Friday, August 16, 2019

DPRK launches a new series of missiles

       Over the past two weeks, the DPRK launched 4 tactical guided missiles of a new type to demonstrate strength.

       The fourth missile was launched on the morning of August 6. The DPRK sees missile launches as "sending a warning to the United States and South Korea in response to their military exercises," which are currently being conducted near the DPRK.

     The DPRK Foreign Ministry said that the US-Korean military exercises could prevent Pyongyang from making progress in relations with the United States and South Korea and force them to start looking for a different path. The agency promised that they would "pay a high price" if they continued to ignore the DPRK warnings.

     The South Korean Defense Ministry said that Seoul and Washington will conduct military exercises, as planned, despite the warning of the DPRK.