Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Che Guevara. Always be the first in everything

June 14 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of Ernesto Che Guevara, an outstanding revolutionary of the 20th century. It's hard to believe that Che Guevara could be 90 years old - after all, he died when he was not even forty ...

Che Guevara is still young, and he is with us, he is in our hearts. His words, spoken more than half a century ago, are still directed to us.

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"A young communist must set himself the task of always being the first in everything, fighting for being first, feeling annoyed when he lags behind in something. Struggle to be better ... It is clear that not everyone can be the first, but be among the first, in the group of the avant-garde, to be a living example, an example by which comrades who do not belong to the Communist Youth would be equal; an example that can look at men and women of older age, partly lost youthful enthusiasm, a former belief in life, but retained the ability to respond to an example "

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"It is the duty of every young communist to be deeply humane, so humane, to get closer to the best that is in a person. Purify this best through work, study, constant solidarity with your people and with all the peoples of the world, develop a sense of belonging to the utmost to feel sorrow when somewhere in the world people are killed and feel inspired and happy when somewhere in the world a new banner of freedom is rising. A young communist can not feel limited by the boundaries of one territory: he must act in accordance with the spirit of proletarian internationalism, feeling it as his own property coming from within "

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"You are young Communists, the creators of a new perfect society, people whose mission is to live in a new world, whence all the decrepit, everything old will disappear, everything that that society represents, the foundations of which we have just been destroyed. To achieve this we must work every day, work in the spirit of inner self-improvement, building up knowledge, deepening the understanding of the world that surrounds us. Explore, check, and know well why everything happens this way, and not otherwise. And always treat the great problems of mankind as their own. And then one day, some day of the coming years - after many casualties, after we may be on the verge of destruction more than once - perhaps after we see our factories destroyed and rebuilt, as we witness the massacre, the killing of many of us, and after we again build what was destroyed, at the end of all this, one day, almost imperceptibly, we will create together with other peoples of the world a communist society - our ideal".

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"... And in Cuba there was a layer of students who, according to their social origin, in the vast majority did not belong to the proletariat. And yet this layer of students participated in all the revolutionary actions of recent times in Cuba. It gave the cause of the liberation of some of the most loved by our people fallen heroes, others joined our ranks, and still others continue their studies; they integrated into the revolutionary process and fully support it.

... There is something more important than the social class to which a person belongs: youth, the freshness of ideals, a culture that, when the years of youth come, become the purest ideals. Later, the social mechanisms of the various oppressive regimes under which one has to live can gradually change this warehouse of consciousness. But the students in their large majority are revolutionary. They are better or worse aware of the fact of the scientific revolution, better or worse understand what they want for their people and the world and how to achieve it, but the students by their nature are revolutionary, because they belong to the youth, open life and every day gets new knowledge".

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"The main material of our construction is youth. We put our hopes on it, we prepare it so that it will take the banner from our hands "