, the events of this time unfolded with fantastic speed, created an atmosphere of unprecedented upsurge and upheaval, extreme physical and mental stress among the huge masses of the Russian population. In order to present concretely the scope and tempo of historical life during this period, let us refer to Lenin's assessment of the moment in March 1918: “The history of mankind is doing one of the greatest, most difficult turns, having the immense, in our days: without a little exaggeration, world-liberation value. ... It is not surprising that on the steepest points of such a sharp turn, when surrounded with a terrible noise and crackle, the old is cracked and falling apart, and next to the indescribable torment a new one is born, some people feel dizzy, despair takes hold of someone.
In a few days we destroyed one of the oldest, most powerful, barbarous and brutal monarchies ... We passed the triumphant triumphal procession of Bolshevism from end to end of a huge country. We have raised to the freedom and independent life the lowest of the layers of the working masses oppressed by tsarism and the bourgeoisie. We have introduced and consolidated the Soviet republic, a new type of state, immeasurably higher and more democratic than the best of the bourgeois parliamentary republics. ” History, Lenin wrote, "is now flying with the speed of a locomotive."
Further events related to the unleashing of foreign intervention and the Civil War against the Soviet authorities, exacerbated the internal and international situation, intensified to the limit the intensity of the class struggle. The process of destruction of the old and the birth of the new social system was not as smooth and calm as other "socialists", far from real politics, had assumed. The Bolshevik Party did not hide the exceptional difficulties and difficulties of the struggle for communism, which the country, yesterday still one of the most backward in the world, devastated, bleeding, had to overcome.
The revolution opened the eyes of the workers and peasants: “First of all, we looked at ourselves not as a working blind horse, but as people, and saw that we are the same as those we kill life for and no worse than. We realized that together with our work we have the right to a peaceful rest, and to the joys of life. We have the will and the right to straighten our backs and raise our heads. We have the right to live as the head and the heart want, and not in the way that some “master” will allow.
The case told by John Reed is very significant: “We arrived at the front in the 12th Army, standing behind Riga, where barefooted and exhausted people died in trench mud from starvation and disease. Seeing us, they rose to meet. Their faces were exhausted; through the holes in the clothes blue naked body. And the first question was: “Did you bring something to read?” Read, learn, grow! Such aspirations were settled by the Revolution in the souls of the fighters for Soviet Power.
From the Civil War, society immediately followed the party. The right to receive an education was conquered for those who were doomed to ignorance before the Civil War. In the USSR, the program to eradicate illiteracy (literacy - from 1920) and universal primary education (universal education - from 1930) was able to solve the problems of primary education in less than twenty years - and this is in an agrarian country, where until 1917 there were more than 80% illiterate and illiterate population. By 1936, about 40 million illiterate people were trained in the USSR. In 1933 - 1937, more than 20 million illiterate people and about 20 million illiterate people were engaged only in the registered schools of the educational program. According to the census of 1939, literacy of people aged 16 to 50 years was close to 90%.
It was difficult, very difficult, to start the movement towards communism not with the people of the communist tomorrow, but with people who had formed under the conditions of the division of labor, overcoming their limitations through education and collective activity. Marx, while criticizing the Gothic program, wrote: “We are dealing here not with a communist society that has developed on its own basis, but, on the contrary, with one that just emerges from a capitalist society and therefore, in all respects, economically, morally and mentally, it still retains the birthmarks of the old society, from the depths of which it emerged.”
With the Revolution, the entire social structure of society, the attitude of the Soviet citizen to the state, to the task of protecting and preserving its socialist system has changed radically. A woman who has actively joined in the social life of society, who has grown to the level of a “member of the government”, began to understand her life function in a completely new way. In the field of family relations, the tendency of transition to public education of children developed. It was the most important, but also the most difficult task. As Henri Barbusse rightly said: “The school is a workshop where the thought of the younger generation is formed, you must hold it firmly in your hands if you don’t want to let go of the future.” The Soviet state actively supported the work of the teacher Makarenko on communist education, formed a system of Labor Reserves, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.
In the spring of 1919, Lenin wrote: “The old utopian socialists imagined that socialism could be built with other people, that they would first bring up pretty, clean, well-trained people and would build socialism out of them ... We want to build socialism immediately from that material which was left to us from capitalism from yesterday to today, now, and not from those people who will be prepared in greenhouses ... We need to take all the science, technology, all the knowledge, art. Without this, we cannot build the life of a communist society. ”
“Our,” “our common,” “all-encompassing” became the main theme of the village peasant gathering, the Komsomol cell meeting and the Soviet of People's Commissars. Everyone, even the most unimportant in a single human body, was interested in everything, sought out any shortcomings that impede progress. Only such a man could be building communism. The concepts of "we", "our" lay at the heart of the rapidly developing Soviet art - songs, movies, theater, even ballet - let us recall the "Flame of Paris". Such an approach was the key to victory in the great labor achievements of the united Soviet people, and the victory over the class enemy in the Civil War, the defeat of the fascist aggressor in the Great Patriotic War.
The inevitable moment was the "split" of society into violently opposing camps. These are cultural figures (“nobility-driver’s” Bunin and, on the other hand, Blok, Mayakovsky), and the nobility’s elite (take, at least, the daughter of the secular general Bolshevik Kollontai). Half of the officer elite (graduated from the Academy of the General Staff) went to the red, half to the white.
There were then hesitantants. Intellectuals who did not accept the revolution preferred to yearn for the past and complain about loneliness, blaming and hating the new social order. The literature born in this camp did not have “internal resources”; on it lay the stamp of doom, of vainness - long before its most irreconcilable representatives turned out, as M. Tsvetaeva put it, “worn out by the people” outside Russia.
“Cadres decide everything”! These great Stalinist words indicated to the Soviet people the only correct path to communism. Learn, grow, scrape off the scales of various “egg-like” petty-bourgeois growths that you inherited from the capitalist past, prepare yourself and your children for the communist future - that was the main aspiration of every citizen of the Country of Soviets. History has clearly shown the invincibility of such a society, which neither the post-war devastation nor the “cold war” unleashed by world imperialism could break.
Dear friends, comrades, Bolsheviks! We have a great battle ahead for communism, for the revival of our Motherland - the USSR. Let the poems of “Communist Marseillaise” inspire you in the struggle:
We are the fires of the world flame
The hammer that knocked the chains off the slave,
Communism is our red banner
Our sacred slogan is struggle.
Against reptiles, hoarse from howling,
Devouring all our labors
For the last terrible fight
We will join the ranks.
A demonstration and rally in honor of the 101st anniversary of the October Revolution takes place in Krasnoyarsk
In Krasnoyarsk, on November 7, along MIRA Avenue (formerly Stalin Avenue) a demonstration was held in honor of the 101st anniversary of the October Revolution, in which the Krasnoyarsk organization of the AUCPB was involved. Then, on Revolution Square near the monument to V.I. Lenin a rally was held.
Speech by J. V. Stalin at the Red Army Parade
on Red Square, Moscow
November 7, 1941
COMRADES, men of the Red Army and Red Navy, commanders and political instructors, working men and working women, collective farmers-men and women, workers in the intellectual professions, brothers and sisters in the rear of our enemy who have temporarily fallen under the yoke of the German brigands, and our valiant men and women guerillas who are destroying the rear of the German invaders!
On behalf of the Soviet Government and our Bolshevik Party I am greeting you and congratulating you on the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
Comrades, it is in strenuous circumstances that we are to-day celebrating the twenty-fourth anniversary of the October Revolution. The perfidious attack of the German brigands and the war which has been forced upon us have created a threat to our country. We have temporarily lost a number of regions, the enemy has appeared at the gates of Leningrad and Moscow. The enemy reckoned that after the very first blow our army would be dispersed, and our country would be forced to her knees. But the enemy gravely miscalculated. In spite of temporary reverses, our Army and Navy are heroically repulsing the enemy’s attacks along the entire front and inflicting heavy losses upon him, while our country—our entire country—has organized itself into one fighting camp in order, together with our Army and our Navy, to encompass the rout of the German invaders.
There were times when our country was in a still more difficult position. Remember the year 1918, when we celebrated the first anniversary of the October Revolution. Three-quarters of our country was at that time in the hands of foreign interventionists. The Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East were temporarily lost to us. We had no allies, we had no Red Army—we had only just begun to create it; there was a shortage of food, of armaments, of clothing for the Army. Fourteen states were pressing against our country. But we did not become despondent, we did not lose heart. In the fire of war we forged the Red Army and converted our country into a military camp. The spirit of the great Lenin animated us at that time for the war against the interventionists. And what happened? We routed the interventionists, recovered all our lost territory, and achieved victory.
To-day the position of our country is far better than twenty-three years ago. Our country is now many times richer than it was twenty-three years ago as regards industry, food and raw materials. We now have allies, who together with us are maintaining a united front against the German invaders. We now enjoy the sympathy and support of all the nations of Europe who have fallen under the yoke of Hitler’s tyranny. We now have a splendid Army and a splendid Navy, who are defending with their lives the liberty and independence of our country. We experience no serious shortage of either food, or armaments or army clothing. Our entire country, all the peoples of our country, support our Army and our Navy, helping them to smash the invading hordes of German fascists. Our reserves of man-power are inexhaustible. The spirit of the great Lenin and his victorious banner animate us now in this patriotic war just as they did twenty-three years ago.
Can there be any doubt that we can, and are bound to, defeat the German invaders?
The enemy is not so strong as some frightened little intellectuals picture him. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Who can deny that our Red Army has more than once put the vaunted German troops to panic flight? If one judges, not by the boastful assertions of the German propagandists, but by the actual position of Germany, it will not be difficult to understand that the German-fascist invaders are facing disaster. Hunger and impoverishment reign in Germany to-day; in four months of war Germany has lost four and a half million men; Germany is bleeding, her reserves of man-power are giving out, the spirit of indignation is spreading not only among the peoples of Europe who have fallen under the yoke of the German invaders but also among the German people themselves, who see no end to war. The German invaders are straining their last efforts. There is no doubt that Germany cannot sustain such a strain for long. Another few months, another half-year, perhaps another year, and Hitlerite Germany must burst under the pressure of her crimes.
Comrades, men of the Red Army and Red Navy, commanders and political instructors, men and women guerillas, the whole world is looking to you as the force capable of destroying the plundering hordes of German invaders. The enslaved peoples of Europe who have fallen under the yoke of the German invaders look to you as their liberators. A great liberating mission has fallen to your lot. Be worthy of this mission! The war you are waging is a war of liberation, a just war. Let the manly images of our great ancestors—Alexander Nevsky, Dimitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dimitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov—inspire you in this war! May the victorious banner of the great Lenin be your lodestar!
For the complete destruction of the German invaders!
Death to the German invaders!
Long live our glorious Motherland, her liberty and her independence!
Under the banner of Lenin, forward to victory!
We will be firm on the chosen path
Dear friends, party comrades! The Central Committee of the AUCPB congratulates ALL YOU on the 27th anniversary of the creation of our Leninist-Stalinist party, the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
We were the first at the height of the counter-revolution who raised the banner of Bolshevism. We revived Bolshevism, which the revisionist CPSU refused after Stalin’s death. This led to the victory of the counter-revolution, the collapse of the USSR and the formation of bourgeois states on its territory.
Over the years of counter-revolution, the industrial potential of the country has been destroyed, agriculture has collapsed, food security has been lost, the defense power has been undermined. Nothing worthwhile has been created in the field of culture, art or literature.
There is only one choice: “Either we will endlessly endure, dropping to the position of wordless slaves, or we will rise to a common struggle for our common demands” (J.V. Stalin).
Our main work today is Bolshevik agitation and propaganda among the masses.
“If the party succeeds in drawing into the struggle not only its members, if it succeeds in shaking up non-partisans, this is already the beginning of the conquest of the masses” (V.I. Lenin).
In our 27 years we have done something that no one, except us, had previously believed that it was possible to do at all. With our uncompromising struggle against anti-Stalinism, we turned public opinion in the direction of J.V. Stalin, denoting anti-Stalin hysteria (anti-Stalinism) and attacks on Stalin’s name and cause with a Trojan horse in the international communist movement, and to a certain extent changed the situation in the world communist movement. After all, anti-Stalinism was developed by the secret services of the West and used as a battering ram for the collapse of the USSR and historical amnesia of the Soviet people.
Our twenty-seven year old struggle is a constant battle along the way. We, the AUCPB, work for the future, for socialism. So let us be firm and adamant in our beliefs and aspirations in achieving the goal.
100 years since the November revolution in Germany
This autumn marks the 100th anniversary of the November Revolution in Germany, which led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic.
It is believed that the November Revolution, beginning in November 1918, ended in the summer of 1919. However, the revolutionary battles continued in Germany until the autumn of 1923, culminating in the Hamburg Uprising (whose 95th anniversary we celebrate in October).
The revolution began with an uprising of sailors in the city of Kiel. By early November, it was already clear that Germany was losing the First World War. But the high command decided to send a navy to the final battle in order to wrest acceptable conditions of peace from the Entente. Not wanting a meaningless death, the sailors spoke on November 3, the workers supported them. The uprising spread to other areas of Germany. On November 9, a general strike began in Berlin, growing into an uprising. Emperor Wilhelm II fled to Holland.
The further development of the situation, however, did not go beyond the framework of the bourgeois-democratic revolution. The workers of Germany were under the influence of the Social Democrats, who by the beginning of the revolution were divided into two parties: the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (NSPD). The first occupied frankly right positions. The latter, standing on “centrist” positions, were maneuvering and, at the most crucial moment, moving in agreement with the bourgeoisie.
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
The revolutionary Marxists created the Spartak alliance during the war. Spartacists were led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. On December 30, 1918, the Spartacists united with other radical left groups and created the German Communist Party (KKE).
After the overthrow of the monarchy in the country, a government was formed, in which the right-wing Social Democrats dominated. At the same time, the Soviets began to emerge - the authorities of the working class. However, due to the fact that the workers were under the influence of the Social Democrats, the Soviets did not fight for full power in the country.
Certain mistakes were made by the German Communists. Thus, the Communists did not put forward any slogans and programs that would attract the German peasantry to the side of the revolution. It is known that R. Luxemburg dogmatically criticized the Russian Bolsheviks for transferring land from the landlords to the peasants. In her opinion, this state should immediately create state-collective farms. However, the course of history showed the correctness of the Bolsheviks: in Russia, the working peasantry supported the socialist revolution, while in Germany it was left aside. The revolution in Germany was raging in large cities, without affecting the rural hinterland and its inhabitants.
Thus, in Germany there was no slogan either “power to the Soviets” or “land to the peasants”, and peace — a difficult peace as a result of defeat in the war — had already come.
The peak of the revolutionary battles were the events of January 5 - 12, 1919. The reason for them was, by decision of the government, the resignation of an independent social democrat from the post of chief of the Berlin police. The workers — communists and left-wing Social Democrats — came out in protest demonstrations that escalated into an uprising: the demonstrators began to seize important buildings in Berlin. But the workers were not armed, and the army did not support the rebels. The counterrevolution introduced its armed gangs into the city, the Freikor, formed mainly of reactionary-minded soldiers and officers. The uprising was drowned in blood. On January 15, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were captured by counter-revolutionaries and killed.
After that, the revolutionary struggle broke out in other cities. The most striking event of the spring of 1919 was the struggle of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, which existed from April 13 to May 1. The region of Bavaria became the only region where the Soviets went beyond the "local issues", and a workers' government was formed. Since April 13, it was headed by a communist Eugene Levin. The Bavarian Soviet Republic was crushed by counterrevolutionary gangs, Levin was killed.
Among the counterrevolutionaries was, and then still unknown to, the corporal Hitler.
Attempts to establish the Soviet republics were in other cities and regions - in Bremen, in Alsace and others.
A revolutionary upswing was observed in the spring of 1920 in the mining district of the Ruhr. In response to an attempt by the anti-republic insurgency, the workers formed the Ruhr Red Army. But in the battles against the army and the "Fraykor" poorly trained workers were defeated.
In March 1921, the clashes took place in the region of Central Germany - Saxony. Workers' speeches began after the police began to arrest the Communists. Disturbances escalated into armed clashes, but again poorly trained rebels could not successfully confront government forces.
A new upsurge of the fight occurred by October 1923. In the regions of Saxony and Thuringia, governments were formed with the participation of left-wing social democrats and communists. The workers armed themselves and created combat detachments, preparing for a fight with the counter-revolution. The central government was frightened that the trend would spread to other areas: in order to prevent socialist changes, troops were transferred to Saxony and Thuringia.
The Communist Party of Germany then headed for an armed uprising throughout the country. However, since 1921, right-wing opportunists led by Heinrich Brandler began to play a leading role in the leadership of the Communist Party. Brandler overturned the earlier decision on the uprising.
The fact that the uprising was canceled, was unknown to the Communists of Hamburg. On the morning of October 23, 1923, the revolutionary workers of Hamburg and its outskirts, under the leadership of their leader Ernst Thalmann, began to seize police stations. The city was covered with barricades. The government threw troops and police against the rebels.
The uprising, limited to the city of Hamburg and its outskirts, without support in other areas was doomed to defeat. Seeing that the Hamburg proletariat was fighting alone, Telman gave the order to stop the uprising, the workers left the barricades.
After separate clashes, left-wing governments in Saxony and Thuringia were dispersed. The Communist Party of Germany was officially banned.
The Hamburg Uprising of October 1923 ended the period of revolutionary battles that took place in Germany from November 1918. Unlike Russia, where the Bolshevik party was, Germany met its anti-monarchist revolution without a party that could lead the proletariat to victory. This led to the defeat of the revolutionary socialist forces.
Beginning in 1923, after the First World War, in general, economic stabilization began in Western Europe. In such conditions, the revolutionary struggle began to decline.
In Germany, the regime of the so-called “Weimar Republic” strengthened, the characteristic feature of which was the power of the right-wing Social Democrats. As history has shown, the "Weimar Republic" turned out to be a "transitional period" - in the period between the two world wars - to the fascist dictatorship.
In 1918 - 1923, Europe had a chance to go the other way. It would be realized in case of victory of the revolutionary forces in Germany. But due to objective and subjective reasons for the development of the situation, this chance was not realized.
Dar Vetrov
It is believed that the November Revolution, beginning in November 1918, ended in the summer of 1919. However, the revolutionary battles continued in Germany until the autumn of 1923, culminating in the Hamburg Uprising (whose 95th anniversary we celebrate in October).
The revolution began with an uprising of sailors in the city of Kiel. By early November, it was already clear that Germany was losing the First World War. But the high command decided to send a navy to the final battle in order to wrest acceptable conditions of peace from the Entente. Not wanting a meaningless death, the sailors spoke on November 3, the workers supported them. The uprising spread to other areas of Germany. On November 9, a general strike began in Berlin, growing into an uprising. Emperor Wilhelm II fled to Holland.
The further development of the situation, however, did not go beyond the framework of the bourgeois-democratic revolution. The workers of Germany were under the influence of the Social Democrats, who by the beginning of the revolution were divided into two parties: the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (NSPD). The first occupied frankly right positions. The latter, standing on “centrist” positions, were maneuvering and, at the most crucial moment, moving in agreement with the bourgeoisie.
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
The revolutionary Marxists created the Spartak alliance during the war. Spartacists were led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. On December 30, 1918, the Spartacists united with other radical left groups and created the German Communist Party (KKE).
After the overthrow of the monarchy in the country, a government was formed, in which the right-wing Social Democrats dominated. At the same time, the Soviets began to emerge - the authorities of the working class. However, due to the fact that the workers were under the influence of the Social Democrats, the Soviets did not fight for full power in the country.
Certain mistakes were made by the German Communists. Thus, the Communists did not put forward any slogans and programs that would attract the German peasantry to the side of the revolution. It is known that R. Luxemburg dogmatically criticized the Russian Bolsheviks for transferring land from the landlords to the peasants. In her opinion, this state should immediately create state-collective farms. However, the course of history showed the correctness of the Bolsheviks: in Russia, the working peasantry supported the socialist revolution, while in Germany it was left aside. The revolution in Germany was raging in large cities, without affecting the rural hinterland and its inhabitants.
Thus, in Germany there was no slogan either “power to the Soviets” or “land to the peasants”, and peace — a difficult peace as a result of defeat in the war — had already come.
The peak of the revolutionary battles were the events of January 5 - 12, 1919. The reason for them was, by decision of the government, the resignation of an independent social democrat from the post of chief of the Berlin police. The workers — communists and left-wing Social Democrats — came out in protest demonstrations that escalated into an uprising: the demonstrators began to seize important buildings in Berlin. But the workers were not armed, and the army did not support the rebels. The counterrevolution introduced its armed gangs into the city, the Freikor, formed mainly of reactionary-minded soldiers and officers. The uprising was drowned in blood. On January 15, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were captured by counter-revolutionaries and killed.
After that, the revolutionary struggle broke out in other cities. The most striking event of the spring of 1919 was the struggle of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, which existed from April 13 to May 1. The region of Bavaria became the only region where the Soviets went beyond the "local issues", and a workers' government was formed. Since April 13, it was headed by a communist Eugene Levin. The Bavarian Soviet Republic was crushed by counterrevolutionary gangs, Levin was killed.
Among the counterrevolutionaries was, and then still unknown to, the corporal Hitler.
Attempts to establish the Soviet republics were in other cities and regions - in Bremen, in Alsace and others.
A revolutionary upswing was observed in the spring of 1920 in the mining district of the Ruhr. In response to an attempt by the anti-republic insurgency, the workers formed the Ruhr Red Army. But in the battles against the army and the "Fraykor" poorly trained workers were defeated.
In March 1921, the clashes took place in the region of Central Germany - Saxony. Workers' speeches began after the police began to arrest the Communists. Disturbances escalated into armed clashes, but again poorly trained rebels could not successfully confront government forces.
A new upsurge of the fight occurred by October 1923. In the regions of Saxony and Thuringia, governments were formed with the participation of left-wing social democrats and communists. The workers armed themselves and created combat detachments, preparing for a fight with the counter-revolution. The central government was frightened that the trend would spread to other areas: in order to prevent socialist changes, troops were transferred to Saxony and Thuringia.
The Communist Party of Germany then headed for an armed uprising throughout the country. However, since 1921, right-wing opportunists led by Heinrich Brandler began to play a leading role in the leadership of the Communist Party. Brandler overturned the earlier decision on the uprising.
The fact that the uprising was canceled, was unknown to the Communists of Hamburg. On the morning of October 23, 1923, the revolutionary workers of Hamburg and its outskirts, under the leadership of their leader Ernst Thalmann, began to seize police stations. The city was covered with barricades. The government threw troops and police against the rebels.
The uprising, limited to the city of Hamburg and its outskirts, without support in other areas was doomed to defeat. Seeing that the Hamburg proletariat was fighting alone, Telman gave the order to stop the uprising, the workers left the barricades.
After separate clashes, left-wing governments in Saxony and Thuringia were dispersed. The Communist Party of Germany was officially banned.
The Hamburg Uprising of October 1923 ended the period of revolutionary battles that took place in Germany from November 1918. Unlike Russia, where the Bolshevik party was, Germany met its anti-monarchist revolution without a party that could lead the proletariat to victory. This led to the defeat of the revolutionary socialist forces.
Beginning in 1923, after the First World War, in general, economic stabilization began in Western Europe. In such conditions, the revolutionary struggle began to decline.
In Germany, the regime of the so-called “Weimar Republic” strengthened, the characteristic feature of which was the power of the right-wing Social Democrats. As history has shown, the "Weimar Republic" turned out to be a "transitional period" - in the period between the two world wars - to the fascist dictatorship.
In 1918 - 1923, Europe had a chance to go the other way. It would be realized in case of victory of the revolutionary forces in Germany. But due to objective and subjective reasons for the development of the situation, this chance was not realized.
Dar Vetrov
Dear comrades! Members of the AUCPB, VGB, our friends and adherents in Russia and abroad! We congratulate ALL YOU on the 101st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which was accomplished under the leadership of the working class of Russia and its allies led by the brilliant leaders Lenin and Stalin under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism!
For the first time in world history, the Great October Socialist Revolution severed the age-old chains of oppression and exploitation, freed the working people from poverty, social inequality, spiritual enslavement and brought our Motherland to the advanced positions of human civilization - to socialism.
It was a world historical breakthrough from the prehistory of humanity into the future of our beautiful planet Earth.
Not only our homeland - the USSR, the whole world was transformed as a result of the accomplishment of the Great October Revolution. Socialism breached the world imperialist system and strode victoriously throughout the world, causing furious fear among our enemies, joy and hope among our friends, among the oppressed and dispossessed. The victory of socialism in our country inspired and inspires all sincere and honest fighters in their difficult struggle for the bright future of mankind, for the best life of working people.
We wish ALL of you good health, courage in our common struggle for socialism, for the revival of our great Motherland - the USSR! We wish ALL of YOU the unity of our ranks in the positions of Marxism-Leninism that are the only faithful and verified in the fire of the Great October Revolution and the socialist revolutions that followed it. The truth is on our side and therefore Victory will be ours.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Most support the installation of the monument to J.V. Stalin
In Novosibirsk, public discussions on the installation of the monument to J.V. Stalin in the city.
Public discussions were held on the Internet from 9 to 29 October. Three projects for the installation of the monument to J.V. Stalin: near the House of Officers, near the stele "Bayonet" and in the Efremov Square.
The results are published on the official website of the City Hall
During the discussion 243 proposals, opinions and recommendations were received.
For the installation of the monument were made 155 public comments. 137 participants proposed to erect a monument to Stalin near the House of Officers, 4 participants proposed to establish a bust next to the stele "Bayonets", 2 - in the Efremov Square. Without the proposal of a specific site for the installation of the monument, 12 opinions were received.
Thus, the installation of the monument J.V. Stalin was supported in the city by two thirds of the participants in public discussions.
As follows from the public comment protocol published on the website of the City Hall, “supporters of the installation of the monument consider that it is necessary to perpetuate this man’s undeniable achievements (the creation of a socialist state, economic reforms, improvement of the industrial level of the country and the creation of nuclear weapons, victory in the Great Patriotic War, restoration of the country after the war), consider it a restoration of justice for the demolition of monuments on the orders of Khrushchev, consider Stalin an important historical figure, consider the installation of the monument part of the patriotic education of the younger generations. Some participants in the discussion indicate that their relatives took part in the Great Patriotic War under the leadership of Stalin.”
According to the available information, the meeting of the artistic council of the city hall, at which the proposed projects for the installation of the monument to J.V. Stalin in the city, will be held on November 9.
Recall that a public opinion poll in Novosibirsk, conducted in March 2017 by the analytical agency “Image Factor” (1020 respondents aged 18 years and older) showed that 49.1% of the citizens have a positive attitude to J.V. Stalin (negatively - 20%). 42.1% of Novosibirsk citizens consider Stalin to be a man who made a decisive contribution to the defeat of fascism, 35.8% - the leader who made the USSR a world power, 30.6% - a major political and statesman on a global scale. 34.3% of the population (several hundred thousand) support the installation in Novosibirsk of the monument to J.V. Stalin, as the Supreme Commander of the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 45.
A.V. Denisyuk
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