Saturday, August 24, 2019

August 15 Day in DPRK - Day of the Revival of the Motherland

The liberation of the Koreans from Japanese half-century colonial slavery was carried out as a result of a long grueling struggle of the units of the Korean People’s Army under the leadership of the Great Comrade Kim Il Sung.

   On August 8, 1945, the USSR declared war on imperialist Japan - the last member of the Hitler coalition in World War II - after the surrender of Germany. The entry of the USSR into the war was the implementation of the allied agreements of the anti-Hitler coalition and the assistance to the peoples of the countries occupied by Japan. Starting in June 1945, a large number of troops and military equipment were transferred to the Far East by the Soviet Union. On August 9, the Soviet Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the million-strong Japanese Kwantung Army. Almost simultaneously, under the leadership of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, an offensive by the KPA units began throughout Korea and the destruction of numerous separate Japanese military units that were not finished off by the Soviet Red Army. By August 15, the territory of North Korea was liberated from the Japanese.

   The day of August 15 in North Korea is celebrated as the Day of the Revival of the Homeland.

In memory of this historic date, the majestic Triumphal Arch of Victory was built in the center of Pyongyang.

     The AUCPB wishes the heroic Korean people success in implementing the party's plans for the construction of a prosperous socialist state.

Central Committee of the AUCPB