Sunday, September 16, 2018

9 September - the day of the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

On September 9, the people of the DPRK solemnly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the formation of their socialist state. This date is the result of the victory in the more than 50-year struggle of the people against the Japanese colonialists, the result of the choice by the Korean people themselves of their way of building a socialist state with the economy at the level of the modern development of the productive forces of mankind.

The country was created by the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, who laid the foundations of the socialist economy and its constant development. He created and brought up a revolutionary army, which became an active builder of the state, the protection of its interests and independence. He created a revolutionary party - the core of the state of the Juche and national character, built according to ideology and beliefs developed by Kim Il Sung and developed by Kim Jong Il.

The history of 70 years of modern DPRK is the history of the 70-year-long tense struggle of the socialist state for its independence in the face of the most bitter confrontation with the aggressive US policy aimed at destroying the DPRK, with constant threats of a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the DPRK, with suffocating diversified sanctions against the socialist state .

Each of the past 70 years was a year of unprecedented enthusiasm for the Korean people and their people's army, closely rallied around their revolutionary  Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and their leaders - the comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the continuer of their cause and policy of the First Secretary of the WPK comrade Kim Jong-un.

At the heart of the DPRK's policy is the care of the man of labor, his well-being and spiritual development. Today, the population of the DPRK, like nowhere else in the world, enjoys a free, widely available, highly qualified, high-quality health care system, organized using modern achievements of world medicine; free compulsory for all 12-year general and free higher education; free of charge for citizens in need of this, comfortable modern housing. This is especially true for young families who are forming. Housing is provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life - technology and electronics. The provision of free comfortable housing is carried out both in cities and in rural areas.

The DPRK is the only country in the world where there are no taxes. The entire tax system was abolished in the 1970s.

The country pays much attention to the development of sports, national culture, folk art. Koreans live, "not envying anyone", as they sang in their song. Overcoming difficulties in connection with the barbaric sanctions organized by the United States, the people of the DPRK love their Motherland and are ready to defend it with their own lives.

In self-defense, with the boundless effort of the country's forces, with the development of its scientists and engineers, the DPRK, with Kim Jong-il, created its nuclear weapons and launched an assault on outer space, successfully launching its artificial satellites. (August 31, 1998, the first DPRK launch vehicle "Paektusan-1" was launched, with the launch of the "Kwangmyongson-1" satellite into near-Earth orbit.) Under Kim Jong un (February 2016), an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) , capable of reaching any point in the US was launched.

Nuclear development in the DPRK is exclusively defensive in nature, it is a means of protecting the independence of its state.

The launching of the DPRK ICBM frightened the United States, which for the first time in history were reachable for deserved retribution for their banditry and bloody riots around the world, with the destruction of the leaders of the countries and their people. Previously, the US always ignored the proposals of the DPRK leaders for concluding a peace treaty between the US and the DPRK after the Fatherland Liberation War 1950-1953, which ended only with a truce, but now US President Trump himself offered talks to the leader of the DPRK, Comrade Kim Jong-un. These negotiations took place in Singapore on June 10-12, 2018. At this meeting, a joint agreement between the United States and the DPRK was adopted without a clear fixation of commitments from the US.

At the ASEAN summit on August 6, the chairman of the meeting of ASEAN regional forum ministers prematurely declared even the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula as already about the fact that has been realized.

Our Party earlier in the Central Committee's statement of June 15 this year,  expressed its fears about the sudden "peacefulness" of the United States. The White House messages in the very beginning of August, addressed to the leadership of the DPRK, confirmed the validity of our distrust of the American side. In the 10th of August, the White House clarified the uncertainty of the joint document signed by Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. The US proposed in its messages to Pyongyang unconditionally to make unilateral disarmament of the DPRK. Specifically, the US State Department offered Pyongyang "to transfer 75% of its nuclear arsenal to the US or a third party" and no lifting of sanctions against the DPRK.

Naturally, Pyongyang rejected all these proposals of the US State Department, calling them "gangster in nature." The DPRK rightly believes that disarmament, or denuclearization, should begin with the lifting of anti-Korean sanctions and the signing of a peace treaty between the United States and the DPRK.

The AUCPB in its Statement of the Secretariat of the Central Committee on August 14 declared support for the permanent demands of Kim Jong-un.

On the glorious anniversary of the establishment of the DPRK, congratulating the people and their leader, Comrade Kim Jong-un, on a landmark date, the AUCPB wishes the Socialist state success in pursuing its uncompromising political course and in strengthening the DPRK's defensive strength for the prosperity of the Korean nation.

We wish our Korean friends the successful construction of a prosperous socialist state in spite of the sinister plans of world imperialism to destroy the DPRK.

Long live the 70th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK!

Long live the courageous people, who do not bend under American pressure!

N.A. Andreeva