By Vladimir Ryabov
The more passions flare up on the left flank about the economic feasibility of terms of value and worth, the more disputing parties are likened to alchemists trying to “extract” pure gold from the components of what was said. Only in this way do modern “communists” manage to see both the value and the value of the criteria of the commodity mode of production considered by them.
This wave of evaluation of the new economic feasibility has risen somewhere from the period of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx and continues to the present. And all would be fine, since the matter concerns the first chapters of Capital, Marx, where he comprehensively considers consumer and exchange values, the transition from the universal form of value to monetary form. “From the function of money as a medium of circulation, their monetary form arises. The weight part of gold, mentally presented in the price, or the monetary name of the goods, should resist in the process of circulation as a piece of gold of the same name or coin, ”says Marx in the section“ Coin. “The sign of value.” And continues, “Paper money is only so much a sign of value, since they are representatives of known quantities of gold, and the amount of gold, like any other quantities of goods, is at the same time the amount of value.”
But in the fourth chapter of Capital, Marx derives the “General Formula of Capital” C – M – C. And having included the surplus value in the analysis, he comes to the conclusion that capital “is self-growth”. After the section "Buying and Selling Labor", Marx goes directly to the foundations of the class struggle, in which the liberation of the Army of Labor from the shackles of Capital becomes the logical outcome of such a struggle, because the ultimate goal in this struggle is the construction of a classless society, communism.
Why did the modern “Communists" give all the problems of the modern economy to the left-wing bourgeois economists, and began to re-read Marx themselves. Their problem is that they do not want to see that cost has long been in the place of value, which appeared after Lenin’s well-known wording: "Communism is the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country." Modern followers of the revisionist line of the CPSU Central Committee never analyze Lenin's electrification, since from the Leninist formulation of communism they are only interested in the Soviet regime. But it is impossible to build communism by the Soviet authorities; a powerful economic flywheel of Lenin’s electrification is needed. "Without electrification," said Lenin, "the return of capitalism is inevitable."
Socialism in the USSR fell apart because Lenin’s electrification did not work in it since Khrushchev’s time, and Lenin’s wording on communism was replaced with a promise to build communism in 1980. But in essence, all this Khrushchev-Brezhnev construction of the new society turned into a well-functioning mechanism for transferring the party nomenclature to the bourgeoisie, which in 1991 launched an open attack on property.
Why are modern “communists" better than the Khrushchev-Brezhnev nomenclature? Yes, they are no better. If the old party nomenclature was waiting for the collapse of the USSR, then the modern "communists" are waiting for the peak of the systemic crisis of capitalism, which will bring down Russia as well, which may allow them to take power "on bayonets." But Lenin warned: “One can defeat bayonets, but one cannot sit on bayonets”. Here, wherever you look, you need Lenin's electrification and movement towards communism, otherwise stagnation and counter-revolution.
How, then, at the cost of production, can communism be built?
In 1922, the book of I.I. Skvortsova-Stepanova "Electrification of the RSFSR in connection with the transitional phase of the world economy", which Lenin in mid-April of the same year gave the highest rating. During the Leninist period, Ivan Skvortsov (wrote under the pseudonym Stepanov) was the translator of Capital of Marx into Russian, and after the Great October Socialist Revolution he became the first people's commissar of finance in the Lenin government. So, in his book Skvortsov-Stepanov reduced all Leninist electrification to fuel, i.e., to energy resources.
Energy costs can always be calculated through the cost of production of any product, because all production is electrified and any accounting department calculates energy costs for the production of its own products. The whole question is only who controls the accounting? In Soviet times, this was done by primary party organizations in production, which trade unions could join. Therefore, energy consumption was well controlled only during the period of Lenin and Stalin, and Malenkov kept these orders for two years at the head of the government. Through the saving of energy, they sought to increase labor productivity, and surplus value was a thing of the past. And after the Great Patriotic War they even switched to lowering prices for consumer goods, which moved the entire monetary system to zero. That is, when Otherwise, the Soviet Union switched to the real practice of withering away money and building a classless society, communism.
The process of dying off the monetary system was carried out by controlling the entire production of the interests of the working class, the interests of which were expressed by the party and trade union committees, fighting to increase labor productivity in the whole production. The increase in labor productivity was achieved by saving energy resources, for the sake of which increased production plans were adopted, and energy fuel saved during the work was used to increase the living standards of the entire Soviet people, due to its monetary component. Thus, by counting the energy spent, the working class directly controlled the country's economy, influencing it by the growth of profit on its own interests. Cost figures were announced at every party or trade union meeting, so every worker knew what advantages he had in his work and what needed to be improved. To improve labor productivity, increased work plans were adopted at each workplace. Why did the working class really govern and remain the political leader in the country, under the leadership of its vanguard, the Bolshevik party.
Under Khrushchev, stagnation began, as the country was slowly shifting from energy to the monetary form of profit, which immediately put the ruble on its knees in front of the dollar. To eliminate criticism from below, I.V. Stalin, there were “victims of repression,” who began to openly destroy the socialist economy. Brezhnev had already introduced the costly mechanism of the economy in monetary terms, according to the principle: the more invested, the better it worked. The working class was not able to manage production through the monetary system, and therefore found itself overboard in decision-making. In the 70s, many residents in the USSR began to realize that a movement towards capitalism had begun. But all the leaders who could lead the movement against the collapse of the USSR were removed from the political arena in advance.
Now control over the consumption of energy resources from the party nomenclature was transferred to the hands of large oligarchs, who had been prepared in advance in the Komsomol committees. And due to this control, the oligarchs increase their profits, not forgetting their benefactors from the CPSU, who received their percentage after the privatization of socialist property. The basis of the economy remains all the same energy resources, which came under the control of the most advanced oligarchs by the forces of former party groups. Because of the resources, real wars erupt from the district level to the republican level, like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. And even quite favorable relations between Russia and Belarus are fraught with the threat of conflict over energy resources.
How did the West respond to the rapid breakthrough of Stalin's industrialization, which allowed the Soviet Union to defeat Nazi fascism? The West responded with its electrification based on the priority of money. The adjustments were made by the Bretton Woods World Monetary System, a form of organization of monetary relations, settlements established by the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, according to which the American dollar plays the role of world money along with gold.
But the American dollar could not become the master of the situation in the world market thanks to the stroke of the pen of the declaration of the Bretton Woods conference. However, he nevertheless became the master of the situation in the capitalist market for the reason that all the oil reserves of the post-war world were concentrated in the hands of the leading British and American monopolies, most of which were in the colonies. And it was precisely on the basis of this “black gold” that the dollar was able to fulfill the functions of the world gendarme, forcing everyone to buy dollars in order to buy oil products and develop their own economy, which without the purchase of energy resources for dollars for developing economies did not allow functioning at all. In addition, for payments in dollars, the American side introduced a system of taxes that had to be paid for the use of settlements in dollars. It must be said that the US imperialist circles also pulled up metals trading in energy trading, since metals depended heavily on the use of “black gold”, therefore they fell into the category of “blue chips” on financial exchanges, the trade of which was also drawn to the use of dollars.
Modern Russian politicians are not averse to leading all the processions associated with the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, as if they were united with the policy of Lenin's electrification, on the economic basis of which the industrial rise of the rear productivity and the combat feat of the Red Army were achieved. At the same time they bashfully close from the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, whose genius was achieved industrial superiority over the economy of Nazi Germany, crushing under itself the whole of Europe. As they say, Russian politicians value the history of the country of the Soviets, but they love property very much, which does not allow them to raise labor productivity. After all, one cannot spell out spells to increase labor productivity in Russia alone Take real success.
Turning to the left gives two well-known deviations, Trotskyite and Bukharin, which filled the current communist movement and successfully fit into the current regime. In order to achieve self-growth of investments in this direction, it is necessary to use the economic base of Lenin's electrification in order to lead the working class of Russia and our allies in other countries that will support such a policy of the class and its political vanguard. And we must go to the revival of the USSR.
For this, just one modern support of Stalin is not enough, at such a turn it is necessary to know the history of the creation of a nuclear missile shield under the leadership of L.P. Beria and G.M. Malenkov and adopt the economic policy of increasing labor productivity, carried out under their leadership. That is, without erection on a pedestal L.P. Beria and G.M. Malenkova, next to I.V. Stalin, no self-growth is possible. The pedestal for the creators of the nuclear missile shield is not needed on its own, but is needed as an ideological start to exit and consolidate in the Universe, for the sake of which these people lived and where they carried us. There, in deep space, huge energies await us, which we must possess, because Lenin's electrification does not end within the Earth, it is a continuation of the Great October Revolution, which has a great path.
The wretched struggle for “black gold” of oligarchic regimes on the basis of a single world currency - the dollar can lead only to the fire of world war. For energy resources cannot belong only to moneybags, since they are the national property of the whole people, and only the people can manage their resources in their interests. And the thing is, who in the cost of production will calculate energy costs: the Army of Labor or the Army of Capital? The first option opens us the way to the future, the second option has no future.
August 2019
Friday, August 30, 2019
The conclusion of the Soviet-German pact on August 23, 1939 is a forced, but the only right step of the leadership of the USSR
August 23 marks the 80th anniversary of the non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Germany, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. With the filing of the Anglo-American imperialist circles, beginning in the late 80's. and to this day, the frantic slanderous campaign around this treaty does not stop.
In December 1989, at the II Congress of People's Deputies, the herald of "perestroika", ideologist and adviser to Gorbachev, A.N. Yakovlev presented "evidence" of the existence of a "secret protocol" to the "Nonaggression Treaty" between Germany and the USSR of August 23, 1939, which stipulated the delineation of the areas of mutual interests in Eastern Europe. Recognition of the "fact of existence" of this "protocol" and its recognition as "immoral and illegal" made it possible to use it as a battering ram to destroy the USSR. The nationalists of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and other post-Soviet republics, as well as pseudo-democratic politicians in Russia, singing along to the reactionaries of Western countries, are still trying to prove that the treaty prompted Hitler to start a war. This is necessary for the Western imperialists to whitewash their own role in the preparation of World War II. They seek to blame the leadership of the Soviet Union for all mortal sins, including an alleged "conspiracy" with Nazi Germany. They are trying to use this theme to denigrate the Soviet past. However, it should be noted: there is strong evidence of serious analysts that the specified "secret protocol" is a fake.
In order to appreciate the significance of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty, one should imagine the situation preceding its signing.
The Munich agreement on September 29-30, 1938 allowed the governments of England and France and the ruling circles of the United States behind them to give Czechoslovakia to Germany as a price for the obligation to start a war against the USSR. The governments of England and France were not limited to concluding an agreement with Hitler only on the Czechoslovak issue. On September 30, 1938 in Munich, Chamberlain and Hitler signed the Anglo-German Declaration, in which both sides expressed their desire to never again wage war against each other. The declaration was tantamount to an Anglo-German non-aggression pact. On December 6, 1938 in Paris, Bonnet and Ribbentrop signed a declaration in which the existing Franco-German border was recognized as final. The declaration was tantamount to a Franco-German non-aggression pact.
The Munich Accords of 1938 constituted an anti-Soviet conspiracy. They were aimed at completely isolating the USSR in the international arena.
The policy of continuous concessions to the German aggressor, pursued by the Western powers, has borne fruit. Hitler believed in his impunity and began to openly foment war in Europe. The Munich agreement, which included a guarantee of the inviolability of the remnants of the Czechoslovak state, did not last even six months. On March 15, 1939, Hitler sent troops to Czechoslovakia. There was no resistance to him. Hitler dismembered Czechoslovakia. Czech lands were transformed into a German "protectorate", and Transcarpathian Ukraine was transferred to Khortist Hungary. Slovakia declared itself an "independent" republic, but in reality it became completely dependent on Germany.
The Soviet government qualified the actions of Germany against Czechoslovakia as an act of violence, aggression, arbitrariness and refused to recognize the inclusion of Czech lands in the German Reich. The Soviet Union demanded discussion of the Czechoslovak issue in the League of Nations, but did not meet support from the Western powers.
Taking advantage of the connivance of Western countries, Hitler continued to prepare for a future large-scale war. On April 28, 1939, he announced the termination of the Polish-German treaty of 1934 and the Anglo-German naval agreement of 1935, as allegedly incompatible with the Anglo-Polish declaration of mutual assistance.
On May 22, 1939, Italy and Germany signed an alliance treaty with an obligation to help each other in the event of a war with a state or group of countries. Earlier, on October 25, 1936, the Berlin-Rome Axis military-political union was created, followed by the signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact by Germany and Japan on November 25, 1936, to which Italy joined on November 6, 1937, and then signed in 1940 agreement on the creation of the Three Powers Pact.
The Italo-German bloc broke all agreements by which Western countries hoped to guarantee their own security, and openly fomented a war in Europe.
Under these conditions, in March 1939, the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations began on the conclusion of the Triple Pact of mutual assistance. This was the last chance to maintain peace in Europe.
The Soviet government made every effort to reach an agreement with the governments of England and France on a mutually sti and equal rights of the parties.
However, the governments of England and France behaved two-faced, they did not want to conclude an agreement with the Soviet Union based on the principles of reciprocity and equality of obligations of the parties. Anglo-French representatives demanded assistance from the Soviet Union in the event that England and France themselves would be involved in the war because of the guarantees they had given to Poland, Romania and other countries. But they left open the question of whether the Soviet Union, in turn, could count on their help in the event of a direct attack by aggressors. They demanded that the Soviet Union help Greece and Belgium, but did not want to assume any obligations to provide assistance to the Baltic countries.
The reluctance of the Anglo-French side to cooperate with the Soviet Union in repelling Hitler aggression was especially pronounced during the negotiations on the conclusion of a military convention, which were held in Moscow in August 1939.
The Soviet Union expressed its readiness to set 136 divisions, up to 10 thousand tanks and wedges, and over 5 thousand aircraft against the aggressor. England stated that it could only exhibit 5 infantry and one mechanized division. It became clear that the British figures were going to fight with the wrong hands.
The ruling circles of England and France, encouraged by American reactionaries, foiled negotiations with the Soviet Union that began in the spring of 1939 and continued to push Hitler to attack the USSR.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that during the negotiations the Red Army waged fierce battles against the troops of imperialist Japan invading the territory of Mongolia on May 11, 1939. There was a real danger for the Soviet Union on two fronts. This forced the Soviet government to seek other ways to ensure the security of its country.
In August 1939, the Hitler government turned to the Soviet government with a proposal to conclude a non-aggression pact. The Soviet Union faced a choice: either to accept Germany’s offer for self-defense and thus preserve peace for a certain period of time, or to reject and thereby allow the provocateurs of war to immediately drag our country into armed conflict with Hitler in a situation completely unfavorable to it, subject to complete isolation. As you know, according to the third five-year plan (1938 - 1942), the rearmament of the Red Army was planned to be carried out by 1942.
The hostility of the Western powers to the USSR, their unwillingness to cooperate with him to repel Nazi aggression forced the Soviet government to accept the German proposal.
On August 23, 1939, a Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was signed in Moscow. Under this agreement, concluded for a period of 10 years, both parties pledged to refrain from aggression and from attacking each other. In the event of an attack on one of the parties of a third power, the other side undertook not to provide support to the attacker.
The conclusion of a non-aggression pact with Germany was a necessary and justified step on the part of the Soviet government. In the complex and contradictory international environment of the summer and autumn of 1939, the pact with Germany was in the vital interests of the Soviet people. It was fully consistent with international law, the practice of the world community and the Western powers themselves at that time.
Speaking at an expanded meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) Shortly before the start of World War II (at the end of May 1941), I.V. Stalin said:
“Thus, the conclusion of a non-aggression pact with Germany was the right political step on our part. He gave the necessary respite to better prepare the country for defense, and allowed to split the Munich front of the imperialists directed against us in the person of Germany, Italy, England and France and the United States behind them. As a result of the general campaign of the imperialist powers against the USSR, it did not work out. This is the main result. ”
The result of the visionary policy of the head of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, I.V. Stalin became the fact that the Soviet Union emerged from World War II as a winner. He saved his people and the peoples of Europe from fascist slavery and physical destruction.
Prepared by V. Zelikov
In December 1989, at the II Congress of People's Deputies, the herald of "perestroika", ideologist and adviser to Gorbachev, A.N. Yakovlev presented "evidence" of the existence of a "secret protocol" to the "Nonaggression Treaty" between Germany and the USSR of August 23, 1939, which stipulated the delineation of the areas of mutual interests in Eastern Europe. Recognition of the "fact of existence" of this "protocol" and its recognition as "immoral and illegal" made it possible to use it as a battering ram to destroy the USSR. The nationalists of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and other post-Soviet republics, as well as pseudo-democratic politicians in Russia, singing along to the reactionaries of Western countries, are still trying to prove that the treaty prompted Hitler to start a war. This is necessary for the Western imperialists to whitewash their own role in the preparation of World War II. They seek to blame the leadership of the Soviet Union for all mortal sins, including an alleged "conspiracy" with Nazi Germany. They are trying to use this theme to denigrate the Soviet past. However, it should be noted: there is strong evidence of serious analysts that the specified "secret protocol" is a fake.
In order to appreciate the significance of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty, one should imagine the situation preceding its signing.
The Munich agreement on September 29-30, 1938 allowed the governments of England and France and the ruling circles of the United States behind them to give Czechoslovakia to Germany as a price for the obligation to start a war against the USSR. The governments of England and France were not limited to concluding an agreement with Hitler only on the Czechoslovak issue. On September 30, 1938 in Munich, Chamberlain and Hitler signed the Anglo-German Declaration, in which both sides expressed their desire to never again wage war against each other. The declaration was tantamount to an Anglo-German non-aggression pact. On December 6, 1938 in Paris, Bonnet and Ribbentrop signed a declaration in which the existing Franco-German border was recognized as final. The declaration was tantamount to a Franco-German non-aggression pact.
The Munich Accords of 1938 constituted an anti-Soviet conspiracy. They were aimed at completely isolating the USSR in the international arena.
The policy of continuous concessions to the German aggressor, pursued by the Western powers, has borne fruit. Hitler believed in his impunity and began to openly foment war in Europe. The Munich agreement, which included a guarantee of the inviolability of the remnants of the Czechoslovak state, did not last even six months. On March 15, 1939, Hitler sent troops to Czechoslovakia. There was no resistance to him. Hitler dismembered Czechoslovakia. Czech lands were transformed into a German "protectorate", and Transcarpathian Ukraine was transferred to Khortist Hungary. Slovakia declared itself an "independent" republic, but in reality it became completely dependent on Germany.
The Soviet government qualified the actions of Germany against Czechoslovakia as an act of violence, aggression, arbitrariness and refused to recognize the inclusion of Czech lands in the German Reich. The Soviet Union demanded discussion of the Czechoslovak issue in the League of Nations, but did not meet support from the Western powers.
Taking advantage of the connivance of Western countries, Hitler continued to prepare for a future large-scale war. On April 28, 1939, he announced the termination of the Polish-German treaty of 1934 and the Anglo-German naval agreement of 1935, as allegedly incompatible with the Anglo-Polish declaration of mutual assistance.
On May 22, 1939, Italy and Germany signed an alliance treaty with an obligation to help each other in the event of a war with a state or group of countries. Earlier, on October 25, 1936, the Berlin-Rome Axis military-political union was created, followed by the signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact by Germany and Japan on November 25, 1936, to which Italy joined on November 6, 1937, and then signed in 1940 agreement on the creation of the Three Powers Pact.
The Italo-German bloc broke all agreements by which Western countries hoped to guarantee their own security, and openly fomented a war in Europe.
Under these conditions, in March 1939, the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations began on the conclusion of the Triple Pact of mutual assistance. This was the last chance to maintain peace in Europe.
The Soviet government made every effort to reach an agreement with the governments of England and France on a mutually sti and equal rights of the parties.
However, the governments of England and France behaved two-faced, they did not want to conclude an agreement with the Soviet Union based on the principles of reciprocity and equality of obligations of the parties. Anglo-French representatives demanded assistance from the Soviet Union in the event that England and France themselves would be involved in the war because of the guarantees they had given to Poland, Romania and other countries. But they left open the question of whether the Soviet Union, in turn, could count on their help in the event of a direct attack by aggressors. They demanded that the Soviet Union help Greece and Belgium, but did not want to assume any obligations to provide assistance to the Baltic countries.
The reluctance of the Anglo-French side to cooperate with the Soviet Union in repelling Hitler aggression was especially pronounced during the negotiations on the conclusion of a military convention, which were held in Moscow in August 1939.
The Soviet Union expressed its readiness to set 136 divisions, up to 10 thousand tanks and wedges, and over 5 thousand aircraft against the aggressor. England stated that it could only exhibit 5 infantry and one mechanized division. It became clear that the British figures were going to fight with the wrong hands.
The ruling circles of England and France, encouraged by American reactionaries, foiled negotiations with the Soviet Union that began in the spring of 1939 and continued to push Hitler to attack the USSR.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that during the negotiations the Red Army waged fierce battles against the troops of imperialist Japan invading the territory of Mongolia on May 11, 1939. There was a real danger for the Soviet Union on two fronts. This forced the Soviet government to seek other ways to ensure the security of its country.
In August 1939, the Hitler government turned to the Soviet government with a proposal to conclude a non-aggression pact. The Soviet Union faced a choice: either to accept Germany’s offer for self-defense and thus preserve peace for a certain period of time, or to reject and thereby allow the provocateurs of war to immediately drag our country into armed conflict with Hitler in a situation completely unfavorable to it, subject to complete isolation. As you know, according to the third five-year plan (1938 - 1942), the rearmament of the Red Army was planned to be carried out by 1942.
The hostility of the Western powers to the USSR, their unwillingness to cooperate with him to repel Nazi aggression forced the Soviet government to accept the German proposal.
On August 23, 1939, a Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was signed in Moscow. Under this agreement, concluded for a period of 10 years, both parties pledged to refrain from aggression and from attacking each other. In the event of an attack on one of the parties of a third power, the other side undertook not to provide support to the attacker.
The conclusion of a non-aggression pact with Germany was a necessary and justified step on the part of the Soviet government. In the complex and contradictory international environment of the summer and autumn of 1939, the pact with Germany was in the vital interests of the Soviet people. It was fully consistent with international law, the practice of the world community and the Western powers themselves at that time.
Speaking at an expanded meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) Shortly before the start of World War II (at the end of May 1941), I.V. Stalin said:
“Thus, the conclusion of a non-aggression pact with Germany was the right political step on our part. He gave the necessary respite to better prepare the country for defense, and allowed to split the Munich front of the imperialists directed against us in the person of Germany, Italy, England and France and the United States behind them. As a result of the general campaign of the imperialist powers against the USSR, it did not work out. This is the main result. ”
The result of the visionary policy of the head of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, I.V. Stalin became the fact that the Soviet Union emerged from World War II as a winner. He saved his people and the peoples of Europe from fascist slavery and physical destruction.
Prepared by V. Zelikov
Who knows what they fight for, are not afraid of death
August 19 marks the hundredth anniversary of the death of Ethel (Elena) Borko, a Bolshevik revolutionist who died at the hands of the Denikin executioners in 1919.
Ethel Borko embarked on the path of revolutionary struggle in her youth, studying at the Berdichev Commercial School. In 1914, at the age of 17, she was expelled from school for participating in the May Day. In 1916, she entered the University of Rostov-on-Don, at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In Rostov, she established ties with a local underground Bolshevik organization.
After the October Revolution and the defeat of the Kaledin insurgency, she participated in the work of the organs of Soviet power, took part in the organization of the Socialist Union of Proletarian Youth, and spoke from the rostrum of the first congress of Soviets of the Don Republic. It was then that Ethel was entrusted with a new "party" name - Elena.
The capture of the Don by the interventionists and White Guards forced the Rostov Bolsheviks to again go underground. The brave girl became the responsible courier of the Don Committee of the RCP (B.), Helping the committee to maintain contact with the Red Guerrilla units, crossed the front line, took part in military operations. Once she brought home a fragment of a grenade, from which a comrade who was next to her died. The younger brother asked if she was afraid that she might also be killed. She replied: he who knows what he is fighting for will not be afraid of death.
In May 1919, the White Guard counterintelligence set about defeating the Bolshevik underground in Rostov. According to the denouncer of the provocateur, Elena Borko was also captured. Already being arrested, while in the counterintelligence building, she distracted the attention of the guards and helped her friend Masha Malinsky to escape from arrest.
The months of torture at torture interrogations in counterintelligence came. The brave girl did not make confessions, did not give away comrades.
On August 19, 1919, Ethel (Elena) Borko was shot dead in a prison cell. She was 22 years old ...
* * *
A hundred years later, associates of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB) visited the grave of Ethel Borko in the Rostov city cemetery.
As a sign of respect and memory of the brave Bolshevik, flowers tied with a red ribbon lay on the grave.
Ethel Borko embarked on the path of revolutionary struggle in her youth, studying at the Berdichev Commercial School. In 1914, at the age of 17, she was expelled from school for participating in the May Day. In 1916, she entered the University of Rostov-on-Don, at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In Rostov, she established ties with a local underground Bolshevik organization.
After the October Revolution and the defeat of the Kaledin insurgency, she participated in the work of the organs of Soviet power, took part in the organization of the Socialist Union of Proletarian Youth, and spoke from the rostrum of the first congress of Soviets of the Don Republic. It was then that Ethel was entrusted with a new "party" name - Elena.
The capture of the Don by the interventionists and White Guards forced the Rostov Bolsheviks to again go underground. The brave girl became the responsible courier of the Don Committee of the RCP (B.), Helping the committee to maintain contact with the Red Guerrilla units, crossed the front line, took part in military operations. Once she brought home a fragment of a grenade, from which a comrade who was next to her died. The younger brother asked if she was afraid that she might also be killed. She replied: he who knows what he is fighting for will not be afraid of death.
In May 1919, the White Guard counterintelligence set about defeating the Bolshevik underground in Rostov. According to the denouncer of the provocateur, Elena Borko was also captured. Already being arrested, while in the counterintelligence building, she distracted the attention of the guards and helped her friend Masha Malinsky to escape from arrest.
The months of torture at torture interrogations in counterintelligence came. The brave girl did not make confessions, did not give away comrades.
On August 19, 1919, Ethel (Elena) Borko was shot dead in a prison cell. She was 22 years old ...
* * *
A hundred years later, associates of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB) visited the grave of Ethel Borko in the Rostov city cemetery.
As a sign of respect and memory of the brave Bolshevik, flowers tied with a red ribbon lay on the grave.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
August 15 Day in DPRK - Day of the Revival of the Motherland
The liberation of the Koreans from Japanese half-century colonial slavery was carried out as a result of a long grueling struggle of the units of the Korean People’s Army under the leadership of the Great Comrade Kim Il Sung.
On August 8, 1945, the USSR declared war on imperialist Japan - the last member of the Hitler coalition in World War II - after the surrender of Germany. The entry of the USSR into the war was the implementation of the allied agreements of the anti-Hitler coalition and the assistance to the peoples of the countries occupied by Japan. Starting in June 1945, a large number of troops and military equipment were transferred to the Far East by the Soviet Union. On August 9, the Soviet Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the million-strong Japanese Kwantung Army. Almost simultaneously, under the leadership of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, an offensive by the KPA units began throughout Korea and the destruction of numerous separate Japanese military units that were not finished off by the Soviet Red Army. By August 15, the territory of North Korea was liberated from the Japanese.
The day of August 15 in North Korea is celebrated as the Day of the Revival of the Homeland.
In memory of this historic date, the majestic Triumphal Arch of Victory was built in the center of Pyongyang.
The AUCPB wishes the heroic Korean people success in implementing the party's plans for the construction of a prosperous socialist state.
Central Committee of the AUCPB
On August 8, 1945, the USSR declared war on imperialist Japan - the last member of the Hitler coalition in World War II - after the surrender of Germany. The entry of the USSR into the war was the implementation of the allied agreements of the anti-Hitler coalition and the assistance to the peoples of the countries occupied by Japan. Starting in June 1945, a large number of troops and military equipment were transferred to the Far East by the Soviet Union. On August 9, the Soviet Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the million-strong Japanese Kwantung Army. Almost simultaneously, under the leadership of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, an offensive by the KPA units began throughout Korea and the destruction of numerous separate Japanese military units that were not finished off by the Soviet Red Army. By August 15, the territory of North Korea was liberated from the Japanese.
The day of August 15 in North Korea is celebrated as the Day of the Revival of the Homeland.
In memory of this historic date, the majestic Triumphal Arch of Victory was built in the center of Pyongyang.
The AUCPB wishes the heroic Korean people success in implementing the party's plans for the construction of a prosperous socialist state.
Central Committee of the AUCPB
August 19-21, 1991. GKChP USSR
On the night of August 18-19, 1991, representatives of the USSR’s top leadership who disagreed with the reform policy (“perestroika”) of the country's president Mikhail Gorbachev and the draft new Union Treaty created the State Committee on the State of Emergency (GKChP USSR). It included 8 people: G.I. Yanaev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR V.S. Pavlov, Minister of Defense of the USSR D.T. Yazov, Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR B.K. Pugo, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR V.A. Kryuchkov, O.D. Baklanov, A.I. Tizyakov and V.A. Starodubtsev. By decision of the Emergency Committee, troops were sent to Moscow. President Gorbachev and his family rested in a summer house in the Crimea.
The main goal of creating the State Emergency Committee was to prevent the liquidation of the USSR, which was supposed to begin on August 20 at the time of signing the Union Treaty. According to the agreement, the USSR was to be transformed into a federation. The new federal state was supposed to be called the Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics, with the former abbreviation - the USSR.
When interviewing citizens of what the State Emergency Committee was in August 1991 - by a coup or an attempt to avoid the collapse of the country - 93% of the viewers who answered said that it was a desire to save the USSR! Marshal Yazov said; We served the people ...
The main goal of creating the State Emergency Committee was to prevent the liquidation of the USSR, which was supposed to begin on August 20 at the time of signing the Union Treaty. According to the agreement, the USSR was to be transformed into a federation. The new federal state was supposed to be called the Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics, with the former abbreviation - the USSR.
When interviewing citizens of what the State Emergency Committee was in August 1991 - by a coup or an attempt to avoid the collapse of the country - 93% of the viewers who answered said that it was a desire to save the USSR! Marshal Yazov said; We served the people ...
August 13 marks the 93rd birthday of Comrade Fidel Castro
August 13 marks the 93rd anniversary of the birth of Comrade Fidel Castro Rus, the legendary Comandante, laureate of the International Lenin Prize for Strengthening Peace between Peoples, a Hero of the Soviet Union, a fiery outstanding revolutionary of the 20th century, the creator of the first socialist state of the Republic of Cuba in the Western Hemisphere of the Earth.
The whole life of Comrade Fidel was devoted to struggle and service in the name of the good of the Cuban people, in the name of peace on Earth. Under his leadership, socialist Cuba created the best healthcare system in the world, constantly helped the peoples of Africa fighting for their independence and provided substantial free medical assistance to the peoples of the African continent, which they so much need.
The torch of the socialist revolution, lit by Fidel on Liberty Island, became the banner of the struggle of Latin American peoples against American and other pretenders to the natural wealth of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
The name of Fidel is forever inscribed in the annals of the best representatives of mankind of the twentieth century.
The AUCPB wishes the heroic Cuban people success in confronting the United States, the main imperialist predator, world bandit and killer.
We wish the heroic Cuban people further success in building their independent socialist state.
Central Committee of the AUCPB
The whole life of Comrade Fidel was devoted to struggle and service in the name of the good of the Cuban people, in the name of peace on Earth. Under his leadership, socialist Cuba created the best healthcare system in the world, constantly helped the peoples of Africa fighting for their independence and provided substantial free medical assistance to the peoples of the African continent, which they so much need.
The torch of the socialist revolution, lit by Fidel on Liberty Island, became the banner of the struggle of Latin American peoples against American and other pretenders to the natural wealth of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
The name of Fidel is forever inscribed in the annals of the best representatives of mankind of the twentieth century.
The AUCPB wishes the heroic Cuban people success in confronting the United States, the main imperialist predator, world bandit and killer.
We wish the heroic Cuban people further success in building their independent socialist state.
Central Committee of the AUCPB
INTERVIEW by N.A. ANDREEEVA to the correspondent of the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the State Emergency Committee
Nina Aleksandrovna, you, heading both the political movement “Unity - for Leninism and Communist Ideals” (All-Union Society) and the Bolshevik platform in the CPSU, then in August 1991, supported the State Emergency Committee, supported the state of emergency that the State Emergency Committee introduced. 10 years later (2001 fb ed.), HOW do you see today what was happening? HOW do you rate the GKChP now?
As for the first days, the first hours of the GKChP, then, as you correctly said, we immediately supported the actions of the GKChPists, supported their first and only political document.
In it, for example, it was said that the development of the country should not be based on a fall in the living standards of the population, that all attempts to speak the language of dictates with our country should be thwarted, that it is necessary to counteract the attempt on our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. Who can object to these perfectly correct provisions? Therefore, we immediately supported the GKChP, especially since by this period events in the country began to develop very sharply in a negative direction. We believed that the actions of the State Committee on Emergency Situations were aimed at somehow normalizing the situation and abandoning the vicious perestroika course. Although, as it became clear later after we analyzed the actions and position of the State Committee on Emergency Situations, they essentially acted within the framework of the then existing Constitution of the country. Their actions were directed only towards correcting Gorbachev's perestroika without changing its restorative essence, capitalist essence. We realized this three days after August 19th. HOW did we evaluate events then and HOW do we evaluate them now?
We then characterized the opposition of the anti-communist democrats to the GKChPist as the beginning of an open decisive attack by the forces of internal counter-revolution on the socialist conquests of the Soviet people. The events of those days were essentially a CHANGE OF EVEN when, behind the screen of the GKChP, the “democrats" carried out, or committed, a real political anti-constitutional coup in the country. The coup, carried out not by the GKChPists, but by the anti-communists-democrats, when the term “perestroika” is practically discarded as having become unnecessary, the leaders of the counter-revolution are replaced or replaced, the main players in this tragedy of the country are replaced, Gorbachev is replaced by Yeltsin.
As everyone knows now, and we knew it back then, Yeltsin chose Academician Sakharov to use it as TARAN for destroying the USSR, destroying communist ideology, destroying socialism. At the direction of Academician Sakharov, the “democrats" recruited Yeltsin to the highest echelons of power to fulfill the mission intended for him.
We already then, a few days after the GKChP, identified the events of those days as a play, the script of which was professionally written abroad by the US secret services, and the directing was carried out by Gorbachev. The actors were, on the one hand, GKChPisty who did not understand the role written for them, and on the other hand, Yeltsin and the anti-communist democrats. Gorbachev, who always expressed himself foggy, wavered that in this performance he himself was sent to the slaughter in the last act. Therefore, not fully understanding WHAT was destined for him, he calmly directed this performance, written by his Western benefactors. He conducted the events with interest.
The question is, what was Gorbachev's interest in the State Emergency Committee? You remember that the signing of the Treaty on the Union of Sovereign States was scheduled for August 20. The name itself has been debated for quite some time. The final formulation is the Union of Sovereign States. In fact, the signing of the Treaty was to take place, according to which the USSR as a state was liquidated. The union dissolved and Gorbachev as president of the USSR was abolished. (Which later happened). Further, in November, the XXIX Congress of the CPSU was appointed under pressure from the party masses with the adoption of a new party program, which was proposed by Gorbachev’s entourage. If this Program was adopted, the CPSU would turn into a neo-Menshevik liberal bourgeois party with recognition of the dominance of all forms of ownership. The General Secretary could well have lost his status at this congress.
This was not ambiguously declared at the All-Union Conference of the Bolshevik Platform in the CPSU, which was held in Minsk on July 13, 1991. One of the points of the Conference Decisions was to reject perestroika as an anti-popular capitulation policy that had already led the country to a national catastrophe with the immediate prospect of disintegrating the USSR into specific sovereigns and transforming the Homeland into a semi-colony of the West. Specifically, Gorbachev at the upcoming XXIX Congress of the CPSU threatened to be brought to party responsibility with the wording “for the collapse of the CPSU, the Soviet state, for the betrayal of the cause of Lenin, October, the international communist and workers' movement”. We know from journalists that Gorbachev, after receiving information about the decision of our Conference by his person, suggested that his assistant should clarify the wording of the forthcoming party punishment.
“Democrats” as the main accusation to the State Committee on Emergency Situations were allegedly charged with their seizure of power, which is completely untenable. Prior to the GKChP, each of the members of this committee formed by them already had unlimited power, because the GKChPists as a whole are the entire Security Council of the USSR, this is the Deputy Prime Minister, then Acting President, Prime Minister, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, ministers of the main departments. They all and everyone did not need to expand their powers, for they were already unlimited. The GKChP’s events of August 19 cannot be called a putsch, since any putsch will first of all completely neutralize political opponents. This was not done by the GKChPistami. Yeltsin and Sobchak (in Leningrad) spoke freely in the media and in the squares - there were no restrictions on their public activities. The troops were brought into the capital only in a sham, to demonstrate power, to intimidate the crowd: the troops did not have ammunition and clear orders from the GKChP to act.
GKChPisty were hostages of the situation. Remember Yanayev’s shaking hands at a press conference, where the GKChPisty said that Gorbachev should return (!). In the course of events, it was clear that they were waiting for instructions, instructions (from Gorbachev, of course), and since they were not followed, the GKChPists were at a loss. And Gorbachev isolated himself from the GKChPistov by organizing one-way communication with them: only he could connect by phone with the GKChPistov when he wanted to. They were deprived of such a connection. Gorbachev, however, “imprisoned” calmly swam in the sea with his family. The security around Foros in those days was the same as usually when the president was there.
- Do you think that there was no figure among the State Committee on Emergency Situations that could take full responsibility for the development of events?
- Yes, that’s true, there wasn’t. All GKChPisty were not wealthy. This applies to Kryuchkov, and Varennikov, and Lukyanov, and Yazov, and others. And Starodubtsev is just an honest peasant, a good collective farm leader and no more, not a politician.
“Another odd moment.” Petersburg spoke out almost completely against the GKChP, maybe even much more united than Moscow. Troops were sent to Moscow, but not to St. Petersburg.
- I would not say that in Leningrad there were a lot of supporters of Yeltsin. Not at all. And the rally at the Palace of Anti-Communist Democrats in support of Yeltsin is not an indicator of his massive support. The Palace Square accommodates (when fully filled) only 110 thousand people. ON thousands for almost 5 millionth city is only some 2% of the population. There were no other demonstrations or rallies of “democrats" in those days in Leningrad, except on August 19.
But we should not forget that the main anti-communist "democratic" elite is based in Leningrad, and not in Moscow. And therefore, even if 110 thousand, although there were significantly fewer, it is very few to speak of mass support for Yeltsin in Leningrad. And then we should not forget that this "democratic" intellectual "elite" is mainly the descendants of the repressed by the Soviet government, those who actively opposed the Soviet government, against the people. And among those “repressed” there are many who sat under criminal articles, and not political ones.
What is it worth, for example, the “honorary citizen of St. Petersburg,” Academician Likhachev, who was in the camp during the war years and, therefore, may have lived to almost 90 years. Why was he imprisoned? From the archive of the Pushkin House (a huge research institute of Russian literature, which has a rich collection of manuscripts and other relics belonging to our great compatriots, Pushkin A.S., in particular), before the war, part of the most valuable archive that suddenly appeared for sale at one of the European auctions It seems in London. Likhachev, then a junior researcher, was responsible for the safety of these relics. Likhachev received 4 years prison camp - he was given a minimum term, taking into account his young age. His imprisonment during the war, when blood flowed on the fronts and killed the best of our Soviet people, became during the years of Gorbachev perestroika the subject of speculation on the part of the anti-Soviet intelligentsia. So the “conscience of the nation" is by no means a victim of the "Stalinist repression."
- I do not argue with you. It is known that the rehabilitation commission, headed by A. Yakovlev, was rehabilitated and recognized as innocently convicted under Stalin and persons convicted under specific criminal articles.
- Yes, there is a known case when one who was convicted for the murder of his wife was rehabilitated as “a victim of Stalinist repression.”
Regarding the August events of 10 years ago, which event left the most vivid impression on you?
Over the past 10 years, there have been so many very different very striking events in my life, in the life of the party that I have been leading with the moment of its creation, that the events of the State Emergency Committee somehow faded into the background, faded. But perhaps the most striking was the HOW the counter-revolution itself revealed itself - highlighted the current forces and customers of the events of those days. Somewhere on August 20 in the “Komsomolskaya Pravda" journalist published an article stating that "money for the barricades was carried in suitcases. 13 suitcases of money alone! ” I quote verbatim from memory - it clearly etched into memory.
The "Patriots Democrats" were very well funded. In those days, not only money, but the whole excess was in short supply — hard-smoked sausages, cognac, expensive imported cigarettes, etc., were all brought to the barricades, which in addition were very few in Moscow. who were near or on the barricades. One of the members of our All-Union Society “Unity - for Leninism and Communist Ideals” in those days was in Moscow and out of curiosity found himself on the barricade. He was directly offered to receive the money and indicated where they it was being distributed. Your newspaper also wrote that trucks, dump trucks, various construction equipment from which the barricades were built, “were bought with the money of entrepreneurs,” in other words, those who had already managed to plunder a lot of the public property and did not spare the loot in order to preserve “perestroika” , just so that the events do not turn 180 degrees. One must understand that the money received by Gorbachev for “perestroika” in the form of an IMF loan was also involved. This is part of the so-called “debt of the Soviet Union”.
Returning to the events of 10 years ago, I emphasize once again that there were very, very few supporters of Yeltsin at that time. And only the failure of the GKChP, their cowardice, their fear of turning directly to the people, whom they, I think, were afraid of, did not allow the counter-revolution to stop and gave it a chance for success. According to the same Gaidar, there were very few defenders on the barricades.
August 16, 2001 Leningrad
Note: The publication of this interview did not take place, like many other interviews with N.A. Andreeva, which were being prepared by the journalists for publication.
This article was published in the book of N.A. Andreeva “For Bolshevism in the Communist Movement”, Leningrad 2002
Nina Aleksandrovna, you, heading both the political movement “Unity - for Leninism and Communist Ideals” (All-Union Society) and the Bolshevik platform in the CPSU, then in August 1991, supported the State Emergency Committee, supported the state of emergency that the State Emergency Committee introduced. 10 years later (2001 fb ed.), HOW do you see today what was happening? HOW do you rate the GKChP now?
As for the first days, the first hours of the GKChP, then, as you correctly said, we immediately supported the actions of the GKChPists, supported their first and only political document.
In it, for example, it was said that the development of the country should not be based on a fall in the living standards of the population, that all attempts to speak the language of dictates with our country should be thwarted, that it is necessary to counteract the attempt on our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. Who can object to these perfectly correct provisions? Therefore, we immediately supported the GKChP, especially since by this period events in the country began to develop very sharply in a negative direction. We believed that the actions of the State Committee on Emergency Situations were aimed at somehow normalizing the situation and abandoning the vicious perestroika course. Although, as it became clear later after we analyzed the actions and position of the State Committee on Emergency Situations, they essentially acted within the framework of the then existing Constitution of the country. Their actions were directed only towards correcting Gorbachev's perestroika without changing its restorative essence, capitalist essence. We realized this three days after August 19th. HOW did we evaluate events then and HOW do we evaluate them now?
We then characterized the opposition of the anti-communist democrats to the GKChPist as the beginning of an open decisive attack by the forces of internal counter-revolution on the socialist conquests of the Soviet people. The events of those days were essentially a CHANGE OF EVEN when, behind the screen of the GKChP, the “democrats" carried out, or committed, a real political anti-constitutional coup in the country. The coup, carried out not by the GKChPists, but by the anti-communists-democrats, when the term “perestroika” is practically discarded as having become unnecessary, the leaders of the counter-revolution are replaced or replaced, the main players in this tragedy of the country are replaced, Gorbachev is replaced by Yeltsin.
As everyone knows now, and we knew it back then, Yeltsin chose Academician Sakharov to use it as TARAN for destroying the USSR, destroying communist ideology, destroying socialism. At the direction of Academician Sakharov, the “democrats" recruited Yeltsin to the highest echelons of power to fulfill the mission intended for him.
We already then, a few days after the GKChP, identified the events of those days as a play, the script of which was professionally written abroad by the US secret services, and the directing was carried out by Gorbachev. The actors were, on the one hand, GKChPisty who did not understand the role written for them, and on the other hand, Yeltsin and the anti-communist democrats. Gorbachev, who always expressed himself foggy, wavered that in this performance he himself was sent to the slaughter in the last act. Therefore, not fully understanding WHAT was destined for him, he calmly directed this performance, written by his Western benefactors. He conducted the events with interest.
The question is, what was Gorbachev's interest in the State Emergency Committee? You remember that the signing of the Treaty on the Union of Sovereign States was scheduled for August 20. The name itself has been debated for quite some time. The final formulation is the Union of Sovereign States. In fact, the signing of the Treaty was to take place, according to which the USSR as a state was liquidated. The union dissolved and Gorbachev as president of the USSR was abolished. (Which later happened). Further, in November, the XXIX Congress of the CPSU was appointed under pressure from the party masses with the adoption of a new party program, which was proposed by Gorbachev’s entourage. If this Program was adopted, the CPSU would turn into a neo-Menshevik liberal bourgeois party with recognition of the dominance of all forms of ownership. The General Secretary could well have lost his status at this congress.
This was not ambiguously declared at the All-Union Conference of the Bolshevik Platform in the CPSU, which was held in Minsk on July 13, 1991. One of the points of the Conference Decisions was to reject perestroika as an anti-popular capitulation policy that had already led the country to a national catastrophe with the immediate prospect of disintegrating the USSR into specific sovereigns and transforming the Homeland into a semi-colony of the West. Specifically, Gorbachev at the upcoming XXIX Congress of the CPSU threatened to be brought to party responsibility with the wording “for the collapse of the CPSU, the Soviet state, for the betrayal of the cause of Lenin, October, the international communist and workers' movement”. We know from journalists that Gorbachev, after receiving information about the decision of our Conference by his person, suggested that his assistant should clarify the wording of the forthcoming party punishment.
“Democrats” as the main accusation to the State Committee on Emergency Situations were allegedly charged with their seizure of power, which is completely untenable. Prior to the GKChP, each of the members of this committee formed by them already had unlimited power, because the GKChPists as a whole are the entire Security Council of the USSR, this is the Deputy Prime Minister, then Acting President, Prime Minister, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, ministers of the main departments. They all and everyone did not need to expand their powers, for they were already unlimited. The GKChP’s events of August 19 cannot be called a putsch, since any putsch will first of all completely neutralize political opponents. This was not done by the GKChPistami. Yeltsin and Sobchak (in Leningrad) spoke freely in the media and in the squares - there were no restrictions on their public activities. The troops were brought into the capital only in a sham, to demonstrate power, to intimidate the crowd: the troops did not have ammunition and clear orders from the GKChP to act.
GKChPisty were hostages of the situation. Remember Yanayev’s shaking hands at a press conference, where the GKChPisty said that Gorbachev should return (!). In the course of events, it was clear that they were waiting for instructions, instructions (from Gorbachev, of course), and since they were not followed, the GKChPists were at a loss. And Gorbachev isolated himself from the GKChPistov by organizing one-way communication with them: only he could connect by phone with the GKChPistov when he wanted to. They were deprived of such a connection. Gorbachev, however, “imprisoned” calmly swam in the sea with his family. The security around Foros in those days was the same as usually when the president was there.
- Do you think that there was no figure among the State Committee on Emergency Situations that could take full responsibility for the development of events?
- Yes, that’s true, there wasn’t. All GKChPisty were not wealthy. This applies to Kryuchkov, and Varennikov, and Lukyanov, and Yazov, and others. And Starodubtsev is just an honest peasant, a good collective farm leader and no more, not a politician.
“Another odd moment.” Petersburg spoke out almost completely against the GKChP, maybe even much more united than Moscow. Troops were sent to Moscow, but not to St. Petersburg.
- I would not say that in Leningrad there were a lot of supporters of Yeltsin. Not at all. And the rally at the Palace of Anti-Communist Democrats in support of Yeltsin is not an indicator of his massive support. The Palace Square accommodates (when fully filled) only 110 thousand people. ON thousands for almost 5 millionth city is only some 2% of the population. There were no other demonstrations or rallies of “democrats" in those days in Leningrad, except on August 19.
But we should not forget that the main anti-communist "democratic" elite is based in Leningrad, and not in Moscow. And therefore, even if 110 thousand, although there were significantly fewer, it is very few to speak of mass support for Yeltsin in Leningrad. And then we should not forget that this "democratic" intellectual "elite" is mainly the descendants of the repressed by the Soviet government, those who actively opposed the Soviet government, against the people. And among those “repressed” there are many who sat under criminal articles, and not political ones.
What is it worth, for example, the “honorary citizen of St. Petersburg,” Academician Likhachev, who was in the camp during the war years and, therefore, may have lived to almost 90 years. Why was he imprisoned? From the archive of the Pushkin House (a huge research institute of Russian literature, which has a rich collection of manuscripts and other relics belonging to our great compatriots, Pushkin A.S., in particular), before the war, part of the most valuable archive that suddenly appeared for sale at one of the European auctions It seems in London. Likhachev, then a junior researcher, was responsible for the safety of these relics. Likhachev received 4 years prison camp - he was given a minimum term, taking into account his young age. His imprisonment during the war, when blood flowed on the fronts and killed the best of our Soviet people, became during the years of Gorbachev perestroika the subject of speculation on the part of the anti-Soviet intelligentsia. So the “conscience of the nation" is by no means a victim of the "Stalinist repression."
- I do not argue with you. It is known that the rehabilitation commission, headed by A. Yakovlev, was rehabilitated and recognized as innocently convicted under Stalin and persons convicted under specific criminal articles.
- Yes, there is a known case when one who was convicted for the murder of his wife was rehabilitated as “a victim of Stalinist repression.”
Regarding the August events of 10 years ago, which event left the most vivid impression on you?
Over the past 10 years, there have been so many very different very striking events in my life, in the life of the party that I have been leading with the moment of its creation, that the events of the State Emergency Committee somehow faded into the background, faded. But perhaps the most striking was the HOW the counter-revolution itself revealed itself - highlighted the current forces and customers of the events of those days. Somewhere on August 20 in the “Komsomolskaya Pravda" journalist published an article stating that "money for the barricades was carried in suitcases. 13 suitcases of money alone! ” I quote verbatim from memory - it clearly etched into memory.
The "Patriots Democrats" were very well funded. In those days, not only money, but the whole excess was in short supply — hard-smoked sausages, cognac, expensive imported cigarettes, etc., were all brought to the barricades, which in addition were very few in Moscow. who were near or on the barricades. One of the members of our All-Union Society “Unity - for Leninism and Communist Ideals” in those days was in Moscow and out of curiosity found himself on the barricade. He was directly offered to receive the money and indicated where they it was being distributed. Your newspaper also wrote that trucks, dump trucks, various construction equipment from which the barricades were built, “were bought with the money of entrepreneurs,” in other words, those who had already managed to plunder a lot of the public property and did not spare the loot in order to preserve “perestroika” , just so that the events do not turn 180 degrees. One must understand that the money received by Gorbachev for “perestroika” in the form of an IMF loan was also involved. This is part of the so-called “debt of the Soviet Union”.
Returning to the events of 10 years ago, I emphasize once again that there were very, very few supporters of Yeltsin at that time. And only the failure of the GKChP, their cowardice, their fear of turning directly to the people, whom they, I think, were afraid of, did not allow the counter-revolution to stop and gave it a chance for success. According to the same Gaidar, there were very few defenders on the barricades.
August 16, 2001 Leningrad
Note: The publication of this interview did not take place, like many other interviews with N.A. Andreeva, which were being prepared by the journalists for publication.
This article was published in the book of N.A. Andreeva “For Bolshevism in the Communist Movement”, Leningrad 2002
Friday, August 16, 2019
The true face of Russian capitalism
No matter how hard the current bourgeois authorities tried for several decades to convince people that socialism as a system has become obsolete and completely untenable, and capitalism is the only true and fair political system that will lead humanity to heaven on earth, but the factual circumstances and the situation to which the power of capital has led argue the opposite! At the end of June 2019 in the Irkutsk region, the governor of which is pseudo-communist S.G. Levchenko (First Secretary of the Irkutsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party), there was a massive flooding of settlements in the Irkutsk region. The city of Tulun and the surrounding territories to this city were completely flooded. According to official figures, 11 people died due to this disaster. According to unofficial data, manyingore died (but the real figures are deliberately hidden by the authorities).
We will try to figure out how and why this could happen in the twenty-first century. Planet Earth is designed so that everything is interconnected on it. Forests, oil, water, gas, as well as many minerals - these are elements that make up one organism, and if one of the elements starts to fail, then irreversible processes occur in the body. What began to happen on our planet under the power of capital? What began to happen is what Karl Marx once said - capitalists will go for any crimes directed against humanity for the sake of profit ...
Since the mid-90s of the twentieth century in the Irkutsk region (as well as throughout our homeland) barbaric deforestation began to take place. Over time, due to corruption in the highest echelons of power and power structures, almost the entire territory of the forest of the Irkutsk region passed into the hands of “black” lumberjacks (this is the territory about which the Green Sea of the Taiga was sung in the song about in Soviet times). When elected in 2015 to the post of governor of the Irkutsk region S.G. Levchenko, the situation with the "black" lumberjacks in the region has worsened. This false communist appointed Mr. S. Sheverda, who previously had a bad reputation for deforestation, to the post of Minister of Forestry in the region. Sheverda, in turn, destroyed the control service in the forestry in the region, and made the "black" lumberjacks legitimate forest managers. As a result, forests in the Irkutsk region began to be cut, as they say, under the root. Even young trees were cut down. And most importantly, the sanitary-Baikal forest reserve Tukolon was cut down. Damage to nature was officially 800 million rubles (in fact, much more). A criminal case has been opened against Sheverda for abuse of power (now he is under arrest). As a result of this barbarism of unprecedented deforestation, the soil soil was exposed and defenseless against the elements, since soil without forests cannot absorb large amounts of water.
It should be noted that, starting from June 24, 2019, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Irkutsk region notified the residents of the region and, accordingly, the governor’s office that heavy rainfall and flooding in the region would begin in the region. After the above information, the inhabitants of the region both were able and prepared for the flooding conditions. And the governor’s apparatus didn’t react at all. On the evening of the same day, sharply intensified rain poured over the cities of Tulun, Nizhneudinsk and five districts of the region, which on June 25 led to the flooding of the above settlements. On June 26, the Ministry of Emergencies in the Irkutsk Region introduced an emergency mode in the region, but the authorities couldn’t or couldn’t cope ... the Ministry of Emergencies in the Irkutsk Region could not cope with this situation due to a lack of technical and human resources.
At this time, the governor of the Irkutsk region G.S. Levchenko at that moment when people were already swimming and drowning in the city of Tulun, was walking at a banquet at his party boss, Mr. Zyuganov, and did not begin to cancel such an “important” event because of the flooding of the region entrusted to him (he could not offend the boss). According to unofficial data, Levchenko also tried these days in Moscow to smear his friend Mr. Sheverda from a criminal article by running through the Kremlin offices. Mr. S.G. Levchenko arrived in the region only on June 29 (on the sixth day after the start of the elements), when President Putin, who had flown to the Irkutsk region, was already forced to intervene. The governor looked very pale at the meeting with the president, either because of the banquet feasts of Chef Zyuganov, or because of fear for the proper future punishment.
At that moment, when Levchenko arrived after a feast in the region, in the city of Tulun only by standing pillars it was possible to determine where the streets of the city used to be. That is, the city of Tulun no longer existed. But no matter how strange, Vladimir Putin did not even punish for such, to put it mildly, negligence, which led to the death of people, the governor of the Irkutsk region S.G. Levchenko ...
According to local regional authorities, another flooding of the cities of Tulun and Nizhneudinsk was the malfunction of the existing dam, which could not, due to its understaffing and lack of funds for the repair of this facility, to keep water flowing. To the questions of the residents of the region - why the authorities did not provide for the overhaul of this dam, which they had to bring to proper condition earlier, the governor’s apparatus answered simply and intelligibly - there were supposedly no money (or maybe they stole it?).
On July 27, 28, 2019, the Ministry of Emergencies in the Irkutsk Region again notified the residents of the region that, due to the impending heavy rains, the Irkut, Oia, Oka, Uda rivers will come off the banks and flooding of settlements located near these rivers is not excluded.
On July 29, 2019, in connection with repeated heavy rains, an emergency mode was introduced in the Irkutsk Region. The rivers Uda, Oia, Irkut, Oka overflowed the banks and began to flood settlements. The cities of Tulun, Nizhneudinsk again fell under flooding (the dam had not been repaired by this time). The settlements of Shelekhovsky and Irkutsk regions of the Irkutsk region were flooded. The authorities did not even send buses to evacuate the population to areas of increased danger. Who escaped as best he could. Ministry of Emergencies again failed to cope with the elements. There was a threat of flooding of the Sverdlovsk and Leninsky districts of the city of Irkutsk. On July 30, 2019, due to an increase in the water level in the Angara River, there was a threat of flooding of Listvyanka (the coastal strip of Lake Baikal). In this village, a bridge was destroyed by a water stream, as a result of which residents became hostages to the elements. As stated by the administration of Listvyansk Municipality, the collapse of this bridge occurred because the contractor, which was obliged to repair the bridge earlier, did not fulfill contractual obligations and did not carry out repairs, as a result of which the bridge support could not withstand the flow of water. And none of the aforementioned contracting organization also suffered punishment ...
At the same time, when an emergency was declared in July 2019 due to flooding in the Irkutsk Region, an emergency was declared in the Irkutsk Region due to fires in other settlements of the region. Fire covered more than 600 thousand hectares of forest. As stated by the local authorities, fires in the forests arose due to the arson of the forest by black artisan lumberjacks. Near the settlements, people were forced to extinguish the fires themselves, as the forces deployed by the Ministry of Emergencies to localize the fire were clearly not enough. But the forests were not extinguished, saying that it was economically unprofitable to extinguish the forest (? !!), and people living nearby with forests began to choke on smog. To the question of one resident from the city of Nizhne-Ilimsk, Mr. S. Sokol (chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region, a member of United Russia) - how could this happen that people are suffocating and the authorities refuse to put out the forest? S. Sokol replied that in 2015 a law was passed on the economic inexpediency of extinguishing forests, as it is costly !!
Governor of the Irkutsk region S.G. Levchenko became famous in Russia for winter hunting for wild animals. On January 5, 2017, he shot a bear sleeping in a den at point blank range. In winter, this is prohibited. For some reason, law enforcement agencies have not even tried to start an investigation ... Why be surprised, because the president himself, talking with the top leaders of the region at the crash site, did not ask - WHERE was Levchenko during the disaster? It turns out that in life, in fact, state officials, especially the main vertical authorities in the Russian Federation, do not apply state laws ...
Now the governor Levchenko with his team planned to make money on natural disasters in the region - on the destruction of animals fleeing from the fire. In mid-July, the bloody business was opened by Five Stars LLC. The fact that the bears began to go out to people more often than not because of their increased numbers, but because of forest fires, officials do not care. As a result, starving animals go to people in search of help and food, and get a bullet in the head. It is not yet known what specific plan for the killing of animals Levchenko adopted, but the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory adopted a plan to shoot 1,600 bears and even 1,392 badgers. Note that the limits are set not for those areas that are close to raging forest fires, but for all areas where predators live and where animals and birds run from the fire. Flashing orders were adopted despite the fact that in the fire many wild animals and birds die. Those who were able to escape are scared, some are wounded and hungry. Therefore, in search of shelter and food, they run to settlements. Siberian winter is approaching. Instead of stopping the fires, which, as mentioned above, it’s unprofitable for officials to put out fires and helping animals prepare for winter by adopting a comprehensive program to protect animals, the rulers of Siberian regions decide to kill the survivors x ... We can conclude that the population of wild animals in Siberia with such a policy of leading cadres will sharply decrease, and some of them will simply disappear.
It is impossible to imagine the attitude to the situation that occurred in July 2019 with floods and fires in Siberia during the USSR ... Everything that happened in the Irkutsk region became possible for several reasons: deforestation for the sake of profit; pumping oil, gas; corruption permeating all echelons and branches of government; malpractice and irresponsibility; an elementary shortage (rather theft) of money for the repair of structures that ensure the safety of people's lives. And most importantly - the basic principle of capitalism under which we live - profit is above all. According to Marx, with a profit of 300% there is no such crime that capital would not risk taking, at least under pain of the gallows. After all, Russian officials have more than 300% profit from being in positions. Otherwise, WHERE do they and their relatives HAVE chic villas and hotels abroad, which are more beautiful than those that Catherine II had, and the collections of expensive foreign cars, and the still difficult listing of other wealth?
Capitalism cannot be good, positive. Capitalism is not only the exploitation of man by man, but also the destruction of all life on the planet for the pursuit of profit, for the sake of money. In order to save the world from self-destruction, a different political system is needed, a socialist system, where all people are brothers, where there is no violence and human exploitation by man, where there is a world without wars, where all the resources of planet Earth are used only rationally, where there is official responsibility persons in front of the people for their actions and inaction. But in order to revive socialism, it is necessary to destroy capitalism, which can only be done through the socialist revolution!
Mankind has a choice: either to coexist under capitalism and be destroyed by an ecological catastrophe or nuclear war, or go forward to Communism, to a world of prosperity, scientific progress and happiness for all people on Earth.
Comrade William
DPRK launches a new series of missiles
Over the past two weeks, the DPRK launched 4 tactical guided missiles of a new type to demonstrate strength.
The fourth missile was launched on the morning of August 6. The DPRK sees missile launches as "sending a warning to the United States and South Korea in response to their military exercises," which are currently being conducted near the DPRK.
The DPRK Foreign Ministry said that the US-Korean military exercises could prevent Pyongyang from making progress in relations with the United States and South Korea and force them to start looking for a different path. The agency promised that they would "pay a high price" if they continued to ignore the DPRK warnings.
The South Korean Defense Ministry said that Seoul and Washington will conduct military exercises, as planned, despite the warning of the DPRK.
August 6 and 9, 1945 - atomic bombing by US aviation of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Two atomic bombs dropped by the Americans with an interval of 3 days - on August 6 and 9, 1945 - on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a rehearsal of a US nuclear war with the USSR.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Pans are fighting, and at the lackeys chuby cracking?
The second half of the summer of 2019 was marked by clashes in Moscow between riot police and supporters of the “liberal opposition”. However, “collisions” can be called it with a very, very big stretch. Rather, it can be said that riot policemen beat them with batons and detained many “oppositionists”. It all began on July 27 with a protest by supporters of the “liberals” against the non-admission of their candidates to the Moscow City Duma elections. The Moscow authorities, fearing that the “liberals” might press the “United Russia”, decided not to register many “opposition” candidates, and, naturally, outraged.
The reaction of supporters of left-wing movements to the events of July 27 was mixed. Unfortunately, it can be noted that some of the “left” in the assessment of the event turned out to be “on opposite sides of the barricades”, speaking (at least verbally) on the side of one of the parties conflicting around the elections to the Moscow City Council.
Such a "delimitation" among the left movements can only cause regret. Communists cannot sympathize with any of the “conflicting” parties - neither the “liberal” (right) opposition, nor the ruling regime guards behind the backs of the riot police. This is the case when it is time to say: “A plague on both your houses!”. Let the two groups of bourgeois forces understand each other, but for the time being we shall stand aside. This is the position occupied by the AUCPB.
Nevertheless, there were figures in the left movement who came out for one of the bourgeois parties. Let's briefly analyze their mistakes.
The most stupid thing was the “Left Bloc”, which sent its supporters to rallies organized by the “liberals”, under the baton of riot police. In principle, this organization has always acted in the role of a “liberals” rash. The leaders of the United Communist Party (OKP) acted more "cautiously", like D. Mitina, who verbally supported the "opposition", but did not send her supporters into clashes, and left Moscow in advance of July 27.
However, even verbal support for the “liberal opposition” (not to mention joining the rallies held under the right-wing slogans) is absurd. Modern “liberals” are not even any liberals, but the most genuine ultra-right, combining the ideology of neoliberalism in the economy with evil anti-communism and anti-Sovietism in politics. Their coming to power will mean the establishment of a right-wing dictatorship with open terror and repression against the communists, left and labor movements. They do not hide these plans. If there is no riot police on their way, then it is possible that stopping them under the slogan “No pasaran!” (They will not pass!) Will have left movements.
The most accurate historical comparison of the events was given by the leader of the Communists of Karelia group A. Stepanov, rightly comparing modern “liberals” with the Hitlerites: “In the 1920s, the police of the Weimar Republic often brutally beat and imprisoned the Nazis. But no matter how the German communists hated the policemen (and there was nothing to hate for) about this, they probably didn’t steam at all, ”he said.
So, to sympathize with the "liberals" to us to anything. Moreover, it was not their leaders who suffered from the riot police batons, but their rank and file supporters. You can, of course, “sympathize” with ordinary demonstrators, who were deceived by their leaders, who were caught up in delusions. Well, so among the supporters of the Nazis were deceived people. With this side, everything is clear.
But, unfortunately, among the "left" there were people who took the opposite position, no less harmful. There were those who began to sympathize with the authorities and the police. Like, if the "liberals" are our enemies, then so it should be, fuck them, sweetheart ... that is, the police. Such a position also looks absurd.
First, we also have no reason to “sympathize” with the riot police. Today, security forces are thrown against the “liberal” march, and tomorrow riot police will attack the demonstrations in the same way, arrest social activists who have come out to protest against the power of the bourgeoisie.
Secondly, it is very foolish to rejoice in the fact that "riot police dispersed the liberals." He dispersed ordinary "infantry", criminal cases of unrest were instituted and ordinary participants of the action were arrested, and the headquarters of the "liberals" remained intact. Recall the events seven years ago: the events on Bolotnaya Square in May 2012. After clashes with riot police, ordinary participants in the clashes went to prison. Of the leaders in prison, only the leader of the Left Front, S. Udaltsov, provided his supporters to the "liberals" as "infantry." But all the “liberal” leaders remained free. This means, among other things, that the differences are not so great, that the gap between the current government and the “opposition” is not great. The lords are fighting, and at the lackeys the forelocks crack.
In addition, rejoice that the "riot police dispersed the liberals," meaningless. The “liberals” did not weaken from this dispersal, but only intensified. Substituting their ordinary supporters under a baton, they created for themselves the image of persecuted, but “irreconcilable” fighters with power. While ordinary supporters heal wounds and sit in jail, the leaders of the "opposition" will continue to collect politi
common dividends
More than a hundred years ago, I.V. Stalin wrote that a demonstration that develops into an open clash is a powerful weapon of the opponents of the authorities. “It’s enough for a person to go out during a demonstration to the street to see courageous fighters, to understand what they are fighting for, to hear free speech calling everyone for a fight, a battle song revealing the existing system revealing our public sores ...“ The curious ”see that the demonstrators gathered on the street in order to express their desires and demands, while the authorities respond to them with beating and brutal suppression, ”comrade Stalin noted.
Today's "liberals", of course, read Stalin, studied the methods and forms of struggle of the past. And they specifically put their supporters under the baton of the police, because they understand that a man in the street, dissatisfied with the social situation, will gradually begin to sympathize with unarmed demonstrators beaten by equipped riot police. He will start to sympathize with the "opposition", not realizing that the leaders of the "liberal opposition", unlike the revolutionaries of a century ago, are no fighters, but dodgy businessmen who turn politics into capital.
The task of the Bolshevik communists today is to expose both the ruling "United Russia" power clinging to their seats, and the "liberal opposition", who dreams of sitting in the same seats.
The task of the communists and all leftists is not to be “infantry” in other people's games, but to lead a revolutionary agitation and prepare the working people for decisive class battles, which are not far off.
Dar Vetrov
Friday, August 2, 2019
Fatherland Liberation War of the DPRK against the USA
Against the newly formed socialist state of the DPRK (1948), the Air Force of 15 imperialist states, including the USA, England and Canada, took part in the Korean War against the DPRK.
By this time, the DPRK did not have its own aviation, and 28,000 Soviet aces-pilots took part in the air battles against the interventionists as part of the strike group of the 3rd air divisions of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps. Among them, a member of the AUCPB, party organizer of the Central Committee Sebrofin Serafim Pavlovich (Cherkasy, Ukraine), who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, participated in the Korean sky. On the ground, Koreans were assisted by detachments of Chinese volunteers.
The interventionists dropped more than 625,000 bombs on the territory of the DPRK (according to other sources, about 800,000). The capital of the DPRK was leveled. The Korean people fought heroically against the interventionists under the leadership of the great commander Comrade Kim Il Sung. This war, killed 20% of the population of the DPRK.
The fierce resistance of the Koreans and the inability for the United States to win for the first time in their military history had to sign a truce with the enemy, which became a perpetual shame for the Americans. The status of the truce, and not the conclusion of a peace treaty is preserved to this day.
In honor of the Victory in the FATHERLAND LIBERATION WAR with the USA, a magnificent architectural ensemble was erected in Pyongyang, reminiscent of the heroic episodes of that war.
Soviet Navy Day
Two weeks after the adoption of the Decree on the establishment of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), on January 29 (February 11), 1918, the Decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) was signed. Created under the leadership of V.I. Lenin's Armed Forces of the young Republic of Soviets defeated not only the internal enemy - numerous armies of the White Guards, but also their allies - the interventionists from 14 countries, throwing them out of Soviet Russia.
It should be noted the special role of the sailors of the Baltic Fleet in the armed uprising in Petrograd on October 25 (November 7), which was one of the shock troops of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
The sailors of the Navy Red Fleet covered themselves with unfading glory, fighting heroically during the Great Patriotic War at sea and on land. The invincible USSR Armed Forces defeated the fascist German hordes during the Second World War and saved many peoples of the world from destruction or slavery under the shackles of the Nazi Reich. A significant role was played by the Navy Red Fleet and in the defeat of imperialist Japan.
The USSR Navy majestically plowed the ocean expanses, reliably guarding the peaceful labor of the citizens of the Soviet Motherland.
With the destruction of the united Soviet socialist state - the USSR and its fragmentation into separate “independent” states by the traitors from the former top leadership of the CPSU, with the active participation of the traitorous military leadership of the country who violated the military oath, the once powerful and invincible Soviet Army was also divided into national formations, and together with her and the Navy of the Soviet Union. Today these armies have become weapons in the hands of the exploiters, an instrument of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. But the bourgeoisie still cannot trust the army, in which the overwhelming majority are children of workers and peasants, who cannot be reliable defenders of the bourgeois system. That is why the bourgeois states formed from the Soviet Union republics are trying to create mercenary armies.
However, no matter what the bourgeois leaders of these states, formed on the territory of the USSR, try to create their class armies, they will never have such an army as the Soviet army was.
The world of capital is currently shaking crises, the earth is burning under the feet of the bourgeoisie and bourgeois leaders. The laws of social development are inexorable: the counter-revolution that temporarily won in the territory of the USSR through a coup d'etat will be crushed. We, the Bolsheviks, are convinced that our Great Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - will be restored, and together with the revived USSR the united Soviet Army and the Navy Red Fleet will be revived.
We congratulate the veterans of the Navy of the Soviet Union, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, all those who did not betray, did not change the oath of this Soviet homeland with the Day of the Navy!
We call upon seafarers on the territory of the Soviet Union, people from the ranks of the working people, to join the struggle for the restoration of Soviet power - the power of the workers, peasants and the labor intelligentsia, for the restoration of the socialist system - a system without exploitation, poverty and violence.
Workers struggle July 2019
Bus route 12 strike in Sverdlovsk
On July 9, 2019, drivers of local buses serving routes No. 12 and No. 19 began a protest rally. Do by almost all employees of the fleet.
Thus, the drivers held a strike and demanded a salary increase due to the increase in passenger traffic.
A radical protest in the Moscow region
On July 5, the desperate residents of Yakhroma blocked the road. They have been living from spring to autumn without hot water for five years. Boiler room in Yakhroma disabled for debts. This year, people once again did not receive water in their homes after a planned shutdown. At the same time, they pay for the hot water supply at the full rate.
After this protest, local authorities promised to quickly rectify the situation. However, on July 6, hot water did not appear in the apartments.
Strike in Karelia
On July 9, almost all employees of the “Palaces” sanatorium, located in the Kondopoga region of the republic, suspended work until they were given a schedule for paying off wage arrears, the issuance of which they are delayed for five months. One of the women said that she owed about a hundred thousand rubles.
Rally in Yakutia
On July 7, in the capital of the republic, a workers ’action was held against mass cuts of the technical staff of the Airports of the North enterprise. Recently, for unknown reasons, more than 100 people were fired.
Problems, according to the audience, began in 2015, when the company was headed by one Volkov. The new chief dismissed the interns and hired young professionals with no experience instead. The team was promised that wages would rise due to reductions, but this did not happen. After 4 years the situation is repeated.
The cuts lead to the team rework, because no one is looking for replacements for those who quit. Ivan Otyakovsky, the initiator of the rally, commented on his decision to go to a rally: “We are fighting against arbitrariness - mass redundancies are underway that also affected mothers of many children. The manual does not issue staffing and adds nothing to the salary. A lot of rules are violated. "
Workers protest in Georgia
On July 11, employees involved in the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, went on strike because they did not receive the salary promised earlier.
Prior to the start of this strike, the company did not pay the due money for four months.
At the end of June, the workers had already declared a strike. They stopped it on July 5, provided that the company paid them a salary on July 10. However, no money was received.
Crowded demonstrations in algeria
July 5, thousands of citizens held a mass protest in the center of the capital. They demanded the resignation of representatives of the current ruling system, a genuine fight against corruption and the establishment of the power of the people in the country. Demonstrators also recognized the need for the release of opposition activists detained during previous opposition marches.
The next Friday march of the opponents of the government, already the 20th in a row, was timed to the 57th anniversary of the independence of Algeria (July 5, 1962).
Strike of transport workers in the south of Germany
On July 9, employees of the Munich State Transport Company announced a 12-hour strike. The protest was organized by the union. During the strike, the metro did not work in the city, and ground transportation was restricted.
The strikers demanded an average salary increase of 200 euros per month for all union members. In this way, it is possible to reduce the wage gap between newly hired employees and those who have been on the staff for a long time. The first get much less than their colleagues.
New protest "Yellow vests" in France
On July 6, the already traditional demonstrations of the Yellow Vests took place in the country. Many thousands of people took part in the actions.
During one of the demonstrations, people walked with the slogan "We must not give up!" We are talking about the intention to continue the movement of "Yellow vests."
The purpose of the next demonstrations was formulated as follows: "For balancing economic indicators and against the contempt of the government." Thus, the "Yellow Vests" were in favor of economic equality and against anti-people measures of the current government.
In addition to the traditional demands for tax cuts and the resignation of the president, there were calls for the release of all movement participants who are in custody, as well as slogans on the abolition of education reform.
It was already the 34th Saturday demonstration of the Yellow Vests. Several protests took place in Paris at once. In Toulouse, the police used tear gas against demonstrators.
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