Saturday, September 29, 2018

The pension reform and euthanasia are links of one chain

At the end of August, in the Russian media, in connection with the population's discussion of the pension reform and recent amendments to the pension legislation, a proposal to legalize euthanasia for the elderly appeared. The corresponding initiative is posted on the website of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI). The initiative under № 50ะค46787 presupposes voluntary euthanasia for terminally ill patients and elderly people who have lost the meaning of life. In order for the initiative to be considered at the legislative level, only 100 thousand people (or 0.1% !!!) of citizens should vote for it. The text of the publication notes that "in connection with the discussion of changes in the Pension System in the Russian Federation and the lack of real social protection in the future for elderly citizens who may remain without means of subsistence, namely, without work and without a pension, it is more humane to provide the possibility to this category of people to carry out voluntary euthanasia." It is interesting to quote the statements of those who responded to this proposal by the ROI.

They read :-
- ... Yes, most times, their strength will run out before retirement, they will not be able to work, there is nothing to live for without a pension, here to the citizens of pensioners, voluntary euthanasia! Use for your pleasure! In order not to wait until they themselves do die of starvation.

- ... Now, when the state can not provide normal old age, retirement and social protection, you can die too ??? What nonsense! What is worse ???????

- ... The author of such a proposal must first be euthanized with all his relatives! How can this be offered? Clearly, this is a political proposal, and not humanity to the people of the country. This - the order of the West turned to our corrupt non-Christians! Under this pretext, it is easier to get rid of those who are unwanted, to take possession of the property of lonely people, to reduce the cost of medical care. Such a proposal the government should not even consider! What blasphemy over the people!

"... It's not about a person's voluntary decision, but about pushing a person to suicide!" And do not change the concept ...

- ... For fome people who are terminally ill, euthanasia is very necessary, especially for mentally ill people. I am for this law! Although there is a difference where a person is terminally ill - this is one thing. But where there is no pension and work and the person has nothing to eat - this is different. Shame on the state, where people starve to death.

- ... I propose to introduce compulsory euthanasia for the developers themselves of the pension reform and leave the old people in peace!

- ... Completely logical completion of all this (discussion of the pension) process! Now it's clear even to a fool that those who started all this are simply Satanists and nonhumans.

"... They already spit on their old people." The person who suggested euthanasia is a bad person and worse than an animal.

"... My God ... Are you even crazy?" Not only do they mock at people of old age, so now it goes like this: "You do not want to work?" You can die voluntarily!

- ... Euthanasia in a number of European countries is legalized, for example, in the Netherlands. But it is used in exceptional cases, when a person is really incurably ill (cancer) and is suffering immensely. There is a very complicated procedure for obtaining permission for euthanasia. In our country, such a law can not be taken, since there are so many abuses in any sphere. And in this - and even more so ...

(Based on the materials of the legal social network dated August 27, 2013)

The question arises: From where does this decision result in this way to destroy the people of the older generation? It seems that all this is part of the last point of the plan for the destruction of Russia, developed by the world financial and political elite of the West, the so-called. "Golden Billion", based on the postulates of the misanthropy of Thomas Malthus (XVIII century) and the doctrine of the head of the US CIA (since its inception in 1947), Allen Dulles (after the end of World War II) in the collapse of the USSR ("Russia must be put in its place "), (Allen Dulles 1893-1969)

       We live in a historical epoch when the confrontation between Russia and the United States acquires the character of a conflict of civilizations: the confrontation between the bourgeois world and the original Russian civilization, along with its supporters China and India. Almost 7.5 billion people live in the world today. In China, -1 billion 389 million, in India - 1 billion 370 million people (different sources give slightly different figures.In India, due to the large number of people without registration of residence, and often lack of passports, the population figure is not entirely accurate. In these two countries there is a rapid population growth.) The US population is 317 million 12 thousand people, Russia - 143 million (from the bottom, quite a lot of migrants from the former Soviet republics who received Russian citizenship).

The greater the population of the planet, the greater the need for food. This issue is easily solved using the achievements of agricultural science, increasing labor productivity, using new energy sources and modern soil cultivation technologies, etc. But the so-called "golden billion" does not need "extra mouths to feed" and therefore, starting with Malthus, bourgeois theory preaches the need to eliminate "superfluous" people. For the "golden billion" for comfortable living and its services, 2-3 billion people is sufficient enough, and from the remaining 4 billion "elected" they believe it necessary to get rid of.

Its goal of reducing the planet's population today is the "great hail on the hill" - through the organization of local wars (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.); by creating epidemics of previously unknown deadly diseases in Africa and a number of countries in the Muslim world (hidden bacteriological warfare); by artificially organized natural disasters in different parts of the world (climate war).

Under the special sights, the United States has always had the Soviet Union as a potential grave-digger of the capitalist formation, and later Russia as a country populated by a disobedient people.

The post-war Doctrine of Allen Dulles, director of the CIA of the United States (created in 1947), became the basis of the so-called Harvard and Houston projects to destroy the USSR, and then - Russia.

The Dulles Doctrine on the methodology for the destruction of the USSR says: "Literature, theatre, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the most baseless human feelings. We will support in every possible way all those who will instill in the human consciousness a cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. In the governance of the state we will create chaos and confusion. We will be invisible, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, unprincipled. Honesty and decency will be mocked and nobody will be needed, will become a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - all of this we will cultivate in the minds of people. And only a few, very few will guess what is really happening."

On a specific US-developed program for the destruction of the USSR, set out in the so-called Harvard project and its supplement - the Houston project, concerning the destruction of the Slavic peoples, it became known in the 80s. The Harvard project for the destruction of the USSR consists of 3 parts. In the first part of the project, concerning actions in the period 1985-1990, the implementation of "perestroika" is planned in the USSR. The goals of "perestroika" are defined: 1. Publicity; 2. The struggle for socialism with a "human face"; 3. Preparation of reforms from "socialism" to "capitalism"; 4. "Perestroika" should be presided over by the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Gorbachev, our comment).

The second part of the project outlines the actions in the period 1990-1995. The objectives of this period are: 1. Elimination of the world socialist system; 2. Liquidation of the Warsaw Treaty; 3. Liquidation of the CPSU; 4. Liquidation of the USSR; 5. Elimination of patriotic consciousness; 6. "Reform" should be led by another "leader" (Yeltsin, the head of government in 1991-1999).

The third part of the project, entitled "Completion", covering 1995-2000, outlines the following tasks: 1. Liquidation of the Soviet Army; 2. Elimination of Russia as a state; 3. Elimination of the attributes of socialism - free general education, free medical care and the introduction of attributes of capitalism - everything must be paid for! 4. Elimination of a peaceful life in Leningrad and Moscow; 5. Elimination of public and state property everywhere.

     The "Completion" stage was planned to accompany the "freezing" of the hungry population in the cities of Russia and the construction of good roads and seaports so that raw materials and other Russian riches could be exported abroad. The "Completion" stage should be led by another "leader".

       The statistics of the last 12 years confirm the annual export of our wealth from Russia in the following quantities: 57% of oil produced, 40% of gas, 90% of copper, 97% of nickel, 99% of aluminum.


The Houston project was developed for Russia after the collapse of the USSR. It is aimed at dismembering Russia into small states. The territory of Russia has already been divided and the owners of its parts have been determined: Siberia must withdraw to the United States. The north-west - to Germany, the South and the Volga region - to Turkey, the Far East - to Japan.

One of the important provisions of the Houston project is the program "for the total destruction of the 300 million Slavic population, together with the Jews that were related to them." One of the developers of the Houston project, Zbigniew Brzezinski, defined the fate of the Jews: "First we need to use them to split and destroy the Slavic peoples, and then the same fate awaits them on the pretext that they did not fit into the market."

The hatred for the Slavs of the Project's developers is determined by the fact that "Slavs, and among them Russians, Byelorussians, Ukrainians - are the most recalcitrant peoples in the world. They are such because of their mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, as well as genes that are not amenable to any alteration. Slav - Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian - can be destroyed, but you can never conquer. That is why they are subject to liquidation, and at first - a sharp reduction in their numbers. "

To illustrate: during the years of "perestroika" counterrevolution, the population of Russia (the USSR) declined more than during the Great Patriotic War (27 million people). Demographic collapse for this period was also noted by President Vladimir Putin in his "Address to the People" on August 28, 2018.

In the Houston project it is stated that one of the methods for the destruction of the Slavs will be the organization of inter-state wars, the scourging of peoples among themselves. "The Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against Russia, struggling for his independence, he will think that he finally achieved freedom, while he completely falls into dependence on us. All this we will do under the pretext of fighting different sovereignties for their national ideals. And at the same time, we will not allow any of the parties to self-determine on the basis of national values ​​and traditions. "

I think everyone, when reading this material, raises the question: Why, knowing already in the 80s about the plans of the US to destroy the USSR, the country's leadership and the ruling party of the CPSU, together with its Secretary-General, did nothing to resist the actions of the Americans in the collapse of the USSR? (General Secretary of the CPSU: L. Brezhnev 1964-1982, Yuri Andropov 1982-1984, 1985-1991 Mikhail Gorbachev.)

Concerning the current pension reform in Russia, the above suggests the conclusion that both the new pension system adopted (pension reform) and, as part of it, the proposal to adopt the law on euthanasia in the Russian Federation are part of the CIA projects to destroy the population of Russia (Harvard and Houston projects) that our faithful servants are now trying to enforce our homegrown liberals, generously paid by American grants through the so-called non-governmental organizations.

While the pro-Western liberals are engaged in the economy, which carried out pro-American restructuring in the USSR and are now in Russia, the liberals who nested in the government and headed it in the person of liberal Medvedev,

- while the Government takes care of replenishing from the state budget the accounts of oligarchs who have seized all our national property during the years of perestroika and usurers-bankers with a floating ruble, in other words, cares for replenishing accounts of those who robbed the people, cares for them, and not about the frail purse of our working citizens, often barely making ends meet, citizens - the true masters of all our natural resources,

- while the so-called. "Cultural elite" fools on the theatrical stage, in the pages of newspapers and magazines, in the visual arts, in cinematography, in numerous entertainment mass youth shows, decomposing our pseudomodern our youth,

- while a worker or an intellectual who wants to work and support his family can not find a job in their specialty,

- until everyone who is able to fight for the justice and happiness of his children will stand apart from our common struggle for socialism,

the issue of improving life in Russia for pensioners remains a matter not of the near future. Thanks to home-grown liberals, we lost the fight against the United States. And that's why the USA, now in the status of the victor, continues to assert its new world order with fire and sword. But in the context of the civilizational crisis, the growth of problems within the United States itself, the number of countries dissatisfied with US international policy, refusing to be dictate by the US, is increasing, and therefore beginning to distance themselves from the US, despite threats of sanctions. In particular, this applies to some EU countries.

Having a successful experience of socialist construction in the USSR and living under socialism (there is something to compare), many in the world, living in a "capitalist paradise", begin to realize that further adherence to the path of capitalism leads to the degradation and destruction of the human personality, to the collapse of civilization. The only way to preserve humanity is to abandon the capitalist system as a whole and move over to the transition to socialism. This is an objective course of history. History is created by the masses. And therefore I wish all the fighters for socialism good luck on this difficult, noble and honorable path.

N.A. Andreeva