Monday, October 14, 2019

DPRK celebrates 74th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea on October 10

Symbol of the WPK “Our party is the inspirer who, taking responsibility for the fate of our Motherland, our people, and our revolution, leads them to victory”

“To love the people, to serve them and to be one with them is the nature and the main features of the party of comrade Kim Il Sung”

           Kim Jong Il

The foundations of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) were laid by the very young Kim Il Sung in his 14 years, creating from his peers and like-minded people in 1926 the Union of the Overthrow of Imperialism (SSI). The goal of the SSI was then declared the overthrow of imperialism and the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial slavery, the construction of an independent socialist state, the building of communism in Korea and around the world.

The WPK, along with its people under the leadership of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, has come the hard way of fighting for the liberation of Korean territory from Japanese rule (August 15, 1945 - the Day of the Revival of the Motherland), for the creation of its socialist state (September 10, 1948), for the defense of their socialist Fatherland in the Korean War (June 1950 - July 1953) and the beginning of the successful construction of the first North-East Asian socialist state with Korean characteristics - INDEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE, PROPOSAL FOR OWN - JUCHE ideology. Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the DPRK has become a guiding star and example for the peoples of the Third World struggling for their independence. Thw DPRK has established diplomatic relations with most of the states of the planet. Under Kim Il Sung, the DPRK has repeatedly hosted international conferences of fighters in the world for their independence, learning from the DPRK how to fight and win in an unequal struggle. Under the leadership of comrade Kim Il Sung, the DPRK began the successful creation of a socialist economy based on the electrification of the whole country through the construction of power plants on small and medium rivers (there are no others in Korea) and the development of coal reserves. Everything had to start from scratch. DPRK scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the DPRK economy.

With the outstanding successor to the cause of socialist construction, Comrade Kim Jong Il reconstructed all the sown areas of rice, which significantly increased the collection of this basic food crop. New branches of the national economy were created — fish farming, livestock raising for cattle, and so on. Under Kim Jong Il, the DPRK became a nuclear power, which forever stopped blackmailing by the United States regarding a preventive nuclear strike against the DPRK. In the DPRK, a nuclear bomb was tested. Amazing housing construction has been carried out both in cities and in rural areas - the state provides free of charge all new apartments with already furnished apartments. The capital of Pyongyang has become one of the most beautiful and comfortable environmentally friendly city on the planet. Science and technology have reached an unprecedented level of development. Compulsory free 12-year secondary education and free higher education - this is freely used by the citizens of the DPRK. You can list the development achievements of the DPRK to infinity. And all the successes in the development of the DPRK are closely connected with the leadership of the country by the Workers' Party of Korea and its outstanding leaders. The WPK enjoys the absolute support of the masses.

Despite tremendous efforts on the part of the DPRK leadership due to the most powerful resistance from the United States, the question of unification of the Korean nation remains unresolved.

Under Kim Jong-un, the development of the DPRK continues successfully despite constant provocations and severe economic sanctions by the United States. US President D. Trump does not succeed in cunning to deceive the DPRK leader, Comrade Kim Jong-un, despite the fact that he is one of the youngest leaders of states on the planet.

We congratulate the DPRK citizens on the 74th anniversary of the creation of the Workers' Party of Korea. We wish the freedom-loving Korean people, under the leadership of the Labor Party of Korea and our leader Comrade Kim Jong-Un, new victories in the socialist construction of their prosperous state and in the issue of unification of the Korean nation.

Central Committee of the AUCPB