Monday, September 3, 2018

27 years ago the counterrevolution was realized in the USSR

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the events of August 1991 as an attempt at a coup, reported May 22. 27 years ago Putin worked for the mayor of Leningrad A. Sobchak, who was on the side of Yeltsin. And at the same time he, being a lieutenant colonel of the KGB, was subordinate to V. Kryuchkov, who was a member of the State Committee for Emergency Situation (State Emergency Committee). Putin noted that he decided to stay with Sobchak, so as not to "rush back and forth." "And therefore, in this situation, the most correct thing for me is to write a report and resign, to which he [Sobchak] said to me:" OK, then do it. "I'll call Kryuchkov." The head of state added that the mayor really called and the report was signed.

The AUCPB calls the events of August 1991 not an attempt, but a real political coup, which was carried out by provocation with the State Emergency Committee. As a result of this provocation, the authorities concentrated on the supporters of the counter-revolution. From the May interview of the President of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that the Yeltsinists already considered acting the power of themselves, and no one else. Playing a performance for television cameras, the corrupt officials of the Gorbachev Soviet Union portrayed the confrontation between the republican and allied authorities, but at the same time calmly solved personnel issues through personal phone calls. Let's remember this.

And what is GKChP? We are often told that this is a group of comrades who fought for the preservation of the USSR. But in August 1991, that USSR could no longer be preserved, its foundation was already destroyed by the "parade of sovereignties" and the law "On Property", back in 1990. In 1990, private property was legalized in the USSR and in the union republics, which led to the complete re-establishment of capitalism in the country. Property and power passed into the hands of the "new Russians", neo-bourgeoisie, and most of the officials of the USSR and the CPSU also went over to their side to preserve power and their privileges.

The putch GKChP put the entire Soviet Union before a false dichotomy (bifurcation). "Either you are for Yeltsin, or for Gorbachev!" - was inspired throughout the RSFSR. Gorbachevshchina for 6 years was fed up with everything. But the alternative was advancing local anti-Soviet authorities. This is so - in fact in 1991 the authorities of the republics of the USSR practically all worked against the USSR. Then the heads of the Soviet republics will become presidents of the CIS countries. This is about each such president, the phrase: "So he, crafty, paid a lot for the prettiest ! Himself wanted to reign and everything to own?!"

So, in 1991 the counterrevolutionaries finally seized power. In Russia they were Yeltsinists. They gained strength from the Gorbachevists, from the very beginning of Perestroika, and Yeltsin appeared in their chapter only at the end to become a bright charismatic alternative. Then everyone saw what kind of alternative it was! And then people were taught that there are only two centers of power, Gorbachevites and Yeltsinists. But both of them were counterrevolutionaries. They were all against socialism and for capitalism, and the disagreements between them were only in the one to whom that will be given in the division of power and property.

The power and property initially did not belong to Gorbachev's partocrats or Yeltsin's nouveau riche - all this was given to them free of charge, free of charge, from grandfathers and great-grandfathers who committed the Great October Socialist Revolution. The counterrevolutionaries spent 6 years brainwashing all the inhabitants of the USSR. Water and media were poured onto their mill (all the main editors obeyed A.N. Yakovlev!), And the cinema (remember S. Govorukhin's agitation "Can not Live Like That"?), And music (remember I. Talkov?).

And the Soviet people, in their mass, could not put up resistance to such an information war against them. When, from August 18 to 21, 1991, the State Emergency Committee organized a coup, the Soviet Union reasoned that it was "Moscow showdowns" and simply waited, whose will take. Tsarila was a petty-bourgeois philistine psychology: "my hut is from the outskirts." It still reigns in our society. It still keeps many people from social and political struggle.

And "satisfied" and "dissatisfied" like bread and spectacles. Then, in 1991, there was a spectacle. Yeltsin on the tank banned the activities of the Emergency Committee in Russia, and all the media exploded: look, the people are against communism, and the people's leader is ahead in the tank! Well, we already know the consequences.

Comrades! Do not believe liars from the media! In 2011, they returned to the old policy, and for 7 years they have been persuading us to choose either Putin or Navalny. This is the same false choice as "Yeltsin or Gorbachev," "Russia or the West." Do not choose between two evils! Choose a socialist revolution!

All that was won by our great-grandfathers in 1917-1920, which was saved by our grandfathers in 1941-1945, turned out to be in the hands of a handful of officials in 1991. From 1991 to 2018, around the anti-Soviet power grew and strengthened the class of owners - the bourgeoisie. In their private property - our land, water, mineral wealth, forests, plants, transportation, communications. It was for this purpose that privatization and "shock therapy" were conducted, so that from the laboring people could be taken away as much as possible. But if the power is again in the hands of the working people, then they will be able to regain all thier wealth!

Long live the re-creation of our Soviet homeland!

Ivan Kotran, Kuibyshev organization of the AUCPB