Monday, September 3, 2018

On the events of August 1991

N.A. Andreeva

In the second half of 1991, Gorbachev's perestroika crawled into a crisis. Capital, eager for political power, no longer suited the socialist phraseology of Gorby. The social democratic, chameleon way of restoring capitalism has exhausted its "perestroika" capabilities. Before Gorbachev's political bosses, the question arose about replacing this road with a radically authoritarian one, capable of giving a second wind to bourgeois reformism. This was also demanded by the regrouping of forces in the economically dominant bourgeoisie. The question arose: how to modernize the restoration process? The agency of the bourgeoisie, thirsting for power, comes to the rescue. It provokes the need to introduce a state of emergency, for the requirement of establishing an elementary order in the country has become universal.

The essence of the provocation in August 1991 was that, in addition to the President of the USSR, resting in Foros, he imposed a state of emergency on the initiative of the chekachepists (Yanaev, Yazov, Kryuchkov, Lukyanov, Pavlov and others). When the state of emergency was announced, Gorbachev's announcement was immediately followed by Gorbachev's "Foros Prisoner", accusations of loyal fellow chelators in the seizure of power, a coup d'état and even a "military coup" ... Of course, there was no coup in Moscow, not even with taking into account three "ritual sacrifices", specially organized by Yeltsinists. The counter-revolution simply overthrew all the first deputies of Gorbachev. The result of this provocation was the tragedy of hundreds of millions of workers who were ripped out of the remnants of power, the Constitution of the USSR was trampled undermined, the prestige of the Soviet Armed Forces and state security agencies was undermined and the activities of the CPSU were soon banned.

The direct consequence of the bourgeois political coup in August 1991 was two events.

First. The counter-revolution went beyond the Soviet Union. At the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev argued that the socialist revolution should not be exported to neighboring countries. Khrushchev's heirs-Gorbachevites through the USSR carried out the export of the bourgeois counter-revolution to the Eastern European countries of socialism. The participation of the Gorbachevites determined the face of the "velvet revolutions" in Europe and the alignment of political forces in the former socialist states. The result: the weakening of the world socialist system, the deterioration of the situation in the international communist movement and the sharp change in the balance of forces in the international arena in favor of imperialism. This is one of the international aspects of the temporary victory of the bourgeois counter-revolution in the USSR.

The second. The natural result of the August coup was the Belovezhsky conspiracy of the presidents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. This unconstitutional criminal conspiracy disorganized the Soviet Union into "sovereign" states, which are now becoming a raw material appendage of international capital and the dependent countries of the "third world". At the same time, the results of the All-Union referendum on March 17, 1991, at which 76% of the participants voted for a single Soviet Union were brazenly ignored. The Belovezhsky collusion deprived the Soviet people of its great homeland, and the world community - a country that was the vector and beacon of social progress. Violation of the existing balance and bipolarity of the world objectively leads to an increase in the threat of a third world war.

Such is the tragic national aspect of the bourgeois counter-revolution in the USSR.

(from the Collection of Selected Articles and N.A. Andreeva's speeches "For Bolshevism inside the Communist Movement", Leningrad, 1995, pp. 35-36)