Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 16, 2019 111 years since the birth of Enver Hoxha - leader of the Albanian Party of Labor and the People's Socialist Republic of Albania

Enver Khalil Hoxha was born on October 16, 1908. His life is an example of selfless service to the working people. Enver Hoxha entered the history of the international communist and labor movement as a fiery Stalinist revolutionary, theorist and practitioner of Marxism-Leninism, a passionate exposer of Khrushchev and modern revisionism, creator and leader of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania (1944-1985) and the Albanian Party of Labor (its first secretary 1941-1985), Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1946-1954).

     Enver Hoxha was the only one in Europe who held high the Stalinist banner and realized the Stalinist economy in Albania, having achieved full economic and food independence of Albania, defended Stalin's name at a meeting of the Communist Parties in Moscow in 1960, exposed the lies of Khrushchev and his minions and everyone sang along who slandered Stalin - the Generalissimo of the Soviet victorious people in World War II, who saved Europe from fascism.

       Albania abandoned the Soviet course of de-Stalinization and proclaimed allegiance to the principles of Stalin by establishing the Order of Stalin.

     Eternal glory and memory to Enver Hodge!

Nikolay Bakumtsev. October 2019

Bakumtsev Nikolay Iosifovich - President of the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Natural Sciences, Executive Secretary of the Volgodonsk Branch of the Nuclear Society of Russia, Member of the Joint Academic Council of the World International Academy of Innovative Technologies and Institute of Information Technologies, Organizer and Ideological Leader of the Eighteen International Symposia "Reconstruction of Natural Sciences" and the forums "Light of Truth".