Sunday, September 16, 2018

An APPEAL on the issue of the accesssion of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic to the Union State of Russia and Belarus

To the President of the Russian Federation

V.V. Putin

                                                                                     To the President of the Republic of Belarus

                  A.G. Lukashenka


public associations that formed the Coordinating Council of the Left-Patriotic Forces of Belarus "UNITY"

on the accession of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic to the Union State of Russia and Belarus

 Recently, the situation in the Donbass has become more and more heated. The Kiev government, which came to power in February 2014 as a result of a coup with the support of Western countries, primarily the United States, is not and does not intend to implement the Minsk Agreements on the Donbas: the ceasefire is not respected, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are opening fire on the People's Republic of Donetsk (DPR), the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), from which the civilian population suffers most.

The actions of the Supreme Armed Forces are war crimes that surpass in their villainous genocide and barbarity against the citizens of Europe, carried out by the fascists during the World War II (the Nazis of the city who considered theirs not bombed). Moreover, taking advantage of the respite received as a result of the conclusion of the Minsk agreements on the Donbass, the Kiev regime is re-equipping its armed forces (including through the supply of lethal weapons from the US), openly declaring Russia an aggressor country, pulling tank columns to the line of separation of the APU and the militia of the DPR-LPR, i.e. is preparing for an aggressive war.

The aggravation of the situation in the Donbas reached its extreme limit after the vile murder of the Head of the People's Democratic Republic of Ukraine Alexander Zakharchenko by Kiev special services. This murder once again showed that, firstly, the Kiev neo-Bandits, dependent on Western puppeteers, are not going to implement the Minsk agreements, and secondly, they do not consider the population of the DPR and LPR as their own people. They are preparing for the most brutal "sweep" of the territory of the republics in the event of their capture. Thus, we can conclude: while the power in Kiev is in the hands of a pro-fascist government, it will not leave the rebellious republics in peace.

Therefore, we appeal to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich and Alexander Grigorievich, with the appeal:

    1.Based on the norms of international law, ensure the recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, whose population on indisputably legitimate referendums on May 11, 2014, overwhelmingly voted (89.07% in the People's  Republic of Donbass and 90.53% in the People's Republic Lugansk).

As is known, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966 (in both pacts - Article 1) stipulate: "All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of this right, they freely establish their political status and freely provide their economic, social and cultural development ... ". And this right was realized by the population of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

    2. In view of the historical gravitation of the Donbas people towards Russia and the appeal of the leaders of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic to the Russian leadership with a request to include the Donetsk republics in the Russian Federation, initiate the process of joining the Union State of Russia and Belarus by the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic.

This process should become a catalyst for further integration of the former Soviet republics, which will contribute to their economic development and peaceful coexistence.

Historical experience has repeatedly confirmed: the prosperity of our peoples, first of all, fraternal East Slavic - in their unity.

from the Heads of public associations that formed the Coordinating Council of the Left-Patriotic Forces of Belarus "UNITY":

V.B. Zelikov, Chairman of the Republican

Civil Committee of the Patriotic Social Union "Fatherland"

V.V. Draco, Chairman of the Republican Council of the Public Association "For Democracy, Social Progress and Justice"

deputy of the House of Representatives

The National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus I,

Chairman of the Information Commission

policy and interaction with public

associations of the Parliamentary Assembly

The Union of Belarus and Russia (1997 - 2000)

L.E. Shkolnikov, Secretary-coordinator

Republican public association

"For the Union and the Communist Party of the Union"

S.A. Okruzhko, Chairman of the Belarusian Republican Branch of the International Union of Soviet Officers named after Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral NI Khovrin

B.F. Bokov, Major-General in Retirement, participant

Great Patriotic War,

Honorary Chairman of the Public

association "Victors" for relations with the cities-heroes

G.I. Simanovsky, Secretary of the Coordination

Council of Left-Patriotic Organizations

Of Belarus "UNITY"