Friday, July 12, 2019

July 8 in the DPRK - Commemoration Day of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung (1912 - 1994)

The name Kim Il Sung is inscribed in gold letters in the history of the world revolutionary communist movement. The goal of his life he set the liberation of Korea from the Japanese occupation, the liberation of the Korean people from the yoke of the landowners and colonialists, the entry of the motherland on the path of socialist development.

The war of 1950 - 1953 made the Korean Peninsula the center of the clash of forces of socialism and imperialism. Here, in Korea, it was decided whether it would be possible to stop the American martinet players who boasted of their imaginary “invincibility”. Therefore, all eyes were drawn to Korea, people of goodwill were in a hurry to help the Koreans. The invasion of the American aggressors was drowned out, and Comrade Kim Il Sung squeezed the banner of the DPRK even more tightly in his hand, demonstrating to the world the invincibility of the socialist choice of the Korean people.

The liberation of the country from the Japanese invaders, the defeat of the American aggressors allowed the Korean people to move to peaceful socialist construction. The Workersr Party of Korea was founded, which united warriors and workers in its ranks. The construction of socialism, the transformation of the country into an advanced power showed the whole world and, above all, the peoples of the East an example of labor prowess in conditions of free socialist labor. The Labor Party, founded by the great revolutionary Kim Il Sung, demonstrated the wonders of socialist construction, becoming a beacon of progress and development for the peoples of the East.

In Korea, the Juche idea was formulated, the Songun idea was a coherent system of the ideology of socialism born on Korean soil.

The strength test of the Juche and Songun ideas took place in the early 1990s, when the world reaction took place, and the red flags were lowered in dozens of countries. The DPRK has become a rock, about which a wave of counter-revolution broke. Imperialism again choked, crashing on the shores of Korea. The enemies of socialist Korea could only howl angrily from afar, hoping to thrust their fangs into the country after the death of Comrade Kim Il Sung on July 8, 1994. But even here the enemies were disappointed. Comrade Kim Il Sung handed the banner of the country into the hands of Comrade Kim Jong Il, and he carried him through the storms and tribulations of the new era. The banner of the DPRK, proudly flying over the Korean Peninsula, for all people of goodwill on Earth has become a symbol of freedom, resistance and victory over imperialism.

Socialist Korea, its plants and factories, gardens and fields, scientific laboratories and cultural institutions, military units and spacious streets and avenues of Korean cities, became the best monument to Comrade Kim Il Sung. Portraits of Kim Il Sung and portraits of Kim Jong Il illuminate the everyday life of Koreans, recalling both the difficulties of the struggle for liberation and the difficult path of building and defending socialism. The images of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong-il inspire revolutionaries of all countries, and today they send words of support to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, its great people and admiring top leader Kim Jong-un.

“To make every effort to maintain and protect the victorious revolution, to preserve and strengthen its conquests, such are the internationalist tasks, the duty and morality of the communists. We must actively support the revolution ahead, ”wrote the great comrade Kim Il Sung.

Today, in the conditions of the 21st century, the revolution going forward is the revolution being carried out by the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Today, the eyes of the proletariat of the whole world are directed with hope and love to the DPRK, founded by the great revolutionary Kim Il Sung. Supporting the DPRK, surrounded by imperialist sharks, is the task of the Communists of the whole world.