Friday, August 2, 2019

Soviet Navy Day

Two weeks after the adoption of the Decree on the establishment of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), on January 29 (February 11), 1918, the Decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) was signed. Created under the leadership of V.I. Lenin's Armed Forces of the young Republic of Soviets defeated not only the internal enemy - numerous armies of the White Guards, but also their allies - the interventionists from 14 countries, throwing them out of Soviet Russia.

It should be noted the special role of the sailors of the Baltic Fleet in the armed uprising in Petrograd on October 25 (November 7), which was one of the shock troops of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The sailors of the Navy Red Fleet covered themselves with unfading glory, fighting heroically during the Great Patriotic War at sea and on land. The invincible USSR Armed Forces defeated the fascist German hordes during the Second World War and saved many peoples of the world from destruction or slavery under the shackles of the Nazi Reich. A significant role was played by the Navy Red Fleet and in the defeat of imperialist Japan.

The USSR Navy majestically plowed the ocean expanses, reliably guarding the peaceful labor of the citizens of the Soviet Motherland.

With the destruction of the united Soviet socialist state - the USSR and its fragmentation into separate “independent” states by the traitors from the former top leadership of the CPSU, with the active participation of the traitorous military leadership of the country who violated the military oath, the once powerful and invincible Soviet Army was also divided into national formations, and together with her and the Navy of the Soviet Union. Today these armies have become weapons in the hands of the exploiters, an instrument of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. But the bourgeoisie still cannot trust the army, in which the overwhelming majority are children of workers and peasants, who cannot be reliable defenders of the bourgeois system. That is why the bourgeois states formed from the Soviet Union republics are trying to create mercenary armies.

However, no matter what the bourgeois leaders of these states, formed on the territory of the USSR, try to create their class armies, they will never have such an army as the Soviet army was.

The world of capital is currently shaking crises, the earth is burning under the feet of the bourgeoisie and bourgeois leaders. The laws of social development are inexorable: the counter-revolution that temporarily won in the territory of the USSR through a coup d'etat will be crushed. We, the Bolsheviks, are convinced that our Great Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - will be restored, and together with the revived USSR the united Soviet Army and the Navy Red Fleet will be revived.

We congratulate the veterans of the Navy of the Soviet Union, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, all those who did not betray, did not change the oath of this Soviet homeland with the Day of the Navy!

We call upon seafarers on the territory of the Soviet Union, people from the ranks of the working people, to join the struggle for the restoration of Soviet power - the power of the workers, peasants and the labor intelligentsia, for the restoration of the socialist system - a system without exploitation, poverty and violence.